Yeah, it seems I am crazy.…………..and? If you looked inside yourself, you would realize you are too. No great untruth there. You are all nuts. Like me. No need to go any further. Its all there, inside your heads. Just keep thinking about it…. You laugh at irony, just like me.
Everyone acts like bad teenagers are a fact, and wonders why… Well, “bad” teenagers are only as bad as the people who raise them. They influence the teenagers they socialize with, creating more “bad” teenagers, despite or in conjunction with upbringing. In fact, society has committed itself, in one way or another, to the suicidal action of forging its youth into a weapon…. against itself. You are all fools then. You think that some of you can go ahead and raise your children to be good people, and then some of you can raise children badly. It’s all in the adult’s private, personal choice, isn’t it? WRONG! That kind of selfish, weak-backboned thinking is what causes these problems. Children are allowed to be raised by those with corrupted characteristics from a previous generation. That is a pattern that only results in the propagation of further delinquent behavior. Allow me to propose a new plan. Many children live with their parents, children are taught by them, they are fed, and they learn from their parents. But, what of those who do not benefit form good familial influences? Here’s my magical solution: teach morals in schools! In this, leave out the teaching sexuality, sectarianism, or ethics. Leave only raw, pure morals. This avoids gay-straight arguments, the favoring of religions, or any of that controversial-@$$ junk. Combine all the moral teachings (and the logic behind them) of major religions, especially those adopted into common sense.
You wanna remove some of the stress of being a teenager? Save yourself some headaches of having to deal with us Hormonal Brats? Stop pushing us to take fricken-AP and Honors classes in high school! There’s a little something called a community college for that! Or, even better, extend the school year a month and a half or something! Stop killing us, and making us feel ashamed that we don’t learn particle physics in 7th-freakin’ grade! Lately, the homework loads have been atrocious for teenagers. We work really hard in schools, and are required to spend 7 hours of our supposedly sixteen-hour days of being awake in school, then 2-4 or more hours on homework! Then, parents want us to help around our homes, which, normally, with our development at this level, would be great! However, we are already forced to do a whole lotta crap in our days. We want our time for… Gasp! Us!
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