Ronnie Radke!
My random life and the random wonders it brings!
Imma talk to you all about my adventure in YoutubeLand today^^
Shane Dawson! *echo* *echo* *echo*
That dude is hilarously funny!
It's not the ha....ha....funny
It's the HAHA! Funny!
I'm still laughing from the things he saidxDD
He has alot of videos nowadays
And he gets funnier every second
So go check him out!
Shane Dawson says ALOT of bad words and says very nasty things... so I suggest kids of oh let's say 12 or younger stay the ****
away from him smile
But seriously I don't suggest him to people of that age or younger.
Here's the link:
If the link isn't blue just copy and paste it on to the address bar^^
I feel like I'm advertising for some reason neutral
Welp! Anyways Check him out and if you have a Youtube Account ((Which I bet you do))
Subscribe him and Comment his videos!
See ya!
Fo Rizzles!
Escape The Fate<3