“My pain never seems to go away weather I’m happy or sad! I wish someone would come out of the light and into the darkness to help me out of the darkness around me that I’m in, I want to be shown into the light with my friends but I feel like the darkness has a chain my unbreakable power to release me without my dying on the day I was shown the light.”

“The chain wrapped around my body wants me to stay in the darkness where I shall stay forever in the world; it feels like I’m being ripped apart in two where one half goes in the light and the other stays in the darkness that I’ve lived in for all my years that I have passed.

I want to have another chance at life though but it seems like it won’t give me another chance and I feel like it is tearing me apart from everyone! I want to be in the light where everyone else is so I can be my self; not this person who is dark and evil, I want someone to give me their hand so they can lead me into the light where I belong with all of those people.

I want someone to recue me from this darkness that holds me back from all the others and while they are out and being civilized people but I’m the one watching form the shadows with a chain wrapped around my ankle so I can’t escape! So when it rains I sit out in it and soaked by it, then I see a hand and I look up and see my saver I ask “why do you come for me in this weather”? He answers “Because I see this beautiful getting drenched by this rain.” Then he takes me by his hand and I see in his eyes love at first sight and as we hold hands and I get to the end of my chain he breaks it with his love and we walk off into the rain me under his jacket and we walk off in to my heart.

My heart turns red with love and my pain finally goes away forever

By: Mackenzie Coo