Well, I FINALLY got around to making one of these journal thingie-mabobers. I never really cared for journals, but I kinda like writing in them; it's like talking to myself, except other people read it, then realize (if they don't already know) how insane I really am. XD
So, I suppose I'll just write about my days at skool, blah blah blah, and other journal-ly crap like that. XD
Well, today was okay I guess, I don't really like my classes I had today, so I slept through half of them. (DarkMiko37 had to wake me up during Algebra I when I fell asleep taking notes XD) Man, I needa start going to bed sooner. XD
Lunch was okay, I sat with my friends and ate a hamburger with fries. Mmm, healthy! x3`!
Then Computer Apps. was after that, I hate that class sooo much. I mean, I love computers and all, but it's so boring! All we do is type stupid stuff in Word, then I sit there and do nohting for an hour. X___@;; But today we watched a lame movie instead on Jobs or something, I wasn't really paying attention... I was too buisy making the guy next to me screw up his computer. >=3
Then, I had afterschool Drill Team practice! =D We walked to Burger King and almost got in trouble! Fwee! x3 Bad thing is, it turns out that one of our commanders/ members can't go to the meet since she doesn't have her uniform. D= It r teh suck. I wanna go to Gulf Breeze, man! D'= Oh well, hopfully it'll all work out in the end... in the meantime, I'm just ganna give it my all at practices and do push-ups and such like my friend (who was on Drill team last year and is the one who got me and my friend on) said I should do to build up the muscle in my arm.
Well, later peeps!
~yUnIe domokun heart
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InSiDe MaH iNsAnE bRaInMeAtS
This is where I will store my random thoughts or log the events of my day. =D
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