A Roleplaying Guild
RPC Name
Velinda Marie Emerstar
She's royalty. nuff said.
Velinda, Veli for short, was an heiress in her time. Next in line to hold the throne of her fathers conquered kingdom all was changed when fooling around with the wrong man on the wrong night. Because Veli was royalty naturally she was betrothed, to her cousin... who was 8. To keep the bloodline in the throne such measures were always taken. Naturally having a who 10 years a head of her cousin Veli had desires to be filled and she would use servants to fill them. That is how she came across Creeden. No first name, no middle just an infamous last name to match his untimely features. Creeden had always worked in the kingdom serving her father and his father before him, whispers that he was a warlock always peeked her interest as a child, interest grew to a crush and then finally to desire and false feelings of love. Many times she'd offered herself to him but it wasn't till her 18th birthday passed that Creeden had finally given in to her. That night marked the beginning of her undead life. Taking her life he claimed her completely stealing her away from her home and life of riches. Veli hadn't minded at first she thought she was in love after all and Creeden provided what she needed and taught her of her new powers and ablities as a vampire. After 73 years her kingdom was unheard of the rulers and the royal family forgotten. Nothing but memories for the young vampire to carry as she followed loyally behind Creeden, he soon would be a but a memory to her as well... Now Veli has scraped herself from the bottom of a mans society claiming the title Baroness she mainly spends her time entertaining herself and her entourage.
Her life was once that of spoils but when she was abandoned by Creeden she found that a cruel hard world awaited her. At first she used her self to get what she wanted, then moved onto collecting money from her dead husbands, finally collecting enough money she began to invest into shops mostly in clothing and tailoring. Now her dresses are worn by woman of nobility all over Europe.
She can sense the race of a person. Sometimes she can pick up a humans thoughts, even rare cases she can read the mind of a demon. Veli can control animals and weak willed humans. other vampire basics such as increased speed, heightened sences, and rejuvenation. Another thing, since Creeden was an ancient she is also a day walker and has displayed a few elemental based powers in the class of water.

image credit
I Won't Cry For You
Weapon of Choice

Yeah it's the Lich Kings sword... but it's way to pretty for him. =D
image credit
World of Warcraft
Velinda Marie Emerstar
She's royalty. nuff said.
Velinda, Veli for short, was an heiress in her time. Next in line to hold the throne of her fathers conquered kingdom all was changed when fooling around with the wrong man on the wrong night. Because Veli was royalty naturally she was betrothed, to her cousin... who was 8. To keep the bloodline in the throne such measures were always taken. Naturally having a who 10 years a head of her cousin Veli had desires to be filled and she would use servants to fill them. That is how she came across Creeden. No first name, no middle just an infamous last name to match his untimely features. Creeden had always worked in the kingdom serving her father and his father before him, whispers that he was a warlock always peeked her interest as a child, interest grew to a crush and then finally to desire and false feelings of love. Many times she'd offered herself to him but it wasn't till her 18th birthday passed that Creeden had finally given in to her. That night marked the beginning of her undead life. Taking her life he claimed her completely stealing her away from her home and life of riches. Veli hadn't minded at first she thought she was in love after all and Creeden provided what she needed and taught her of her new powers and ablities as a vampire. After 73 years her kingdom was unheard of the rulers and the royal family forgotten. Nothing but memories for the young vampire to carry as she followed loyally behind Creeden, he soon would be a but a memory to her as well... Now Veli has scraped herself from the bottom of a mans society claiming the title Baroness she mainly spends her time entertaining herself and her entourage.
Her life was once that of spoils but when she was abandoned by Creeden she found that a cruel hard world awaited her. At first she used her self to get what she wanted, then moved onto collecting money from her dead husbands, finally collecting enough money she began to invest into shops mostly in clothing and tailoring. Now her dresses are worn by woman of nobility all over Europe.
She can sense the race of a person. Sometimes she can pick up a humans thoughts, even rare cases she can read the mind of a demon. Veli can control animals and weak willed humans. other vampire basics such as increased speed, heightened sences, and rejuvenation. Another thing, since Creeden was an ancient she is also a day walker and has displayed a few elemental based powers in the class of water.

image credit
I Won't Cry For You
Weapon of Choice

Yeah it's the Lich Kings sword... but it's way to pretty for him. =D
image credit
World of Warcraft