so, NightSymphony has inspired me to start using this.. and I've been meaning to start blogging again. Sometimes you just need to get things off your chest, or keep a catalog of your days.
And what better way to begin a journal than to get to know me a bit better? Coincidentally, this survey was stolen from NightSymphony. rofl I need more Gaia friends.
Name - Gaia Alias: Ace or some variation thereof.
Real name: Caitlyn, but I VERY MUCH prefer Kate.
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Screen Name: for everything not on Gaia it's kissmexkatie -- which is actually a reference that no one ever gets. .__.
Birthday: May 25th
Race: Always in last place D; Oh, you meant ethnicity? White
School/Grade: College freshman
Job: Secretary-ish assistant
Status: Sick, coughing my brains out, feeling fat. D: But not as insecure as usual because my boyfriend is being wonderfully kind.
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Current: Dallas, TX
Parents: Bill and Penny -- haha, isn't that cute? ( Monetarily speaking )
Siblings: 1 real sister, 1 half-sister, 3 stepsisters, 1 half-brother, 1 step-brother
Pets: My dog Muffin. I got her when I was five -- she lives with my mother, now, but she's so completely dear to my heart.
Smoker: Yuck.
Drinker: Very rarely -- I don't enjoy it.
Virgin: Not since this summer... sweatdrop
Orientation: Straight
Drugs: Only over the counter stuff
Hair Color: Daaark brown, almost black.
Is it Dyed?: All natural~
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Style: Plain tops (no patterns or slogans or the like, just nice, classic tops), pretty colors, jeans -- girl-next-door-y with a very slight hint of modern fashion?
Glasses/Contacts/None? I wear contacts mostly, but I have a verrry cute/sexy pair of black plastic glasses.
Freckles: Nope
Body Type: Plump
Shoe Size: 8.5
Piercings: 2 in one ear, 1 in the other
Want More?: No
Tattoos?: Nope, never.
Want More?:
Braces?: Getting Invisaligns after the first of the year
Overall Best Feature?: My eyes
Overall Worst Feature?: My smile, probably.
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: Dad, definitely.
Favorite Color: Pretty Peacock-y Blue, soft golds
Worst Color: garish Hot Pink or forest green
Favorite Number: 9, 13
Favorite Animal: Dunno... right now it's Polar Bears, but it changes like every 40 minutes.
Least Favorite Animal: Ugggggh cockroaches gonk
Favorite Flower: Don't have one really.. pretty white/cream/pale yellow ones, like roses, magnolias, daffodils..
Favorite Food: no idea -- maybe creme brulee, or buttered toast?
Worst Food: liver D: or sauerkraut
Favorite Junk Food: Too hard to decide xD
Worst Junk Food: Pop-Tarts DX DX Or, um.. any kind of sour candy. BLECH.
Favorite Restaurant: Lefty's/Mr. Sushi/Steak and Ale
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chunky Munky
Favorite Candy: Dark Chocolate
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: I don't really drink, but I guess Kahlua and milk.
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: Sweet Coffee, Boba Tea, Freckled Lemonade
Worst Alcoholic Drink: Straight whiskey
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: V8 DX DX
Favorite Genre of Music: Country, Alternative, or Oldies
Worst Genre: Rap and screamo
Favorite Band/Artist: Matchbox Twenty or Bob Seger
Worst Band/Artist: Um... don't have one.
Favorite Song: Don't have one.
Worst Song: no idea...
Favorite Radio Station: 96.3 KSCS, but just for the DJs. 99.5 The Wolf plays better music I think.
Favorite Book: I don't read much..
Worst Book: Hm... Probably Walden. .___.
Favorite Type of Movie: Good
Worst Type of Movie: spoofs. I just don't get parody humor..
Favorite Movie: Harvey, or Cinderella Man, or Beauty and the Beast
Worst Movie Ever: I.. don't know?
Favorite TV Show: Avatar, probably, but I also love The Big Bang Theory and watch True Blood on a semi-regular basis.
Worst TV Show: Degrassi. Ugh. Shoot me.
Favorite Season of the Year: Autumn
Worst Season: Winter
Best Friend: Nate :longhug:
Worst Enemy: Haha, the only person I've ever really hated is that slut from high school, Caitlin Gregory.
Favorite Day of the Week: Wednesday
Least Favorite Day of the Week : Monday.. .___.
Favorite Sport: Foootbaaaall~~~
Sport You Hate: Golf. So.. boring.. DX
One thing you can't get enough of: Buttered toast. I'm not kidding, guys. Oh, and skin products.
One thing you hate more than anything: cockroaches gonk gonk
Are You Single? Nope~
If not, who is your bf/gf? Nathan <3
How Long Have You Been Together? Saturday was our three year anniversary.
If You're Single, Do you Like It?
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? haha, lots of people. But it's all superficial, I'm just boy crazy.
First Kiss Real kiss? Nate, in the park when we were 16.
Ever Kiss in the Rain? Yes! ^-^
In a Movie Theater? Yep.
Underwater? Not.. really. We weren't completely submerged, but there was water (not rain) falling on us.
First Love: Jay.. I wish he didn't hate me now. xD
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? I say yes, but fortunately he doesn't consider it cheating.
Been Cheated on? I don't think so..
Used Someone? To feel not so lonely, yes.
Been used? I don't know
Lied to your bf/gf? I try sometimes but then I end up admitting it like 2 seconds later, and it's always small stuff. But for some reason I just can't even tell him a white lie. D:
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Yeah, and she was female. XDDD
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? No.
Are You a Tease? Yes. XD
Do you Flirt a Lot? Yes. XD It's because I'm so insecure.
Longest Relationship: 3 years.
Shortest: Leon -- about 2 weeks before he realized that he was actually gay. xD
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? yes
Ever Get Flowers? Nate got me roses on Friday for our anniversary!
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: a promise ring, or a collection of vinyl records specially picked because each artist sang a song that had had some huge, sentimental affect on our relationship. That was incredible.
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day? No... .___.
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? I believe in crushes at first sight...but you can't really fall in love until you know someone
Do you Fall in Love Fast? Yes.
Are you a Player? Noooo.
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? No.
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? No.
Kissed 2 People At One Time? That.. sounds physically impossible.
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? I'm a teenage girl, of course I have.
Ever Been Dumped? Yes.
Ever dumped someone? No... I don't think so.
Ever been rejected? Numerous times.
Do you have a lot of ex's? Keith (though I don't really count him) Jay, Mike, and Leon. I don't think that's a lot?
Are you a slut? No.
Ever been called one? Yes, by that tramp-hoe-b***h Caitlin Gregory who knows nothing about me, but was in fact a complete hussy herself.
Ever dated someone more than once? Most of my boyfriends I've dated more than once. xD
Do you ever make the first move? Sometimes but not usually
Double dates or single? Never been on a double -- i'll let you know after Christmas, might be going on one with Nate's best friend Steve and his girlfriend. I love Steve. :]
Do you want to get married? I really, really do.
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color: Blonde or dark brown.
Short or long? Short preferrably.
Style: form-fitted tshirts, semi-preppy-ish button downs, nice jeans that don't sag off their butts.
Age: Prefer older -- no more than 4 years older, don't generally like younger but Nate's younger than me by 5 months. D:
Height: Tall is sexy.. *o* But Nate's a little on the short side, and I don't mind. <3
Weight: Sturdy is nice. Nate's skinny though and I think it's so cute on him.
Muscular Or Skinny: Muscular is sexy *______* but Nate's not, and he's sexy too.
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers, briefs are just nasty.
Do you care about looks? A little, but not much.
Other: Pretty much has to be a total sweetheart and just too too too good to me.
Can you drive? Yes.
Do You Have a Car? Yes.
Do you have a cell phone? Yes.
Are you online a lot? Far too much.
Do you like gay/bi people? I don't seek them out like some people, but sure I like them. :]
Can you speak another language? A little Japanese.
Do you do well in school? I do best in Social Studies related classes, but generally I'm an okay student. I rock the Social Studies though -- am ALWAYS the best in class. XD
Do you collect anything? souvenirs..? and beauty products. rofl
Have an obsession? beauty products. rofl
Do you hate yourself? Almost always.
Ever smile for no reason? no...I don't smile often, if I do it's definitely for a reason.
Talk to yourself? All the time.
Do you have any regrets? *sigh* Yea.
Believe in magick? Why is it spelled with a k?
Do you support gay marriage? I don't really care either way.
Sex before marriage? I generally support the "sex only with someone you truly love, and only if you're emotionally ready for it and proceed responsibly" rule.
Do you trust people easily? No. In some ways, I don't even trust Nathan. I'm gullible and trusting in little meaningless things, like teams in a boardgame, but not in regards to life issues.
Forgive easily? Not really, no.
Do you have a secret no one knows? I think Nate knows everything
Do you get along with your parents? For the most part, yes
What about other people? I'm very friendly on the outside.
How do you vent your anger? To Nathan.
Do you like George Bush? Yeah, I guess. I'm a Republican, but I don't really know much about what he's done and I'm not going to just go off of the general ignorant consensus without knowing any solid facts.
Goal Before you die? To be happy with MYSELF.
Biggest Fear: Losing Nate.
Biggest Weakness: My insecurity
Do you play an instrument? I wish
What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy
A b***h? sometimes
A daydreamer? Not very often.
Shy? very
Talkative? Surprisingly, I'm shy and talkative at the same time. It is possible.
Energetic? only with Nate.
Happy? Sometimes
Depressed? Very Often
Funny? I don't think so... maybe?
Slutty? No. D:
Boring? I think I am.
Mean? I can be if you piss me off.
Nice? 97% of the time -- except on zOMG.
Caring? Very.
Trustworthy? In some things -- I can't keep secrets.
Confident? NO.
Friendly? yes
Smart? Very, though it may not always seem like it.
Sarcastic? Sometimes.
Dependable? Not really.
Quiet? sometimes too much
Weird? I dunno..
Adaptable? I guess?
Strong (emotionally)? Only in a very few things.
Strong (physically)? No, I'm a weakling.
Mature? When I need and want to be
Logical? I'd say so, yes -- unless I'm upset. Then I'm very illogical, unreasonable, and emotionally driven.
Religious? no, spiritual though -- sometimes.
Modest? Yes, to a fault.
Indecisive? Omg, yes. I can't make decisions. At all. EVER.
Sympathetic? Yes, very.
Polite? I strive to be very polite in the real world, but not so much on Gaia.
Creative? Bleh, no.
Fun to be around? You tell me. No seriously, tell me. XD
Lovable? Again, you tell me.
Easily Amused? Yes.
Outgoing? I APPEAR to be, but I'm not really..
Daring? Nope.
Clumsy? Oh god, so clumsy.
Nosy? very much..I have to know everything
Lazy? Extremely.
Scary? I.. really don't think so.
Optimistic? Eh.. it's about half and half.
Persuasive? Only in writing.
A good listener? No. I wish I were, but I'm not. After so many years of being the good listener I pretty much have gotten irritated and judgmental when certain people come to me to talk.
Curious? Yes, extremely. To the point where I can't sleep if I don't know something that's bothering me.
Determined? Sometimes...
Artistic? No. D:
Honest? yes.
Respectful? Very. I'm big on respect.
Conceited? yes and no...
Controlling? I can be, I guess, sometimes?
Playful? Sometimes
Hot Headed? Sometimes
Serious? -shrugs-
Considerate? I try to be.
Romantic? yes
Ambitious? not in the slightest.
Jealous? unfortunately... very yes.
Insecure? YES.
Attentive? Not really.. I get distracted easily and then I forget what people were saying.
Punctual? No... no, not really.
Sincere? yes
Tolerant? I try to be, sometimes stupid people make it so had. xD I think the only things I'm intolerant of are stupidity and rudeness.
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