*Not this is not written from my age or point of view. It is placed differently for dramatic Effect*
It was 2005. The exact day and month my life was changed seems to have slipped by me now. I think thats ironic. I was nine years old at the time and felt my life wasnt bad. I grew up in a middle class family that lived in the hot climate of Middle Georgia. I lived in a nice house with nice things. I was an only child, but back then I remember always saying it 'lonely' child. It made since bcause truly thats what I was. My parents were always there for me, dont get me wrong, but I was always lonely. But that warm day in 2005, when the sunlight shined so brightly off the windshield I was not sure if I saw it, I got a shining ray of hope. When I first got a headache that connetd with my seeing the monsters and people of Carrie, I was scared but hopefu. But most improtant of all, the first day I left the earth and the fifth dimension entirely I knew I wouldnt feel lonely ever again.
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