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Soulless Affections Chapter 10: Confusion(FINALLY!!!)
Yup!! Finally finished with Chapter 10!!! Jeezes.....
Okay! Let's get on with it damn it!!!


Hayate and the rest of the pack, along with an old friend, Kasumi, and a new friend, Rin, rescued Aerean from Saito. Aerean and Hayate managed to escape from him thanks to Emiko.
Along the way of going home, one of Keisuke's minions, Satoshi, came and attacked them. Kasumi was taken and Aerean fell unconcious in Hayate's arms thanks to the Lightning Element that Makoto used to free them from the damn Parasites.


Soulless Affections Chapter 10: Confusion

I opened my eyes slowly, squinting as the morning light reflected down on my face. I sat up slowly.
“Well look who’s awake.” An unfamiliar voice that came from somewhere around my left said.
I looked at the direction to see who it was. There was a guy sitting on a stool right next to the bed I was lying on, smiling. He had wavy blonde hair that reached down to the bottom of his neck. Part of his bangs crossed in the middle between his eyes, waving off to one side. His eyes were gold and he was incredibly handsome. He seemed to be wearing a blue jacket that was unbuttoned and a white shirt inside. He also wore blue jeans.
I stared at him. I turned and looked around my surroundings and the room. The bed was white. The sheets, the pillows, all of it were white. The drapes that flowed gently and gracefully from the wind were white. The walls of the room were white and the door was also white. I looked down on the nightstand that the man was sitting next to, was white. Even the lamp was white.
“It’s plain.” I said, looking down at my hands.
“Hhm?” He asked, confusion in his voice.
I looked at him. “The room. It’s so plain.”
He laughed. “So plain doesn’t suit your taste?”
“No. It doesn’t.” I answered.
He laughed again and he still kept that smile on his face as he looked at me again.
Just then, yesterday’s memories flowed into my head.
I was kidnapped, I received an awkward confession, Hayate and the others came to my rescue, we were attacked along the way home, Kasumi was captured by the Parasite, Makoto shocked the thing alone with us, and I fell unconscious in Hayates’ arms.
I gasped. I looked at him once more, feeling more alarmed. “Hold up!!” I exclaimed, holding my hands in front of me, palms forward, in front of him.
“What the hell just happened!? Where am I!? But mostly. . . . . . . Who the hell are you!?” I demanded.
He laughed. Why does he keep laughing!?
“I’m terribly sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Keisuke Akiyama, Miss. Aerean Hikari.” He said. “I’m sure that Hayate has mentioned me.”
Saito isn’t happy with us and Keisuke’s servants butting in like this. Leave her in the dining room and you can join the fight.
Oh yeah. That’s right. I remember now. Those guys were Keisuke’s servants. And since this guy is Keisuke. . . . . . I looked up at him. Then that means that those guys are his servants.
“I see that you’ve remembered my name. Yes. I’m the one that sent Satoshi and Takashi after you. I ordered them not to hurt you or you friends unless necessary.” He explained.
“Hold up. Takashi, I believe that’s his name, said that they came for me because you wanted to speak with me.” I said slowly. “What business do you have with me? How did you even get me anyways? Last time I remembered, I passed out in Hayate’s arms.” I blushed at that and hid my face in a pillow.
“Hhmm. . . . . This pillow’s soft and warm.” I muttered.
“How about we get you cleaned up first.” He suggested. I looked up at him. “Also. You might be hungry.”
I nodded. I pulled back the covers and swung my legs off the bed. I barely noticed just now that I was still wearing that dress. Oh well. I kinda like it. I looked up at Keisuke again to find him holding the door open.
He smiled. “You look very beautiful in that dress.”
I nodded. “Thanks. You’re the third person to comment me on this dress.” I say as I walk over to the door.
He closed the door behind us and led the way. Soon, we arrive at a brown wooden door with a showerhead craved beautifully into it.
“Here’s the bathroom. You can take a shower if you like.” He said.
I nodded as I opened the door. He tossed a towel to me. “Tell me when you’re done. We need to get you some new clothes.”
“Okay.” I said and the door closed behind me. The bathroom was strangely large. I looked over at the bathtub, seeing that it could fit like about 3-4 people in it. A hand appeared behind the door. I saw the sleeve that looked like it belonged to a maid. I took the dress and everything else off and have them to the maid. Then, I got in the shower.
After a few minutes, I turned off the shower, dried myself, got out, and wrapped myself in the towel.
I opened the door to find Keisuke leaning on the wall, looking at me, his arms crossed, looking like a popular guy that had his eyes set on an unpopular girl.
“Come.” He said, turning, motioning me with a nod of his head.
Soon, we arrived at a wooden door that looked similar to the bathroom except of a showerhead carved into it, it was a picture of a dress and a suit divided in half. He opened the door and said, “ Ladies first.” Jeez, quite the gentlemen. I stepped into the room only to find that the lights were off and when he closed the door, it was pitched black.
Then there was light. I saw Keisuke standing in front of a door, smiling at me.
Great, I’m surrounded by creatures that are a million times stronger then me, faster then me, and have personal issues on always smiling at me even at crucial moments.
I gasped.
“Aerean? What’s wrong?” Keisuke asked, looking at me with a kind of worried look.
I shook my head and looked away. I swear I could’ve actually HEARD someone CHUCKLING in my HEAD; or it could’ve been my imagination or a hallucination.
“Um, what’s behind that door?” I asked, quickly changing the subject.
He motioned for me to come as he opened the door. The light turned on in it as I stepped in. I stood there, gawking at what I saw. This room, no, closet, no not even that…. This Wardrobe is ******** huge.
There were many clothes hanging on the rails.
I heard a chuckle beside me. “Surprise, surprise, isn’t it?’
After composing myself, I nodded. “Yeah. This is the biggest wardrobe that I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“Go ahead and pick an outfit. I’ll be waiting outside.” He said, walking out, then hearing the door of the room close. The towel wrapped around me fell to the ground and I ran around to look for some clothes to wear. But damn… There is so much clothes that I can’t possibly pick. Not to mention that they’re clothes that I’ve wanted to wear for such a long time!!


I walked out of the room with the dress folded neatly. He turned and looked at me, smiling. “You look nice.” He commented.
“Thanks.” I replied. As a pale woman came and took the dress, I looked down at my clothes. I wore a white buttoned-up collar T-Shirt ((ya know. The ones that the Japanese students where on the inside, like Vampire Knight, for example.)) I also wore the Cross Academy skirt, the black leggings, and the dark brownish boots. I had my hair tied back with a black clip.
I looked up at him. “Okay. I’m done showering and now you have to tell me what the hell happened.”
He smiled. “Okay, but let’s get you something to eat first. I’ll tell you while you’re eating.”
I nodded and he led the way.
After going down the stairs that felt like forever, we turned left and went down a huge corridor outside. There was a big wall blocking the “outside world” or forest since I could see big, huge trees behind it.
Two double doors appeared in front of Keisuke and a pale woman and man opened the doors.
My jaw dropped and I stared in awe as we walked inside. I heard a laughter by my side.
Although Saito’s dining room is pretty neat, this place….It’s just so grand. It makes me feel like I’m in a royal palace. This guy must be more richer then Saito.
After getting back into reality, I realized that he was holding a chair out for me. I sat down and then Keisuke sat down.
“Your bravery and bravery of meeting us Supernatural creatures caught my interest in you.” Keisuke said. “I heard that you seem to have affections for Supernatural creatures, and that also got me interested in you. But you’re dealing with the real thing. How can you possibly handle that?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. My body would shake with fear but in my mental state, I guess I’m not afraid. Just go with the flow. That’s how I get by life.”
“And what if Hayate and them were actually the bad guys and I was the good guy?”
“Then oh well. As I said, just go with the flow.”
“Hhm. Interesting.”
“Doesn’t everything seem to interest you?”
He shook his head. “No. Before, nothing did. Most humans that crossed our path would be completely frightened. It was amusing to see them run around with fear but eventually it got boring. I’ve always been keeping tabs on Hayate’s pack. Every since you became with little Hikaru, I started watching you. I wanted to see if you would learn his secret. And if you did, I wondered how you would react. Frightened like the other humans, endure it for his sake since you two are friends, or not be neither and be cool with it. Surprisingly, it was the last one. But it was very clever of Little Hikaru to ask you if you believe in Supernatural creatures. I was also very curious about how you would answer and you ended up confessing everything.”
“Uh huh. I see.” Was all I could say. Indeed, if I were him, I would also be damn curious myself. “That makes it two stalkers.”
He laughed. “Now, shall we continue eating?”
I nodded.


After a while after eating, he then led me up the stairs down a few halls that I’m sure we didn’t cross before and he stopped in front of a door. It has a carving of a full moon. He opened the door and I stepped in and looked around while he closed the door.
The room was dark. The walls were painted black in a queen-sized bed stood at the eastern wall. The covers were a mix of dark red and black, including the pillows, and the cushions. Even the drapes that led outside to the balcony were black.
“Now this suits my taste.” I said, satisfied.
“Gothic type?” He asked as he walked past me and pulled the drapes aside to look outside.
“Yeah.” I replied. “So why’d you take me here?”
“There is something that I need to tell you that I believe that you want to know.” He turned around and looked at me.
My body froze as I looked at his eyes. They were serious and very….frightening.
“W-What is it?” I stammered.
“It has something that has to do with your human family.” He said.
My eyes widened.
“Please listen before you say anything else. I want to get this over with. You should really be frightened of me. I can show mercy but I can show no mercy the next. You see, Hayate and his pack are my enemies and they consider me “Their most hated Nemesis and the strongest opponent they’ve ever faced”. I can deceive anyone. I come from a different world and have many experiences in wars. Hayate and his pack cannot possibly kill me because they don’t know how to kill a demon. You shouldn’t think that I’m not violent person just because I’m giving you hospitality. Besides, there is a reason as to why I’m treating you this way. Usually, I would’ve killed you by now.
“There’s another side of you, I believe, that none of your boys knows about. You should know. You created that world when you were 13 years old, didn’t you?”
I gasped. That’s right. I completely forgot about that. I created Aerean Hikari and my world, Eternal Dream, to escape from reality. The other me…the REAL Aerean Hikari is actually a demon that has an appearance of a 16 year old girl.
“Ah. You remember, don’t you? Well, to tell you the truth, that little demon truly exists.” He said.
I gasped and stumbled forward. “What!? Are…Are you serious.” My eyes widened and I stood back into place. “No. That can’t happen.”
“Oh, it CAN happen.” He said suddenly. “I’m also part of your day dreams and I’m here, aren’t I?”
That’s right. Keisuke Akiyama was part of my daydreams. He was a really evil man who loved to torment Aerean.
“But you should be glad, Aerean. You’re wish was to live in a world with supernatural creatures in it. You’re dream was to be friends with these creatures and those creatures would have a deadly enemy with an evil purpose. Believe it or not but your day dreams and your wish are now reality, every single one of those events. So I’d be careful if I were you, Aerean-Chan.”
My eyes widened as I registered what he meant.
“Checkmate…” I whispered, recalling that horrifying part that I made in my daydream. I gasped as I found myself pinned against the wall as strong hands gripped my wrists so I wouldn’t escape.
“You know what it means when your daydreams and most desired wish comes true right?” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “If I’m alive in reality, then you know what that means right?”
I didn’t answer. I felt myself shaking with fear and I don’t mind showing it in this situation.
“It means that your beloveds are also real. All this that is happening right now is like a continuation from your daydreams but this time, instead of you deciding our fates for us, we will be deciding our own decisions.” He leaned closer in my ear. “This also means that he is also alive. He lost the game and now serves for me as your other self did so before. He’s well and healthy and strong as ever. Your supernatural friends have met him before but they don’t know that he associates with you. Who knows? It could be Tekashi, Kaiser, Ren, or even Sanosuke. But only you know the true answer. If you agree to stay here longer then I can let you meet him.”
My eyes widened. No…I can’t. It’s too risky and it could endanger everyone. Unless I tell them to stay away…No!! That will only make them even more determined to come and find me! Damn!! But what the hell am I going to do? I’m stuck here with my worst nightmare that is like a thousand times stronger than me. Damn it…
“So what is your decision?” Keisuke asked. “They still cannot beat me so if they come to get you back, I can always defend you.”
True, most defiantly true. But then what am I going to do afterwards I see him? Will Keisuke keep me as his slave or something? Oh god, I better not think over there….
I shivered.
He cocked his head to the side.
I looked up at him. “Nothing. I’m just thinking…”
He smiled, no, more like a lustful smirk as he leaned in until he was only a centimeter away from my face.
“Very tempting…” he murmured, his warm breath blowing onto my lips.
I blushed and closed my eyes tightly as he started leaning in closer.
I gasped and opened my eyes as I thought I heard a familiar voice call my name.
I looked to my left to see all those boys there, including Kasumi and Rin, with Hayate in his wolf form behind them. They had their wings and weapons out, ready to attack at anytime.
“You get your dirty hands off of her!!” Kasumi shouted, taking a step forward.
I turned to Keisuke when I heard him chuckle then he pulled me to him.
He had his right arm on my upper chest, his right hand gripping my shoulder. He held a sword that was pure black that I know he materialized out of nowhere.
“All of you are so very protective of her. I understand that Human girl but Aerean-Chan has only been with all of you for quite a short amount of time and already all of you have become so attached to her? I especially didn’t expect Ein to allow her to stay with you all. I thought he would’ve chased her out already.”
“You shut the hell up.” Ein said in a low voice.
Keisuke chuckled again and threw me off to the side. I landed hard on my knees. I turned around, sitting up.
“Why can’t all of you face the facts that none of you cannot defeat me? But I’m also pretty shocked that you took in a stray human and know nothing about her.” He said, gesturing to me.
“What do you mean by that?” Ichiro demanded.
“I’m sure that she is very important to you all. You’ve learned many things about her but there is one thing she has never talked about or thought about until now. Right, Aerean-Chan?”
I turned to Keisuke to find him smirking at me. “And I believe that it’s very important that they should know about, Aerean-Chan, but it’s up to you to tell them, or in Hayate’s case, show him.” He turned back to them. “That girl is very interesting, indeed. I could say why everyone is interested in her. But what interest does she provide all of you with? I believe I will keep this girl.” He turned back to me. “You still haven’t given me your answer yet.”
“Enough of this!!” Ein shouted as he lunged forward with his midnight blue sword in his hand.
My body just moved with my instincts but I think I know why. I needed to see if what he said is true. I need to make sure if they are really alive.
Keisuke Akiyama is also able to leap through portals and travel to other worlds and universes. That means that he could take me to my dream world where everyone that I truly love exists.
My arms were spread out and I felt myself shaking a bit as Ein’s sword stopped an inch away from my face.
“Don’t touch him.” I said, my voice shaking.
“What are you doing?” Ein demanded. “He’s the enemy that kidnapped you when we were trying to return home!”
Step aside Aer.
I looked from Hayate to Ein. I shook my head. “I’m sorry; but I can’t do that.” I need answers and no matter how much I hate him, Keisuke is the only that can give me the answers to my questions. I really need to know if it is actually him because from what now remember, he escaped from Keisuke and then disappeared, trying to find a way to break the contract.
I felt two hands on both my shoulders. “If you want, I can also let you meet your biological brother.” Keisuke said softly.
“I’d rather not. There is a reason as to why Aniki and I separated. I don’t tend to go running back to him.” I said coldly.
“Oh? But what if he comes find you and asks you for help in a situation he’s in?” “Aniki is an Assassin Cross of Rune Midgard. He can take care of himself. But if he does, then I’ll just kill him since I vowed that I would kill him if I see him again.” Come to think of it, why did I even make that vow? Aniki is an Assassin Cross and I’m just a lowly 16-year-old human that has no special powers or anything like that.
I felt a cracking sound and looked behind me to see ice-covering Keisuke, leaving his head able to breathe.
“Let him go!!” I yelled as I turned around to Makoto.
“But Aerean!! He’s the enemy for goodness sake!” Kasumi exclaimed.
“I don’t care.” I said. “This person has the answers to my questions and I can’t let him die yet until he answers them. I’m sorry guys but…” I picked up Keisuke’s sword that was on the ground and fell into a fighting stance. “If you want to kill him, then you’ll have to get through me first, whether you like it or not.” Okay. I can say now that I don’t have ANY experience using a sword. I’m kind of anxious though because I’ve always wanted to use a sword.
I clutched the sword tightly, not moving from my place as I looked at Ein…. looking at me with a shocked expression, an expression that didn’t understand why I’m protecting their most hated enemy.
I heard a low chuckle behind me and I saw a hand at my left reach out and clutched the black sword. I recognized it to be Keisuke’s.
I saw his right hand at the corner of my eye reached out and clutched the sword, then moved his hands over mine.
He leaned in next to me and said, “I can teach you how to use a sword if you like.”
I felt it. I was shaking.
My eyes widened as he took the sword and held it against my neck. The cold, sharp blade of the sword had me shivering.
Kasumi gasped and was about to step forward when Keisuke said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You don’t want me to cut her head off now, would you?”
“You b*****d!!” Kasumi yelled and was about to lunge forward when Devarion put a hand on her shoulder. “You let go of me!” she yelled at him.
“Don’t, human. If you do, he won’t hesitate to kill her.” “How would you know!?”
“We fought him many times, Kasumi. We know him well.” Hikaru answered, looking from Me to Keisuke, then me again.
I held Keisuke’s left arm as it held the sword to me neck, hoping that if he really does strike, I might be able to hold him back.
Aerean. Why is it that you want to protect him? Why is he so important to you that you have to keep him alive?
Judging from the other’s faces and still glaring at Keisuke, I guess Hayate only made it that I could hear him for this conversation.
I hope he’s in my head…
It’s something that none of you need to know I thought to him.
No. It is something that we need to know. Keisuke is our most hated enemy and yet you’re protecting him. There has to be a good enough reason why you’re protecting him.
I felt all their eyes pouring on me.
I looked up and looked at Hayate. “Even though you can read my thoughts, you know nothing about me.” I said, coldly.
“She is right you know.” Keisuke said. I could hear the grin in his voice. “All of you don’t know nothing about her but I know everything about her.”
“How can that be? You’ve only known her for a little while!” Kasumi yelled.
He chuckled. “You do know that you’re going to have to tell them the truth someday, you know?”
“I know.” I answered.
Keisuke chuckled. He stood up straight and met each of their faces. “So, what’s it going to be? If you try to kill me, she would defend and demand that none of you try to kill me.”
I looked at all of them, saving Ein’s eyes for last, knowing that he would be the most shocked. As I looked at Ein, my eyes widened.
He stood there, his hair covering his eyes, his sword still in hand. He looked up then and glared at me.
Then, he lunged forward, his sword drawn, his eyes full of confusion and hatred.


ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND that's it!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!!
Okay, so I hope ya'll((yes, sometimes I use that word but only because I'm too lazy to type it all out)) enjoyed this Chapter!!! I'm afraid I won't be getting Chapter 11 out soon because this Friday, I'm leaving to Austrailia for 2 full weeks.
Don't worry. Ima be missing school so it's fair.

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Oh s**t!! I almost forgot!! Okay! Here's a pic of Keisuke Akiyama!!!
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User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 01:56am
Well, that was an eventful chapter.

commentCommented on: Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 01:57am
Eh heh. Thanks!

Community Member
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