A Basic story of Jedi Master Vash's life on Gaia and before.
Yes! At last i have finally gotten around to working on my journal! It is going to be a two part thing. The first part, the one you are reading now, will be about the real me, while the second part will talk about Vash Higgins, Gaia's true hero. I look forward to writing in this and i think you will enjoy reading it. As this is just a test run, i will only have Vash's entry in the first one. Enjoy!
My name is Colonel Vash Higgins. you may call me Vash. The last time i checked, I was over 200 years old... and i don't look that bad... especially considering the fact i haven't aged since i was 27. (laughs) not much to say in this first posting... i need to get my notes together so i can write the next one. see you then!