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View User's Journal

Day 1

Frank: Oh! Hi there. Didn't expect to see anyone else aboard. You're a brave one, aren't you?

Lunar the White Wolf: Am I?

Frank: You must be. With the Animated running wild out there, most people are too scared to leave Barton.

Lunar the White Wolf: The Animated?

Frank: You mean you haven't heard? Inanimate objects coming to life and attacking people... I'd better get you caught up, or you won't stand a chance out there. I'm Frank, by the way.

Lunar the White Wolf: Nice to meet you. Yeah, this sounds like something I should know.

Frank: Well, it all started when-- whoa, hold on. Is it just me, or is the train speeding up? Come over here, let's see if we can sort this out.

Frank: That's far enough.

Frank: This isn't right at all. We're getting close to the end of the line, so we should be slowing down already. We'd better do something, and fast.

Lunar the White Wolf: Won't the conductor stop the train?

Frank: There is no conductor. G-Corp installed an automated system on all the trains a while back. They're usually reliable, but something's obviously messed up. C'mon, let's head to the next car.

Frank: Alright, don't panic. Let's try the emergency stop lever.

Lunar the White Wolf: Where's that?

Frank: Just walk over by the doors and pull that red handle. That ought to do it.

The emergency stop handle snaps off in your hand.

The train isn't slowing at all!

Lunar the White Wolf: That can't be good.

Frank: Yeah, that's bad. We'd better split up. I'll head to the back of the train and see about cutting the hydraulics or something. You head to the front car and try to stop the train manually.

Lunar the White Wolf: How do I do that?

Frank: My guess is that you'll need to hot wire the door console, then get into the control car to pull the manual brake lever.

Frank: Your PDA can help you keep track of tasks. I'll flag the locations of the door console, the control car and the manual brake lever on your PDA's map. The flags will appear in order as you complete each step, and you can double-check the details under the Task List tab if you forget where you're going.

Frank: Catch up to me when we're off the train. I still need to talk to you about the Animated. Good luck!

Lunar the White Wolf: You too, Frank.

You rip the wiring out of the control console.

That should allow manual access to the brake. Check your PDA for what to do next!

Lunar the White Wolf: Ah ha! There's the engine compartment up ahead!

You engage the manual brake and the train begins to slowly grind to a halt!

The train's main doors open and you exit the train.

Barry: Glad to see you in one piece. If that train hadn't stopped when it did, I'd be talking to you through a straw right now.

Lunar the White Wolf: What?

Barry: Sorry, I'm not so good with words. Just a sec; safety rules say we have to do a quick headcount to make sure everyone made it out, so let me count...One. Alrighty, looks like you're all present and accounted for.

Lunar the White Wolf: What about Frank? Did you see him leave the train?

Barry: Who's Frank? Oh, you mean Dani? She's over there. Better not call her 'Frank' to her face, though, or she'll tie you a knot you won't forget.

Lunar the White Wolf: No, someone else was on the train. He said he had something important to tell me.

Barry: I think you're confused from all the excitement. Headcounts don't lie. The log says we only sold one ticket today, and it was to someone named... Lunar the White Wolf. That's you, right?

Lunar the White Wolf: Yeah, but I swear there was a guy named Frank...

Barry: Bring him to me! I'll tan his hide for riding without a ticket. Anyway, welcome to the Old Station. My name is Barry, and on behalf of the Barton Transit Authority I apologize for this inconvenience.

Barry: Y'see, this old station is actually closed. There's a new one, but you blew right by it on your way here. If you want to get out of here, you'll have to brave the sewers.

Lunar the White Wolf: What about those stairs?

Barry: The doors up there are all chained up on account of the Animated. Either you leave through the sewers, or you get mighty accustomed to my company.

Lunar the White Wolf: I should probably be going...

Barry: I figured as much. Just go talk to Dani over there. She'll have some supplies to help you out in the sewers, but be careful: she'll probably lay a big 'civic duty' guilt trip on you.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thanks for the warning.

Lunar the White Wolf: Are you Dani? Barry told me to talk to you.

Dani: That's me. Good job stopping that train, citizen. You had us pretty worried for a second. Are you alright?

Lunar the White Wolf: Just a bit confused, I guess.

Dani: Talking to Barry will do that. He's been a little off since the trains went automatic. In fact, I don't even know what he's still doing down here...

Dani: But he's a good guy, and smarter than he lets on. He's been a big help figuring out these rings. Speaking of which, have you been issued any rings yet?

Lunar the White Wolf: No... actually, I'm not really sure what's going on.

Dani: Ordinarily I'd be giving you a lecture on the importance of being an informed citizen, but the truth is, nobody really knows what's going on.

Dani: Here's what we do know: not too long ago, random objects started coming to life: hats, dolls, furniture... all kinds of stuff. That's weird enough on its own, but these things were also attacking people and multiplying like crazy.

Dani: Nothing seemed to hurt them. We tried stomping them, burning them, and whatever else we could think of, but no dice. Luckily, G-Corp labtechs started handing out rings, so now we can fight back.

Lunar the White Wolf: What kind of rings?

Dani: They look like normal rings, but they pack some serious heat. They produce amazing effects... best of all, they can actually neutralize the Animated. I can't really explain it, so how about I just show you?

Lunar the White Wolf: I'd love to see them.

Dani: Actually, I'd like to give you a few. G-Corp supplied me with a bunch of rings to distribute to responsible citizens. Let's pick something from the boomers first.

Lunar the White Wolf: Boomers?

Dani: A 'boomer' is a ring that makes stuff go 'boom.' Get it? And with the way things are going, you'll probably be making a lot of stuff go boom. I've got three to choose from: Mantis, Solar Rays and Hot Foot.

Lunar the White Wolf: Tell me about... Mantis

Dani: The Mantis ring creates an animated Katana out of thin air to attack your enemies. The more energy you focus through the ring, the more times the katana will strike.

Lunar the White Wolf: Yeah...that's the one I want! Slice and dice!

Dani: Good choice! Here, try it on.

You found a new Mantis ring!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hey, it fits. Thanks!

Dani: Ready to test-drive your new ring?

Lunar the White Wolf: Definitely. What do I do?

Dani: The first step is to identify a target. Try targeting one of those trash cans.

Lunar the White Wolf: Can do!

Lunar the White Wolf: Cool. That was easy!

Dani: Now that you know how to aim, it's simple to focus your ring and attack. Go ahead and wreck one of those cans. Don't worry, we'll take it out of Barry's paycheck.

Barry: Hey!

Lunar the White Wolf: Rubbin' out the rubbish!

Target Destroyed!

Dani: Good job, Lunar the White Wolf!

Dani: You're a natural at this. In fact... how do you feel about the concept of civic duty, Lunar the White Wolf?

Close the tutorial dialog and use your rings to destroy one of the trash cans!

Lunar the White Wolf: What are you getting at?

Dani: We need help. Since we're close to the sewers, well...some less-than-savory things have become Animated down there. Stuff that doesn't belong outside the bathroom.

Lunar the White Wolf: I don't like where this is going...

Dani: I wish somebody would get in there and wipe out that mess, so to speak. I have to hold my post at these stairs, but maybe some responsible citizen who's just been given a free ring could take care of it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Do I have a choice?

Dani: Of course! In our free society, all able citizens may choose to serve the greater good in times of crisis and avoid being branded as cowards for the rest of their lives.

Dani: I just need you to go in there and knock a few of those nasty things out before they cause any trouble. What do you say, Lunar the White Wolf? Ready to fulfill your societal responsibilities?

Lunar the White Wolf: I guess so.

Dani: Great. The sewers are right through that door, behind Barry. Come talk to me again when you're done.

Peelunger 1/2

Peelunger 2/2

Dani: How ya doing with those civic obligations, Lunar the White Wolf?

Lunar the White Wolf: If I wasn't serious about our shared responsibilities to society, I wouldn't be hanging out by a sewer with an eccentric train conductor.

Barry: Hey!

Lunar the White Wolf: Well, anyway, I'm all done.

Dani: Good work in there. Most people are too squeamish to take action when things get this messy. Let's get you set up with another ring, shall we?

Dani: Since you already have an attack ring, it might be wise to get something that can help repair any damage you suffer along the way. So, choose any of these healing rings and I'll tell you what it does.

Lunar the White Wolf: Tell me about... Diagnose

Dani: The Diagnose ring heals not just you, but everyone around you. It isn't as potent as the Bandage ring in final effect, but it happens all at once, and affects more than just one target.

Lunar the White Wolf: Healing everyone around me? That ought to make me popular! I'd like this one.

Dani: Excellent. I hope it serves you well.

You found a new Diagnose ring!

Dani: Now, before you go out there again, I think you should learn a little about pacing yourself. You don't want to get exhausted in the middle of a fight.

Dani: Using your rings is tiring. Some rings are more tiring than others. If you keep using them constantly without resting, you'll really sap your Stamina, and when you're completely worn out, you can't focus to channel the energy of your ring.

Lunar the White Wolf: So what should I do?

Dani: You'll need to rest once in a while. Take a knee and relax for minute. Once you've caught your breath, you can get up and start fighting again.

Dani: Be careful, though: kneeling makes you easier to hit. I've seen plenty of rookies kneel down to catch their breath in the middle of a fight, only to get KO'd by the first baddie that came along.

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll keep that in mind.

Dani: Oh, and one more thing: as you fight, you might get a bit angry or stressed out. That's natural. One of the truly bizarre properties of these rings is how they store and release that emotional energy.

Lunar the White Wolf: You mean the rings can mess with my emotions?

Dani: No, just the opposite: your emotions affect the rings. Whenever you use your rings or get hit by enemies, your rings capture your combat stress. We guards call this 'Rage,' since it's usually built up in the heat of battle.

Dani: You can use this Rage energy to charge up your rings for an extra-powerful burst once in a while. You'll have to focus for an extra moment or two to channel your Rage, but these bursts won't exhaust you any more than usual.

Dani: If you start to get exhausted, it might be a good idea to use your Rage to smash an enemy with a charged-up hit. With any luck, you might finish off your foe and get a chance to rest.

Lunar the White Wolf: Gotcha!

Dani: Now that you're a little wiser in the ways of combat, ready to tackle something a little tougher?

Lunar the White Wolf: I guess it's my civic duty.

Dani: Good answer! So, when you were out on your first errand, you may have seen some odd green hamsters crawling around. We're not exactly sure where they came from, but those 'Gramsters' seem very similar to Grunnies, and I'd like you to find out more about them.

Lunar the White Wolf: Find out more about them? What does that mean?

Dani: It means 'pound the snot out of them'. Is that clear enough for ya?

Lunar the White Wolf: Possibly even *too* clear, actually.

Dani: Right. Go find a group of the Gramsters and create some mayhem with your new rings. Come back when you've dispatched enough of them to get a feel for combat.

Lunar the White Wolf: I'm on it!

Gramster 1/5

Gramster 2/5

Gramster 3/5

Gramster 4/5

Gramster 5/5

Dani: So...? How did it go?

Lunar the White Wolf: Mission accomplished! Gramsters, zero, Lunar the White Wolf, lots!

Dani: That's the kind of score I like to hear. You're doing exemplary work out in the field. You have the potential to lead a crew someday. Maybe it's time to let you choose a ring that will help out your future allies.

Dani: You can take your pick from these rings:

Lunar the White Wolf: Improbability Sphere

Dani: The Improbability Sphere can be used on any of your allies to create a little pocket universe around them where really unlikely things sometimes occur. In the case of this ring, the result is that attacks directed at your ally will sometimes rebound and bounce back at the attacker instead of hitting your ally! It doesn't always work, but when it does, it's very useful.

Lunar the White Wolf: Messing with the laws of physics and probability? Sign me up!

Dani: I think you'll be very happy with that choice. Use it wisely!

You found a new Improbability Sphere ring!

Dani: Well, you've got the basics down, but you should probably talk to Barry about some of the stranger qualities of rings. He's been doing a little research of his own.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thanks for all your help, Dani.

Dani: Any time, Lunar the White Wolf. If what you've learned helps Barton stand strong against the Animated, then it was time well-spent. Good luck out there, citizen!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hi, Barry. Dani said you've been doing some research on rings...

Barry: I wouldn't call it 'research,' but I've been playing around with them. These things are really interesting-- it seems like the longer you use them, the more 'attuned' they get to your body.

Lunar the White Wolf: How so?

Barry: I'm not sure how it works, but it's the oddest thing... after I took a few trips out into the sewers to hunt Gramsters with Dani, I started feeling healthier. Y'know: stronger, faster, more agile.

Barry: Either I'm crazy, or I'm getting special powers from these rings. Maybe both. Funny thing is, the powers seem to fade away when I'm away from other people for too long.

Lunar the White Wolf: So what does this mean?

Barry: Here's my theory: these rings have some kind of special life energy. We've been calling it 'G'hi.' Using your rings gives you special G'hi-based abilities, but you can only power up these abilities by being around other people.

Barry: If you wander off alone for too long, you might not be able to use your G'hi powers, but you won't lose them. You just need to go find some people -- join a crew, mingle in Barton, whatever -- and your G'hi energy will charge back up.

Barry: I suppose when you're around other people, you must be sharing some kind of life force.

Lunar the White Wolf: That makes sense.

Barry: About as much sense as anything makes these days. So, yeah, that's the basic idea: use your rings to get G'hi powers, charge your powers up by staying social. Pretty simple, really.

Lunar the White Wolf: I get it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Have you learned anything else about rings?

Barry: Maybe we should keep that between you and me. You know, for... security reasons. So, changing the subject entirely: Looks like Dani's taught you well. Mind if I ask a small favor?

Lunar the White Wolf: What sort of favor?

Barry: Could you do a quick lap around the sewers and give the shut-off valves a twist to make sure they're closed? If they're not sealed tight, things start overflowing and it makes an unholy mess down here.

Barry: The first valve is right inside the sewer entrance, and I'll program the quickest route on your PDA map. Just head to each valve in turn and crank it shut tightly. That's all there is to it!

Lunar the White Wolf: I think I can handle it.

Barry: Good luck! When you come back, I'll give you the manhole cover key so you can climb right up the ladders into Barton Town.

Barry: By the way-- don't be afraid to group up with other folks you see down in the sewers! If things get rough, there's always strength in numbers.

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

You twist the sewer pipe handle closed. The next checkpoint in the lap appears on your PDA.

You've already tightened this valve.

You twist the sewer pipe handle closed. The next checkpoint in the lap appears on your PDA.

You twist the sewer pipe handle closed. The next checkpoint in the lap appears on your PDA.

You twist the sewer pipe handle closed. The next checkpoint in the lap appears on your PDA.

Congrats! You closed all the sewer pipes and completed the lap! Now head back to Barry!

Barry: Well done, Lunar the White Wolf. Seems like you can really handle yourself out there -- pretty amazing how quick Dani whipped you into shape.

Barry: Here's the manhole key. I'm sure you noticed the ladders while you were doing your lap. Just climb up one of those, and you'll pop out right in the middle of Barton Town.

Barry: Dani and I got you a little going-away present, too: a stack of these Superchargers, which can heal you up a little when you get into a tight spot. If you're too exhausted to use a healing ring, they're your best bet.

Barry: If you run out, you can always buy more from Nicolae. He runs Back Alley Bargains in Barton Town, and he's got all sorts of useful stuff.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thanks a lot!

Barry: When you get out to Barton Town, look for a guard named Elizabeth. She's got more experience with rings than almost anyone, and she can tell you all about this weird place called the Null Chamber. You'll definitely need to know about that before you can take full advantage of your rings.

Barry: See you around, Lunar the White Wolf! Good luck out there.

Lunar the White Wolf: You too, Barry.

You found a new Power-up!

You've earned a new G'hi ability!

You climb up the long ladder and emerge into the sunshine.

Elizabeth: Is there something I can do for you?

Lunar the White Wolf: Barry sent me to you. My name is Lunar the White Wolf. I understand you're one of the foremost authorities on rings and something called a 'Null Chamber'.

Elizabeth: I should have known. It seems like I'm answering those questions all the time now, just because I was the first person to stumble into it around here. What did you want to know?

Lunar the White Wolf: Well, I've heard that the rings somehow bond with us, allowing us to draw energy from our bodies through the rings somehow. Strange stuff like that.

Elizabeth: Yeah, well, that's not even the weird stuff yet.

Lunar the White Wolf: Really? There's more?

Elizabeth: Yup. When you transport to that...chamber, it seems that your...err...essence seems to get recorded or bonded there somehow.

Lunar the White Wolf: Uhhh, that doesn't sound so good.

Elizabeth: We're not really sure. But so far it seems to be working *for* us, not against us. Going to that chamber seems to make us...well...kind of immortal. Or at least something *like* immortal anyway. If you get knocked out in the field, it's like your awareness can somehow *release* itself and fly back to reform at the Null Chamber.

Lunar the White Wolf: You're kidding! That's like stuff out of a fantasy story!

Elizabeth: Yeah, I agree. It's nuts. But you've got those rings on your fingers now, so they're bound to you and you'll never get them off, unless you get inside the Null Chamber. And besides...there are a LOT of Animated out there...way more of them than there are of us...and our regular weapons don't do anything to them. How else are we supposed to defend ourselves?

Lunar the White Wolf: ...okay, I see your point. But still...

Elizabeth: I know, I know, but it's the only choice we have at the moment. If you find something better, I'd *love* to hear about it. I really hate using these things, since we know so little about them really, but what else can we do?

Lunar the White Wolf: It seems so...wrong. Like someone is forcing us to make these choices and setting us up for something really bad.

Elizabeth: Let's hope not.

Elizabeth: So are you ready to know more about your rings?

Lunar the White Wolf: You bet!

Elizabeth: Okay. The rings themselves get created within the strongest of the Animated out there, but even the little ones often create pockets of energy that free-float away from them after they're destroyed. If you're wearing a ring near one of those orbs, the orb gets sucked toward you, ultimately absorbing into you.

Lunar the White Wolf: Does absorbing the orbs make me more powerful?

Elizabeth: Nope. Not directly, anyway. But when you go to the Null Chamber, you can manipulate the energy within you by forcing it into one or more of your rings, strengthening them and making them able to control more energy.

Lunar the White Wolf: That's confusing. You mean that you become a kind of walking battery and you can spew that battery's energy into your rings, but only when inside the Null Chamber?

Elizabeth: Exactly.

Lunar the White Wolf: EXACTLY?!? I don't even know what I'm talking about!!

Elizabeth: If it helps, you're just like the rest of us in that regard. We just know that this stuff *works*. Not why, not how, nor whether it will KEEP working or not. But it works for now, and that's good enough.

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay, so you trash the Animateds to get orbs, and then use the orbs to charge up your rings so they're more powerful. Right. So what do you want me to do?

Elizabeth: I want to give you a few of the charge orbs right now. Then you can head to the Null Chamber and move those orbs into at least one of your rings. After you've done that, come back and we'll talk about a real mission.

Lunar the White Wolf: Great, but where's the Null Chamber?

Elizabeth: If you head to the town's South Gate and out into the Village Greens, it's only a short way directly south from the gate, just off the road to the east and I'll update your PDA so you can see the location easily once you get to the Village Greens.

Lunar the White Wolf: Cool, Elizabeth. Thanks!

Elizabeth: Okay. Good luck then. See you soon.

Fernando: Who'd have thought, when I was a child, that I would have become a guard? I was destined for so much more...before the accident.

Lunar the White Wolf: An accident? Were you injured?

Fernando: Suffice to say, I have not been on stage since it happened. My life in the spotlight ended that day.

Lunar the White Wolf: That's terrible! What happened?

Fernando: No. I do not talk about the specifics of that incident. It is far too painful to recall.

Lunar the White Wolf: Oh, come on. I have to know!

Fernando: I told you I'm not talking about it. Only an unemotional robot could talk about something so painful.

Olivia: Have you come by to play with Leon?

Lunar the White Wolf: What? No. I...

Olivia: That boy and his guard friends have gone to 'save the entire town', as they put it. It's so cute when they get excited about something.

Lunar the White Wolf: I was just wondering if...

Olivia: Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about. He puts on his big suit and goes trodding off under the sun every day, and then comes home and complains that it's too hot in there.

Lunar the White Wolf: Is there someone else I can talk to...?

Olivia: He's a good boy though. I told him 'Young man, if that suit is so hot, why don't you use it as a smoker and smoke me up some sausages?' and wouldn't you know it, he went and did it! Started bringing me big bags of smoked sausages every week. Though sometimes they would have strange cat hair all over them...

Lunar the White Wolf: HELLO?!?

Olivia: I'm sorry, sweetie. What do you need?

Lunar the White Wolf: Do I smell...cookies?

Olivia: Why yes you do! Have one! They're shaped like little swords. I was baking them mostly for Leon and the boys, because the guild hall smells like a locker room. I was hoping the smell of freshly baked cookies would overpower the musk.

Lunar the White Wolf: Did it work?

Olivia: ...No. Not really. But the cookies did come out nice and substantial. Would you like to help me take them to the guards?

Lunar the White Wolf: Sure. I'd be glad to help. Which guards do you want me to take cookies to?

Olivia: Well, I haven't finished enough for ALL the guards just yet, so perhaps you could just take these to John, Martha, and William for now?

Lunar the White Wolf: Whoa. These things are heavy! A few of these cookies are going to go a long way...

Olivia: That's a nice thought, dearie. Now hurry, while the cookies are still warm, they seem to get much heavier when cold. John is at North Gate, while Martha is at West Gate and William is down by the South Gate with Clara.

Lunar the White Wolf: Got it! John at North Gate, Martha at West, and William at the South Gate. See you later!

Anniedroid: Loading...Please wait... Ah, there you are. What may I do for you, Lunar the White Wolf?

Lunar the White Wolf: Hey Annie. I was just talking to Fernando about his accident but he won't tell me what happened. Do you have any idea?

Anniedroid: This information is contained in my data-bank. Shall I access filename fernando_accident?

Lunar the White Wolf: Yes, please.

Anniedroid: One moment... Accessing...

Anniedroid: ...Accessing...

Anniedroid: ...Mounting Data...

Anniedroid: ...Executing Unrelated Functions...

Anniedroid: ...Beginning System Erasure, Cancel or Allow?

Lunar the White Wolf: Cancel.

Anniedroid: ...Cancelling System Erasure...

Lunar the White Wolf: Could this take any longer?

Anniedroid: ...Taking Longer...

Lunar the White Wolf: GAH! Display already!

Anniedroid: ...Displaying File... fernando_accident...

Anniedroid: Fernando (A.K.A. Fabulously Flying Fernando), performed with zipper down. Refers to incident as 'the accident.' Last recorded instance of fernando_dance. End of file.

Lunar the White Wolf: Were you waiting for me to say 'display' the whole time?

Anniedroid: Affirmative.

Lunar the White Wolf: Uhg. Your interface is worse than DOS.

Anniedroid: Error... Unknown Command... Exiting.

Lunar the White Wolf: What?! I wasn't even trying to give a command! Oh, nevermind. I need to go find Fernando some zipper-less pants, anyway.

Fernando: Please don't ask me about my accident.

Lunar the White Wolf: Accident? You mean when you forgot to pull your zipper up?

Fernando: What?! Who told you?!

Lunar the White Wolf: It doesn't matter. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, Fernando.

Fernando: Oh, sure. That's what they all say right before they tell the whole town!

Lunar the White Wolf: Look, I'll prove it to you. I'll find a pair of zipper-less pants for you. Then you can dance again!

Fernando: Good luck with that. I've been looking all over!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hello there...ummm...Guard?

William: Beep.

Lunar the White Wolf: Beep, eh? I...see. So you're a penguin?

William: Beep!

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll take that as a yes. Aren't you a bit far from Antarctica?

William: ...beep.

Lunar the White Wolf: Oh sorry. Being that far from home must make you sad. Here, have a cookie.

William: Beep beep!

Lunar the White Wolf: Two for 'no', eh? Okay, are you sure? Leon's mom made them special for you!

William: BEEP! BEEP!

Lunar the White Wolf: Heh. Okay. I'll try to pawn them off on someone else then. You're pretty wise...for a penguin.

Cindy Donovinh: Good evening and welcome to Channel Nine News, your source for the Zurg, the Animated, G-Corp, and everything else Gaia. This is Cindy Donovinh reporting.

Lunar the White Wolf: Why are you the only report I see?

Cindy Donovinh: CUT! Can we talk, off the record?

Lunar the White Wolf: Off the record? What are you...? Nevermind. Sure. Let's talk 'off the record.'

Cindy Donovinh: Channel 9 employs a number of roving reporters to bring Gaia the most comprehensive news programming on television. We're always looking for new talent, but if you don't have anything to say, I can't use you. Get out there and get me a story!

Lunar the White Wolf: A story? Where am I supposed to find a story?

Cindy Donovinh: Coming after the break, Lunar the White Wolf has a live interview with one of Barton Town's newest Gaians, NewBea, at the fountain in the center of town.


Lunar the White Wolf: Hello, NewBea. This is Lunar the White Wolf, with Channel Nine News. I'd like to ask you a few questions

NewBea: OK! Sounds like fun. HEHE!

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay, let's begin. How long have you been in Gaia?

NewBea: Oh! I just got here! Can I have some gold?

Lunar the White Wolf: Maybe later. What has your time in Gaia been like so far? Are people nice or mean?

NewBea: Some people have been really nice! They gave me gold! Others have been mean, and just yell at me when I ask for gold. Very mean. Don't they know I'm new and don't have any?

Lunar the White Wolf: What brings you to the fountain?

NewBea: I got lost trying to find the forums. I'm just here to chat! Hehehe!

Lunar the White Wolf: Thank you for your time, NewBea. For Channel Nine News this is Lunar the White Wolf. Now back to Cindy Donovinh in the studio.

NewBea: Can I have some gold? PLEEEEEZ?!?

Lunar the White Wolf: All right! Enough already!

Mark: You there! Stand tall and be recognized! Wait, I don't know you, do I?

Lunar the White Wolf: No. My name is Lunar the White Wolf.

Mark: And I am Mark. Left alone to manage the daily tasks of the Barton Regulars in the absence of our commander, Leon.

Lunar the White Wolf: What sort of tasks are those?

Mark: Oh all sorts. Repelling the Animated, gathering information, rescuing Bartonian citizens, and more! We have guards stationed all over the Gaia that are in need of another hand or two...even if they're a finger or two short.

Lunar the White Wolf: Alright, you have my attention. Let's get specific.

Mark: I have but one humble task myself, but you may also speak with Albert in the Ranch, Marcy in the Beach, and Jerry in the Ruins. They are all in need of help.

Lunar the White Wolf: I might as well start with you. What do you need done?

Mark: I'm embarrassed to admit my task is not explicitly a task of the Barton guard. I was on patrol near the Bass'ken Lake recently. When I returned to Barton Town I discovered that I had lost my ring!

Lunar the White Wolf: Let me guess, you want me to look for it?

Mark: You catch on quickly. I'm sure I must have lost it somewhere on the shore, but I'm not sure where exactly. Don't worry, though, if you're strong enough to manage the Animated there it won't take you long at all to find it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay, Mark. I'll help you out.

Mark: Great! I hope it doesn't take too long.

Cindy Donovinh: And now, here is Lunar the White Wolf with a special report on a new citizen of Barton Town, NewBea.

Lunar the White Wolf: No, Cindy, I broadcast the interview 'live.' Didn't you watch it?

Cindy Donovinh: Of course I did! Another fine example of breaking news from Channel Nine. Are you ready for your second interview?

Lunar the White Wolf: Yes. Who am I interviewing next?

Cindy Donovinh: James has just been posted outside the Tavern, west of the Barton Town fountain. Channel Nine News will conduct an exclusive interview.

James: Hey, did you hear the one about the guard that thought she was a mime?

Lunar the White Wolf: I am here to interview you for Channel Nine News. Do you have time?

James: Are you sure you wouldn't rather interview Margaret? Regular chatter-box that one!

Lunar the White Wolf: Very funny. So tell me, James, how is your new post at the Guild Hall treating you?

James: Oh, it's great. Way better than my last post with Margaret. With the forums nearby there's always someone to talk to.

Lunar the White Wolf: Would you recommend the forums to new Gaians?

James: Definitely! They're the best place to meet people and sometimes they're just a riot. Don't tell Leon, but I usually spend most of my shift there!

Lunar the White Wolf: Your secret is safe with me. Well, that's all we have time for today. Back to Cindy Donovinh in the Channel Nine News studio.

You've earned a new G'hi ability!

Cindy Donovinh: Once again, that was Channel Nine's very own roving reporter, Lunar the White Wolf, with an interview of James. Thanks Lunar the White Wolf.

Cindy Donovinh: Once again, that was Channel Nine's very own roving reporter, Lunar the White Wolf, with an interview of James. Thanks Lunar the White Wolf.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thank you Cindy. That James is quite a character!

Cindy Donovinh: Channel Nine News report, Lunar the White Wolf, recently interviewed Julian about the boy who fell down the northwest well.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thanks Cindy, I'll be bringing you that story after these messages.

Cindy Donovinh: We look forward to hearing from you, Lunar the White Wolf.

Lunar the White Wolf: Leon's mom sends her very best! Cookies for you!

Martha: Oh. Ummm, I've been working so hard to maintain my figure recently. I don't suppose I really should.

Lunar the White Wolf: Wise decision! These things are heavy enough to use as projectiles!

Martha: Hey! Now *there's* an idea. Give me a dozen of those things. We'll see how the Animated like them when I chuck a few in their direction.

Lunar the White Wolf: Yeah. If you miss with your throw, the Animated might eat them instead, and then you'll still win!

Martha: Lol. Okay, maybe a couple more then. Thanks!

Lunar the White Wolf: Have fun!

The Maestro: Hello, lover of melodies and harmonies, to the one and only Music Box! What'll it be? Would you like to hear about the Music Box? Or would you rather hear a really bad music pun?

Lunar the White Wolf: What is the Music Box?

The Maestro: Ah, the Music Box. I run a special service here, collecting snippets of tunes and songs that people have heard in the world and assembling them into original scores.

Lunar the White Wolf: That's really impressive! When I hear snippets of song, I'll bring them to you and see what you can fashion!

The Maestro: Would you like to take out a contract to find music notes for me?

Lunar the White Wolf: Sure! But how do I do that?

The Maestro: Just keep your eye peeled while you're out in the world. Some of the Animated seem musically-oriented. If you find bits of song or notes, bring them back to me and I'll string them together for you.

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay! Sort of an open-ended contract then. I'll come back after I find enough notes to give you some ideas.

The Maestro: That's music to my ears!

Lunar the White Wolf: Oh yeah. Music puns. How could I forget? What about hearing some of those other puns you mentioned?

The Maestro: Okay! You asked for it!

Julian: Watch out for the well!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hello Julian, I am Lunar the White Wolf, reporting for Channel Nine News. Speaking of the well, would you like to comment on the rumors suggesting that someone recently fell down it?

Julian: What?! Who told you that? Was it William? That blasted...

Lunar the White Wolf: So someone did fall down the well?

Julian: NO! Nobody has fallen down the well. That's just William trying to discredit me. As if it isn't bad enough that he acts like a penguin, now he's spreading lies and rumors about me!

Lunar the White Wolf: What about the strange sounds others have been reporting?

Julian: Dreams! Hallucinations! Imaginations run wild! NOBODY IS DOWN THAT WELL! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm very busy.

Lunar the White Wolf: Very well. Thank you, Julian...

Lunar the White Wolf: Hi there! I've got a present for you!

John: Oh yeah? What've you got?

Lunar the White Wolf: I've got... The heaviest cookies I have EVER carried.

John: And why would I want to eat cookies whose best descriptive adjective would be 'heavy'?

Lunar the White Wolf: Because they'll stick to your ribs? Or they'll keep your feet on the ground? Or you've been feeling light-headed recently?

John: Har har har. Funny, funny. Seriously, where did they come from?

Lunar the White Wolf: Leon's Mom.

John: LEON'S MOM! Great googly moogly! Don't EVER bring me cookies from that woman again. She's the sweetest mother in the world to Leon, but she's a biological hazard in the kitchen. Holeee catz. I'm lucky to be alive.

Lunar the White Wolf: I...see. Well, I'll just mosey along then.

John: I see that your plate is empty. If I know Olivia, you'll be sorry if you throw that away. She treasures every dish. Take it back to her though, and she's almost always generous. Maybe she'll give you a cookie.

Lunar the White Wolf: Yeah, okay. Sorry about that.

John: At least what's left of my teeth have a permanent protective lining now. Do yourself a favor. DON'T EAT WHAT SHE COOKS!

Lunar the White Wolf: Gotcha.

Cindy Donovinh: Thank you, Lunar the White Wolf, for your interview of Julian. Very hard-hitting.

Lunar the White Wolf: Yes, Cindy. It seems Julian is a bit unhinged...

Cindy Donovinh: These times are tough on everyone, Lunar the White Wolf. And that's...the way it is. This is Cindy Donovinh...signing off! Good...day!

You just found the Recipe: Rolled-Up Newspaper!

Ian: Welcome to Barton Boutique, Lunar the White Wolf! Sure is good to be back.

Lunar the White Wolf: How's your brother?

Ian: Louie? Last I heard, he was doing great. Staying in Durem and trying to build up some kind of normal life. Contact with Durem has been cut off due to all this stuff with the Animated, but I know he can take care of himself.

Lunar the White Wolf: And, how are you?

Ian: Pretty well, actually. Life's getting back to normal. I've had a few moments where I worry that my past is coming back to haunt me, though.

Lunar the White Wolf: Your past?

Ian: I'm not sure I want to delve into all those bad memories, but my life's kind of an open book. If you check out the news archives, you'll find out all about it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Anything I can do to help?

Ian: Actually, I could really use a hand. Out in Dead Man's Pass, past Bill's Ranch, there's an old mansion on the hill. It used to be the home of a particularly nasty figure from my past, and I've heard rumors that something ugly has taken up roost there.

Ian: Some kind of giant, flying Animated creature has been terrorizing the area, and I'd prefer to see it destroyed. I don't want the owner of the mansion using that thing as his guard dog.

Lunar the White Wolf: Who lives in the old mansion?

Ian: I don't know. Maybe nobody, anymore. But the guy who used to live there was bad, bad news. A vampire. I don't want him using the Animated to his advantage, least of all this monstrosity.

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll take care of it.

Ian: Really? That would certainly give me some peace of mind. Anything to keep the owner of that mansion from gaining any power. Let me know when you've taken care of it.

Rufus: Welcome to Barton Boutique! My name is Rufus.

Lunar the White Wolf: Nice to meet you, Rufus. What's going on?

Rufus: Oh, I'm just waiting for a friend. He should have been here a while ago. I wonder where he is.

Lunar the White Wolf: I could look for him if you like.

Rufus: Hmmm, no, that's okay. I'm sure he'll be along soon.

Lunar the White Wolf: Tell me about Barton Boutique.

Rufus: At Barton Boutique you can buy all sorts of clothing, but we specialize in animal accessories. Ever wanted a tail? Paws? Wings? If so, you've come to the right place.

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll keep that in mind. So, what's going on with you?

Rufus: I can't find my diary! I'm so worried that someone will find it an read it, but I have no idea where it is and I can't leave the boutique to look for it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Where did you last see it? Just retrace your steps and I'm sure you'll remember where you left it.

Rufus: I was writing in it behind the well... it must be somewhere between here and there. Do you think you could look? I trust you not to read it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Sure, Rufus. I'll go look immediately.

Rufus: Thanks!

Ellie: ...can't talk. Busy.

Lunar the White Wolf: Painting, eh?

Ellie: It's my passion. I was supposed to meet some friends for lunch, but the light is *just* right at the moment.

Lunar the White Wolf: That's...not good?

Ellie: It's very good! But this light only happens once a day!

Lunar the White Wolf: But what about your friends?

Ellie: Oh, drat, you're right. Would you mind doing me a favor?

Lunar the White Wolf: Sure. I'd be glad to help. What do you need?

Ellie: I was supposed to meet up with Maestro and Agatha for a chat. Maestro is at the Music Box and Agatha runs Barton Jewelers. Could you run over to each of their stores and let them know I'll be late?

Lunar the White Wolf: The Maestro at the Music Box, and Agatha at Barton Jewelers?

Ellie: That's right! Thanks for doing this. I hate to be rude, but I've got to get back to it before the light changes!

Lunar the White Wolf: No problem. See you soon, Ellie!

You have located Rufus the Cat's diary!

The Maestro: Hi there. Welcome to the Music Box! Do you know what Mozart is doing right now?

Lunar the White Wolf: Ummm, no...what?

The Maestro: He's de-composing! Ha!

Lunar the White Wolf: Ack! Puns! Ellie is actually a friend of yours?

The Maestro: Oh ho! So you know Ellie?

Lunar the White Wolf: Well, actually, I just met her, but she asked me to come tell you something.

The Maestro: What a coincidence. I'm supposed to be meeting her and Agatha in just a few minutes.

Lunar the White Wolf: Right. Except that's what I'm supposed to tell you...she's not coming. Something about the light being perfect right now...

The Maestro: Of course. I should have known. She's painting. Oh well, I'll stop by later and see how it comes out.

Lunar the White Wolf: All right then. See ya.

The Maestro: Hey, just a second! Have you stopped in to see Agatha yet?

Lunar the White Wolf: No, not yet. Why?

The Maestro: I wasn't sure if she was in her shop today, with all the craziness going on. I've been meaning to check up on her.

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay. I'll stop by and see her soon.

The Maestro: Thanks! And always remember, you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!

Lunar the White Wolf: ...argh. Stop. Now. Before you pun again.

The Maestro: Party pooper.

Agatha: Hello there, hun. What may I do for you?

Lunar the White Wolf: Ellie asked me to come by and see you.

Agatha: Hmmm, we haven't met before, so let me do a bit of guessing, you stopped to see Miss Ellie while she was painting and she asked you for a favor out of the blue.

Lunar the White Wolf: Well, yes. I suppose it was something like that.

Agatha: And I suppose she wants you to tell me she can't come along right now because her paint is wet or the light is just right or she just HAS to draw out a sudden inspiration. Yes?

Lunar the White Wolf: Yes! That's it exactly! About the lighting part anyway. How did you know?

Agatha: To Ellie, painting is more important than breathing. She has missed more appointments because of reasons like that than we can count. But we all love her. She's incredibly talented.

Lunar the White Wolf: Well, she's missing her date with you today, so she's lucky you think so highly of her.

Agatha: Hmmm. Yes, she is. Thank you for coming by and letting me know, dear.

Olivia: Oh good! You've delivered all the cookies! Thank you so much! Did the guards enjoy their cookies?

Lunar the White Wolf: Absolutely! They can't wait for more!

Olivia: Oh! Oh! OH! The guards don't usually like my cooking! Marvelous! I've finally found a recipe that I can bake!

Lunar the White Wolf: Yes. That is...err...wow. Maybe you should sell them?

Olivia: What a wonderful idea! I'll talk to Leon as soon as he gets home tonight. Maybe we can start 'Olivia's Sweet Shoppe' soon. It'll be a sensation!

Lunar the White Wolf: It'll definitely be talked about. Definitely. You go!

Olivia: I'm just all a'flutter! Let me get you something for your trouble.

Lunar the White Wolf: Oh no. You shouldn't. Or rather...thanks. I don't mind if you do.

Olivia: You know, there is something else you could do for me, if you're interested...

Lunar the White Wolf: Sure! What do you need?

Olivia: Oh, thank you, dear! I packed Leon's lunch today, but with all the craziness going on, he headed down south without taking his lunch pail. Would you mind running it down to him?

Lunar the White Wolf: To Leon? Isn't he outside of Barton Town right now?

Olivia: Yes, that's right! He tends to wander around, so I recommend that you ask his second-in-command, Clara, about where he's patrolling. Clara should be over at the South Gate.

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay. I'll go talk to Clara then. Thanks!

Olivia: Thank you so much. You're a doll.

Lt. Clara: Hi there, Lunar the White Wolf!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hi there, Clara! Olivia sent me over to ask you about Leon.

Lt. Clara: Oh? What do you need to know about?

Lunar the White Wolf: What is Leon like?

Lt. Clara: Leon? He's extremely friendly, but he's also quite firm, which helps make him a good leader. He's helped each of us guards on so many occasions that we'd do just about anything for him by now.

Lunar the White Wolf: He's tough?

Lt. Clara: Oh yeah. I mean, he's a big guy and everything, but you carried those cookies around earlier, so you know what I'm saying. He's eaten Olivia's cooking ALL OF HIS LIFE!!!

Lunar the White Wolf: Ah. Right. Then he's *really* tough.

Lt. Clara: Yup. Tougher than me, that's for sure. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Lunar the White Wolf: Well...

Lunar the White Wolf: Do you know where he is?

Lt. Clara: Leon tends to roam around, but he's probably near one of the entrances to the Village enclave to the south. Just follow the road down from Barton's South Gate and you should eventually bump into Leon.

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay. Sounds great. His mom asked me to take this lunchpail to him. He left it behind.

Lt. Clara: Lunchpail? From Olivia? Wow. Well, if you get in trouble out there, don't be tempted to open it up as a weapon. The smell alone would probably knock you out before you got a chance to use it against a foe.

Lunar the White Wolf: Oh, don't worry. I do NOT

plan to open this thing. I remember the Cookies!

Lt. Clara: Good, good. Thanks...and be safe!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hello there. You seem quite...penguin-ish...

William: Beep! beep beepity beep 'William'!

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay. I'm not going to pretend to speak penguin, but I'm betting that you just told me your name is William.

William: Beep! beep beeeeep BEEP beep Clara beepbeep.

Lunar the White Wolf: Wait a second! I heard 'Clara' in there. That's the name of the guard across the street, right?

William: BEEP!

Lunar the White Wolf: Oooookay. I'll just stroll over there and say hi to 'Clara' then. Have a good day, you happy feet kind of guy.

Rufus: My diary! I'm so relieved. Thank you, Lunar the White Wolf.

Rufus: My diary! I'm so relieved. Thank you, Lunar the White Wolf.

Lunar the White Wolf: You're welcome. How about those pants?

Rufus: Okay, Lunar the White Wolf, a deal is a deal.

Ellie: Oh, hi again, Lunar the White Wolf! Did you get a chance to talk to Agatha and the Maestro yet?

Lunar the White Wolf: I sure did! They know all about the situation with your painting and the light.

Ellie: Thank you so much! This piece I'm working on now is SO worth the effort. You've been a real help.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thanks! It was nothing. Good luck with your painting!

Lunar the White Wolf: Hello there. You seem quite...penguin-ish...

William: Beep! beep beepity beep 'William'!

Lunar the White Wolf: What's that? Your name is Willy? And Timmy's in the well, you say? Do you need help?

William: ??? Beep beep!

Lunar the White Wolf: hehehe. Don't worry. I was just kidding. I getcha. Your name is William. But listen, I don't get the beepity beep stuff. What are you saying?

William: b-beep beep BEEP 'well' beepers.

Lunar the White Wolf: 'well'? Are you kidding me? There really *is* something going on in the well?

William: BEEP!

Lunar the White Wolf: The well across town? Over near the north gate?

William: BEEPITY!

Lunar the White Wolf: But what? You've got to help me out here, buddy!

William: *cough* Okay, listen and I'll make this quick. I loaned my lucky coin to another guard, Alma, yesterday. She says she forgot that it was mine and made a wish at either the town fountain or at the well. If you could find that coin and return it to me, I'd make it worth your while. Honest!

Lunar the White Wolf: Wow! The penguin talks! What else can you say?

William: Beep! BEEP! beep?

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay, okay. You're back to being a penguin and that's all I'm going to get. Gotcha. I'll go hunt around in the fountain and well and see what I can find. No guarantees, but I'll look for your coin, William

Fernando: What are these? OMG! No zipper! These are perfect. Where did you find them?

Lunar the White Wolf: Rufus gave them to me.

Fernando: Rufus? He never wears pants though...

Lunar the White Wolf: Exactly, that's why he was willing to part with him.

Lunar the White Wolf: Hmmm...no coin here. Must be the other spot.

Lunar the White Wolf: Woohoo! I found the lucky coin!

William: Beep Beep BEEEEEEP!

Lunar the White Wolf: You seem kind of happy. I'm guessing you saw the coin in my hand, eh?

William: Beepity beepity!

Lunar the White Wolf: You got it, William. Here you go! One lucky coin, as promised!

William: Thanks! And...Carpe Carp!

Lunar the White Wolf: What? You spoke human again! But...'Carpe Carp'? I've heard of 'Carpe Diem', or 'Seize the Day', but what the heck does 'Carpe Carp' mean?

William: beepity!

Lunar the White Wolf: Okay, okay. I'll figure it out myself. Well, I'm glad I could help with your coin, and I'll keep my eye out for a siezable carp.

William: buh-beep!

Lunar the White Wolf: buh-bye to you too.

A powerful force moves you through space...

Trixie: Hi there and welcome to the Null Chamber! I'm Trixie. I've been posted here to make sure people don't get too overwhelmed the first time they come here.

Lunar the White Wolf: Ummm...thanks. My name is Lunar the White Wolf. Elizabeth sent me here to learn about upgrading my rings.

Trixie: Oh! That's easy, actually! Do you have any charge orbs yet?

Lunar the White Wolf: You bet. Elizabeth gave me a few to experiment with.

Trixie: Good, good. Well, it's pretty basic. The charge orbs are an extension of you now that you possess them, so you just have to *think* about moving them into a specific ring to make it happen. Kind of the same way that you tell your legs to move when you want to walk. It's almost unconscious.

Lunar the White Wolf: Hmmm...it doesn't *seem* unconscious.

Trixie: Okay...it can be tricky the first time. The funny thing is, you can only move the orbs here in the Null Chamber. But just keep at it! You'll get the hang of it!

Congratulations! You upgraded your ring!

Commander Leon: Hello there, citizen. What can I do for you?

Lunar the White Wolf: Your mom asked me to bring you some lunch.

Commander Leon: Aha! I thought I detected the delicious low-tide bouquet of her famous pineapple oyster casserole.

Lunar the White Wolf: Bon appetit!

Commander Leon: Thanks for bringing it all the way out here. This'll really hit the spot after a long day of fighting.

Lunar the White Wolf: You're welcome!

Commander Leon: Say, would you mind taking the empty pail back to my mom next time you're in Barton?

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll do that right away.

Commander Leon: There's no rush. Whenever you happen to be back that way, just drop it off. I'm sure she'll reward you for the effort. Thanks, Lunar the White Wolf!

Olivia: Oh! You're back already, Lunar the White Wolf! Did you find Leon?

Lunar the White Wolf: I sure did! He really enjoyed the...food...you sent him.

Olivia: I'm so glad! How is he doing?

Lunar the White Wolf: Your son is strong and able. It's dangerous out there, but he's doing a fantastic job of protecting us all against the Animated.

Olivia: Oh, I'm SO glad! Thank you, Lunar the White Wolf! I knew that you were the right kind of person to trust! Let me see here, I have something here for you...

Lunar the White Wolf: Thank you, Olivia! It was nothing! Enjoy your day, and I'll see you again soon

Elizabeth: You look pleased with yourself. Something tells me you've got good news for me, Lunar the White Wolf!

Lunar the White Wolf: Indeed, I do! Mission accomplished!

Elizabeth: You look pleased with yourself. Something tells me you've got good news for me, Lunar the White Wolf!

Lunar the White Wolf: Indeed, I do! Mission accomplished!

Elizabeth: That's great!

Elizabeth: Since you've got rings and you know how to use them, you should be able to make your own path now. Unless you'd like me to give you more advice, of course.

Lunar the White Wolf: Sure. What can you tell me about?

Elizabeth: What are you interested in?

Lunar the White Wolf: A quick refresher test on the stuff that Dani and Barry taught me.

Elizabeth: Good choice. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Head on over to the West Gate and look for a guy named Nelson. He's kind of unofficial associate of the Regulars and he helps us debrief our trainees after they get the basics down.

Lunar the White Wolf: 'Associate, eh?' Okay, that sounds pretty simple. Thanks! See you later!

Elizabeth: See you later, Lunar the White Wolf. Be safe!

Commander Leon: Hark! State your business in the Village Greens, citizen.

Lunar the White Wolf: Hark?

Commander Leon: Yeah, it means... well, I don't know, it just sounds commanding. Sorry. Anyway, what brings you here?

Lunar the White Wolf: Can I help you defend this area?

Commander Leon: Maybe you can. I see that you're already wearing some rings; those seem to be our best bet right now.

Lunar the White Wolf: They sure are. Need me to bust up some Animated?

Commander Leon: We could definitely use a hand battling these awful gnomes. Think you're up for the challenge?

Lunar the White Wolf: At your service, Leon.

Commander Leon: The Village Greens used to be such a nice place, Lunar the White Wolf. Johnny Gambino himself used to come down every week for a round of Goof...

Lunar the White Wolf: What happened?

Commander Leon: Can you believe our own lawn ornaments have turned against us? It puts a real damper on our tourism industry, and I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Lunar the White Wolf: How can it get any worse?

Commander Leon: Just a hunch, but I think the Animated around here are getting smarter. The gnomes used to mill around mindlessly, but now they seem to be gathering up in little camps, setting up fortifications... preparing for attack, you might say.

Commander Leon: I just need someone to scout the gnome camps and see what they're up to.

Lunar the White Wolf: Consider it done.

Commander Leon: The gnomish encampments are just south of the goof course. I suggest you travel to the southwest, taking care not to alert the gnomes to your presence as you approach the three outposts. When you have finished your surveillance, return to me and we will see what you have come to believe.

First Lawn Gnome Encampment scouted.

Second Lawn Gnome Encampment scouted.

Final Lawn Gnome Encampment scouted.

You've earned a new G'hi ability!

Commander Leon: So, what's the news from the gnome camps? Are they planning something?

Lunar the White Wolf: I don't know, but they definitely have little fortified camps set up.

Commander Leon: I'm worried that they might be organizing for some kind of attack on Barton Town. Obviously, we can't have that.

Commander Leon: Are you up for a bit of reconnaissance work, Lunar the White Wolf? I'd love to gather some intelligence on the gnomes - assuming they have any intelligence to gather.

Lunar the White Wolf: What do you have in mind?

Commander Leon: This might be a little tricky: I've seen a particularly sprightly little gnome scooting along the path between the gnome fortress and the Goof course. I think he may be some sort of courier.

Commander Leon: I'd like you to find him, rough him up, and intercept any documents he might be carrying.

Lunar the White Wolf: Got it.

Commander Leon: Great, let me know if that cute little menace has any information.

Lawn Gnome Courier 1/1

Commander Leon: Hey, you're back! Do you have the battle plans, then?

Lunar the White Wolf: Here you go. I can't make any sense of them.

Commander Leon: Well, let me see... that could be an 'a,' if you tilt your head right. Is that... a little picture of a windmill? Or maybe it's a cactus. And that could be a little campfire, or a sword...

Commander Leon: Sword plus windmill? I guess it could mean they are going to attack Barton Town. What do you think?

Lunar the White Wolf: I have no idea. For all I know, it could be a grocery list.

Commander Leon: Well, I guess we'd better be on the safe side. You should take these plans up to Clara, my second in command. She's been keeping a close eye on the Village Greens, so she'll have a valuable second opinion.

Lunar the White Wolf: I'll have them to her in no time.

Commander Leon: She's posted by the south gate in Barton Town. Let me know what she says.

Lt. Clara: What is this? Leon, it is? No, one of his little friends! Can I help you?

Lunar the White Wolf: Leon sent me. We extracted these battle plans from a lawn gnome courier.

Lt. Clara: What is this? Leon, it is? No, one of his little friends! Can I help you?

Lunar the White Wolf: Leon sent me. We extracted these battle plans from a lawn gnome courier.

Lt. Clara: Battle plans? Let me have a look.

Lt. Clara: Exactly what leads you to believe these are anything but random doodles?

Lunar the White Wolf: Actually, they might be nothing more than that. We just wanted your opinion.

Lt. Clara: I've been watching the gnomes for a while now, and I think I can shed some light on what this really means.

Lt. Clara: When the gnomes first became Animated, they just kind of bumbled around aimlessly and attacked us when we got near. When they started to multiply, we set up some patrols to check up on them.

Lt. Clara: Then they set up patrols to check up on us. In response, we sent a few guards over to knock them around, so they sent some gnomes over to knock us around.

Lt. Clara: Seeing a pattern? I think the silly little guys are just trying to be people. I even saw one pretending to go to the bathroom on a tree! Goodness knows where he learned that.

Lunar the White Wolf: Great. You've been so helpful. *sigh*

Lt. Clara: They must have seen us send a courier down to Leon, so they started sending couriers of their own. They're just mindlessly aping us. It's as simple as that.

Lunar the White Wolf: So, no grand invasion plans?

Lt. Clara: Not today. You can tell Leon to stop worrying his big old goofy head about it.

Lunar the White Wolf: Thanks, I'll do that.

Commander Leon: Well? What did Clara have to say about the battle plans?

Lunar the White Wolf: She doesn't think they're battle plans at all.

Commander Leon: What are they, then?

Lunar the White Wolf: She thinks the gnomes are mimicking what they see the guards doing, and the 'plans' are meaningless. She also thinks you should stop worrying.

Commander Leon: She may be right about the plans being meaningless, but she could also be wrong. The day we stop worrying is the day Barton is overrun and I can't shake the hunch that those little monsters are plotting something. They're just too well organized.

Lunar the White Wolf: What can we do?

Commander Leon: Actually, I thought of something. If they're really planning some kind of attack, they must have mid-level officers who relay orders from their central command to their outposts.

Lunar the White Wolf: That seems logical

Commander Leon: We've run across some tougher gnomes who wear different uniforms and lead the outposts. If you take out these majors, it may temporarily cripple their chain of command.

Lunar the White Wolf: Sounds like a plan.

Commander Leon: Excellent, get out there and take out the Major Catastrophe, Major Disaster, and Major Tragedy, Lunar the White Wolf. That ought to throw a wrench in their jaunty little military machine.

Lunar the White Wolf: LOL, are those names for real?!

Major Tragedy defeated.

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