What now?
Guess Operation Twin Snakes is my number I priority.
This is a one way trip, once I had a choice.... that was then , there's no turning back.
Liquid must die.
Magami: No, no ,no, no, no! Why now?! You guys are supposed to be on the other end of this place!( What's the use, these things can't understand me. I need a chaff!)
As there is no more time left surveying my surroundings was almost like second nature to me. (Found it!) O_O Ohh man too far! Only thing I got here is... got it! A high frequency knife?
High frequency huh.... well than, I have no more problems getting through this.... there are only five of these "gekkos"
Magami: Ohh wait I forgot how to activate this thing.. -first move-
Gekko: RAWR!!!!! -fires mini-vulcan cannon-
(It may be the future but these things sure are slow!) *punches a hole in the head* swallow's dive!
Magami: Okay than, four left... now how do i handle this?... -evades multiple bullets- Hey! My arm! Wait, now I remember, you just press the end of this thing and-BAM!
Raiden: Aww.. -passes out on building-
Magami: Dude! -attempts to catch him-
Raiden: Swallow?*before completely passing out*... Huh? Where are we?
Magami: We're in some abandoned munitions shop.
Raiden: What exactly happened?
Magami: I guess the sonic wave that got out of this thing affected your armor, I guess you'll be starting to feel a little queasy in a while.Oh oh too late..
Raiden: How can I be of assistance?
Magami: Snake.. needs our help.
Raiden: Really now, For what reason?
Magami: I don't know myself, okay our mission is to help Snake infiltrate the camp without being seen.
Raiden: I see, and?
Magami: IF possible don't kill anyone.
Raiden: Of course. And after that?
Magami: Rendezvous with everyone
Raiden: Seems obvious.
Magami: -sigh- I guess you're right
Raiden: Can Otacon fair on his on?
Magami: I think so... He's disguised as the enemy apparently.
Raiden: You sure?
Magami: Yeah, yeah, now, come on.
A few minutes later...
Raiden: There's Snake.-stuns a man-
Magami: Poor git, anyway, what's the situation?
Raiden: Based on the info, we have an hour before SOP.
Magami: Than Snake has no time to lose... Our only problem is being caught...
Raiden: Not a problem, see that?
Magami: What's that? *gasp* 0_0... Is that what I think it is? A cannon? A cannon?!
Raiden: IT fires stun grenades, Snake will probably be unaffected, he's almost out of the blast radius, the only thing we have to do, is to pull this trigger.
Magami: I see.... than what? duck for cover?
Raiden: Pretty much... on Three.... THREE!
At the count of three we both jumped behind anything that was considered as a shield , I jumped behind a turned table,bad idea actually, some rock hit me, It was small but still...it hurt...
Magami: That was a crappy move... I mean seriously, you hid behind a well arranged defensive stall, while i ducked behind a table....
Raiden: Hey, my call anyway.
Magami: I see him! It's Ocelot, or should i say, Liquid.
Raiden: -Checks the scope- If I only had the privilege of hitting him in the head, right now...
Magami: Calm yourself, you'll get your chance, anyway, That's Snake's job
???: We're not tools of the government or anyone else,Fighting was the only thing- the only thing I was good at, But at least I fought for what I believed in.
Magami: -looks down- Gray Fox...
Raiden: Swallow are you ok? What the?
Magami -looks up- What the O_O is that a satellite transmitter?
Raiden: Where?
Magami: -points- There... -a frequency suddenly goes haywire on the codec- Whoa -throws the thing- -it flashes and sparks violently-
Raiden: What the?!
Magami: What's going on?! Why are they doing this?
Raiden: They're going crazy! It's like they're in a frenzy of some sort!
Magami: Is this Liquid's objective? Is this is what he's been testing?
The whole camp was going mad, soldier against soldier, ally against ally.... endless killing.... This is S.O.P's flaw..... FOXDIE.... has succeeded.... Somewhere in there, FOXHOUND is going mad as well, Snake's in the middle of it all.... Has he been hit?
Raiden: There it is, The camp.
Magami: This is just messed up... What the hell, happened?!
Raiden: Were we too late?
Magami:- Looks for Snake- No way, It can't be... Liquid's achieved his goal..
Raiden: S.O.P. , has been hacked.
Magami: We're not safe here anymore, Raiden, go find Meryl and the others, I'll go find Snake.
Raiden: That won't be a problem, Snake, Is over there- points out to Snake-
Magami: The plan... We're still gonna go after Liquid,right?.... Liquid, anticipated this move.... We must hurry.
Raiden: Understood.
As we hurriedly got Meryl, her squad, and Snake out of the scene, Leaving behind the fallen enemies ... there's no more time to lose it's now or never...

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