hello!!!*curtains open* hello now see liam and sasha ended up fighting before the during the break and *clutches teeth* well lets just say sasha sorta won *bell rings ding ding ding* and well....*to body guards come on stage* uh hi and arent u sopose to be guaring back stage or sum? *both body guards look down* "puny gaian plz step aside the terminater is on the job" terminating what?! "that!!!" *points at rat* oh god noo dont shoot it!!! *beep beep the trangquliser hits rat* oh god now see look what ya did go....*people clap and laugh*go....*people still laugh and clap* *people settle down* go isnt that what the tittle guardsman say? :> wink people*people luagh* now see any way as i was saying before they came on. see liam and sasha were fighting and well see liam got his arm hurt so now im having to fill in for him in his shop so *cluches teeth* well guys we are almost out of time folks so ill see u tonight same time same place remember its always better the monique way!!! heart heart heart heart