my best friend when i was five and still going.but she puts ppl she meets on the internet before her best friend in her friend 2yrs older than this girl and she thinks my advice to her is stupid and she wont use it.sometimes i think im alone in this world and when i do i need to talk to her but, she is off with her damn bf it seem like she loves him more than me.and we said we will be together forever.but i've met a new friend just like me her name is Kay-k(Kari)and so fare she has shown more love and care for me in these past horrible years then ashley has ever sorry Ashley but with all ur drama at the age 12 crying,screaming boys, i mean i love boys gurly....but when it comes to drama in not there.Me and Kari r not baby-siters so find another siters that will deal with ur s**t and once it's gone come back, and well talk. stare
mikeylollipop Community Member |