yeah so i meant to write this entry dayz ago but i've been absolutely busy! with school work! and being the geek that i am i put school before everything and everyone including my family! yeah yeah whatever so bush won, lets see what happens the next four years....hmmm maybe the destruction of earth! ahhhhhh not likey! duh! anywayz i think bush will try to be a better president but like always he'll screw it up! the only good thing about his re-election is that he can't ever be president again! YAY!!!!
ok so moving on, next topic....oh thats right FULL METAL ALCHEMIST came out and i must say its very awsome a must see anime! go see it ppl!! speaking of anime i've decided that ya can never have too much of it so it started a quest to watch as many shows as i can and to collect things from each show! call me a fan gurl but whatever i love anime more than i love my BF heart Jonny heart