Before there was humans, there was godesses and gods, the first were Grenth,the Master of Death, his brother Balthazar,god of war and then three sisters...Dwayna,Godess of life,Lyssa,godess of illusions,deceit, and vengence,then Melandru,godess of nature. one fateful day Dwayna and Grenth had a huge fight using their powers and followers, but when the fight ended there was a little black rose left, made by a mixture of Grenths and Dwayna's magic, after 2 days have passed after the fight it began to rain and the rose turned into a little girl she sat the confused she looked at herself shocked, she was transperant she looked at her self and then wondered 'what am i?!' the little girl got up and stumbled a little bit, not used to her new legs and feet.she looked around, there was trees and animals everywhere, the little girl smiled at the sight and went over to pet one a chickmunk walked towards and sat there waiting to be petted, the little girl pet it then it dropped dead, turning into ashes but a smoke came out, almost like its little soul then it went to the little girl and sucked inside her, the little girl cried and talked for the first time "what am i?!" she then ran through the woods for days killing everything she walked past. she then came upon a woman with animals and plants all around ehr, everything overgrown, the woman stared at the little girl warmly and friendly she waved her hand in a sign to say 'come' the little girl walked forward,her eyes flashed in a light, then the woman widened her eyes, the little girl stopped she wondered what was going on the womans eyes "you.....you are not like any other little girl.......i see much evil...but so much wanting and giving and kindness.........much confusion......" she said staring into the little girls eyes then the woman said "leave here,this is no place for you..." the little girl cried and crieed "but i dont know anything about me! please atleats tell me my name! or give me one! without one...i will be not known.....or loved..or hated." the woman sighed "i give you the name rose....for what you were and what you will become....."
{{Rose as a little girl, if you want to see her all grown up look on my profile}}

O_oRaveMonkeyo_O · Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 01:51am · 0 Comments |