I believe that---^_- HI!!! -_^ I DREW THIS!!! i removed it 'cause it makes my post big?!? nah!While my mom and I were out of town, I did not open my account so our computer was left with my BIG sister's care and then used it in 5 days, when we came back I checked my account and some of my ITEMS are MISSING when I checked out my TRADES I saw that all of my GOOD ITEMS were traded to my BIG sister and all of my good items were TRADED TO her!! I asked her if she did it but she DENIES IT [she was the only one who knews my password!] and I can't do anything crying crying crying CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME restore them *desperate*??!! GOLD: What gold?? [100-1,500] * p0verty sUcks! [1,500-3,500] * I can feed MYSELF =] [7,001-15,000] * I can feed MYSELF & OTHERS :33 [15,001-20,000] * WOHOO!! My teeth is GOLD!! [30,001- anD up n_n]I'm ashley :]] 14 yrs of age and not happy know why? read the first 5-9 lines of my postie :[[this is a game of GIVE and TAKE n_n so remember that: **WE ARE WHAT WE TRADE** n_n Christmas is approaching here’s my heart wishlist: 3nodding Ballerina’s circlet Biancamella[pull taffy wig] BLACK OPS GEAR crying crying Bunny luv = iLizBit Celestial wrap SNOW WITCH!! crying crying Decorative daisy Death wisper MASTERPIECES crying Death whisper Dionaesil Bunny Hoodie=earthbound65 Easter bunny ears Elegant Antoinette wig ELEMENTAL HAIR crying Enchanted book FALLEN WISH crying crying Fire flower GIFT OF THE GODDESS crying crying Gino’s underwear Golden laurels Hermes’ moon (luxuriate) Hammi hat Grim witchling hat Grey beret Iced sugarplum tiara Imperial queen = 12chobit07 INARI'S BEADS pls any gen crying Lunar hairpin ...DREAMS... Luck’o the gairish MYTHIC HAIR crying crying Mini angel wings Air punctured plain button-up ALRUNA'S ROSE crying Angelic camisole AQUATICA crying Berry tavern wench bustier BIANCAMELLA crying Black heartbreaker jacket HOODED JUMPERS crying Blade of the silver moon’s tunic Blood gothic bat corset dress gro-grain Blushing bride’s embroidered bodice WITCHLING DRESSES crying Bunny hoodie TEA TIME WAITRESS DRESSES crying Chicky hoodie Blue SP work jacket = Urikho Dark halo Dress of the swan ENCHANTED BOOK crying Furugasa Aquatica Berry sugarplum tutu Blue snowflake boxers=donated WAVE TIARA crying Blushing bride’s embroidered skirt Doll ears BLOOD COBWEB STOCKINGS crying Brown Lace-up cork sandals=d0nated Brown dress boot RADIANT PRISM xp Bunny slippers TRICK OR TREAT TOTE crying Chicky slippers CLOUD crying Phaleonopsis bouquet Abdominable scarf Angelic scarf AUTUMN GLORY crying Berry sugarplum puff slippers Benny the puppy [srike]Blacklight ribbon --Hinamori Ami PADMAVATI'S LOTUS 3RD GEN. crying Blade’s white belt
Item that I want to have EVERYDAY heart Trick-or-Treat Cauldron Pail 2/10
heart heart PEOPLE WHO ROX MEH SOX! heart heart | Urikho | earthbound65 | kristina hu | earth2dragon | smacki'n_elayne | 12chobit07 | Evil Innocent | Teh_aDorkables | le Corbeau des Enigmes | Mama Says | Ashwinderr | T4NGO | Gothic Shadow | Wrongfully Banned | Ice_the_vampire_medic | leogirl | UnblessedChild | --Hinamori ami | Phompy | Rawrgasm | Shinigami-Kazuma-San | Sweet Sugar Honey IcedTea | vigorprincess1000 | pepsihun | PLuR MONster RaWR | dcheeky_angel | green_freak07 | FruitsBasket_furuba | iLizBit | Forbiddenheart ||AND NOW THEY STILL ROX!…are useless…
uselessDreams · Mon Dec 01, 2008 @ 06:33am · 0 Comments |