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Two by Fate
Current chapters of Aero Luna's story
Chapter 41 Shock
The snow was already melting in the courtyard as small spring flowers reached out to the sky. Rook leaned against the archway feeling the warm sun. Flora was talking to her advisors in the room behind him. He knew what they must be talking about. There would only be so much time before her freedom was taken from her, forever.

Flora sat before the advisors on a small raised platform. They discussed that laws that needed to be revised. Flora had prepared for these revisions with Rook before the meeting so the advisors were pleased with her answers.

“Your highness, there is one other topic we’d like to discuss.”

Oh no! I’m not prepared for anything else. What do I do?

“What is it?” she asked calmly despite the turmoil in her mind.

“Well,” the advisor began, “eventually you will have to become queen. To do that you will have to wed Prince Rook.”

She stared at the advisor. “Excuse me?”

“I know this must come as a shock-”

“No, no I knew I would, but, so soon? I haven’t even known him for a year. I thought there would be more time.” Flora was trying her hardest to keep her composure.

“There will be time but we would like to begin planning for the ceremony. We want it to be perfect for our future queen.”

“C-can we discuss it at a later time? I haven’t put much thought into it, yet.”

“Yes, that would be fine.” The advisors stood and the others joined her, “we will dismiss for the day.” They all bowed before they left the room.

Rook waited for them all to leave scanning a random page of the book he held. The room behind the door was silent. He sighed walking over and lightly knocking on the door. There was no answer. He walked in seeing Flora seated on the platform. She had her legs pulled up to her chest with her head on her knees. Her hands were locked together covering her left hand.

“Flora,” he whispered. He felt horrible. He had expected her to be shocked, but actually seeing her so miserable felt unbearable. “I’m sorry. You must be angry.”

“I’m not angry.” The voice was muffled as her head was buried in her knees. “I’m just a little shocked, is all.”

Rook didn’t know what to say. There were no comforting words, no means of escape. The door of her cage was closed and locked tight.

“I’m sorry.” That was all he could say.

She hugged her legs tighter to her chest. She couldn’t look at him. Rook had always been so kind and courteous to her. Was it all because he knew this would happen?

He doesn’t want me as a wife. I’m not really a princess, I’m just a town girl. No wonder he seems so unhappy. No matter how lady-like I try to act he knows . . . I can’t be what he wants.

She wanted to disappear. She was so embarrassed but Rook didn’t leave. He waited for her to uncurl from her seat. His knuckles were white from the tight grip he held on his book. The room was painfully still as they each waited for the other to move, to speak, anything to break the horrible silence of the room. Finally, Flora lifted her head, still not looking at him for fear that her face would give her away. Rook could see that her face was red and her eyes watered.

There was the sound of large wings from behind the door followed by the thump of hooves and carriage wheels. Rook forced himself to tear his from her, looking towards the door.

“That sounds like Aero’s carriage,” he told her, “Do you want me to check?”

Flora nodded. She still couldn’t move. She wasn’t even sure if she remembered how to speak.

Rook slowly walked to the door. He feared any movement too sudden would break him. When he opened the door the view of the small carriage filled the archway.

“Rook!” Aero exclaimed jumping from the carriage, “long time no see.”

Flora perked up at her voice.

“You seem to be feeling better.” He tired his best to act natural.

“Where’s Flora? I have a ton of stuff from home.”

“I’m here.” She stood in the doorway.

“Flora,” Aero began worriedly.

Flora gave a sudden shake of her head cutting her off. She gave a glance down the hall with pleading eyes.

“I have some of your things, too, I’ll help you take them to your room,” Aero offered digging into the carriage. “There’s not much of it, but your parents insisted I bring it.”

They carried the boxes down to her room as Rook retreated to the parlor. Aero looked, concerned, between the two of them. They were always together, but now . . .

When they got to the room Flora shut the door and hurriedly placed the boxes by the dresser, Aero did the same.

“What happened?” she asked worriedly grabbing Flora’s hands, “Did you have a fight, or something?”

“No, no of course not.” Flora told her with watery eyes.

“Then what?”

“I don’t know what to do.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, “in order to become queen Rook and I have to marry. Rook is a wonderful guy and I really do like him, but I’m afraid he doesn’t think of me the say way.”

“I think he likes you,” Aero reassured her. “He always looks at you kindly.”

“He looks at everyone kindly,” she mumbled. “I’m too normal for him. He should have a beautiful, refined lady who is sophisticated, and talented, and . . . perfect for him.”

“You can be all those things,” Aero told her, “we just have to practice. You already look the part. With a few etiquette and dancing lessons you’ll be perfect. I know some people who can help.” Aero laughed. “Everything will be fine.”

They left early that morning and waited by the fountain. Ive hurried to them, still wrapping his scarf around his neck. He bowed as he approached them.

“Stand!” Flora whispered urgently, “We can’t bring attention to me.”

“Ah, sorry.” Ive scratched his head embarrassed. “It’s habit.”

“Let’s go!” Aero grabbed Flora’s hand hurrying her along the path.

“Where are we going?” Flora asked as they walked alongthe small path.

“We’re going to your new teachers, milady.” Ive explained.

“New teachers?” she questioned.

“We’re going to help you become a lady, for Rook,” Aero told her, “Just trust us.”

When they entered the village all of the villagers and performers bowed.

“Please stand,” Flora told them hurriedly, “You don’t need to bow to me.”

“But we do, your highness,” Kian explained, “You are our beloved princess, the one we’ve all been waiting for.”

Flora was always speechless when people said such deep statements about her. She was really loved by her people, no matter how undeserving she felt.

“Th-then, please, help me become a lady worthy of being queen,” she requested looking at them kindly.

“With pleasure.” Kian stood directing the women of the town to stand. “We’ll start with etiquette.”

The day passed quickly at the village. Flora started with etiquette. She practiced walking with a book on her head for posture. Then she moved on to eating at meals. She already had the basics down from copying Rook. After that, she started dancing. While the music played Kian danced as her partner teaching her the steps, and to look up while dancing instead of constantly watching her feet.
It was afternoon when they finally started back along the path. They laughed about the events of the day as they walked. When they got back to the marketplace it was unusually quiet.

“Rook?” Flora asked spotting him through the crowd. He was looking around the marketplace. People around him stayed as far away from him as possible. “Rook!” she called.

When he heard her he ran over to her. “Where’ve you been?” he asked. His voice wasn’t angry but his eyes scanned the dirt that coated the hem of her dress before searching her face.

“I went to music practice with Aero and Ive,” she explained, “It was a long walk.”

“Ah,” he couldn’t help but be relieved, “it must have been fun.”

Flora nodded. It was still tense between them. Even more so with people watching them.

“Well, I’ll let you get back to your fun.” Rook bowed his head to her and left.

Flora watched him leave, unable to move. Rook hardly ever left the palace, especially not on his own. Why had he left? Had he gone looking for her? The questions spun in Flora’s head.

“Are you okay?” Aero’s worried face appeared before her. “You don’t look so good.”

“I-I think I’ve had enough for the day. I should head back,” she explained, walking quickly through the crowd. Aero exchanged a worried look with Ive before following her to the palace. “I need to talk to Rook. That’s the only solution to this. I need to set things straight.”

“Should we come with you?” Aero questioned.

“No,” she stopped them before the gate to the garden, “I can do this on my own.”

“Alright,” Ive told her, “We’re here for you, if you need us, the whole village is.”
Flora nodded, “Thank you.” She hurried through the halls for the parlor.

“Rook?” She opened the door, but he wasn’t there. There was only a book laying face down on the table. She sighed closing the door softly. “Where are you?” She considered waiting until he came back, but her feet were restless so she wandered the halls searching for him.

“Good day, your highness.” One of the maids curtseyed as she passed.

“Good day, have you seen Rook?”

“Prince Rook? He isn’t in the parlor?” The maid was startled.

Flora shook her head. “Never mind. If you see him, could you tell him I’m looking for him?”

“Of course, milady.”

“Thank you.” Flora continued on her way. The maids never seemed to pay much attention to Rook. She searched through the halls, scanning the library and various other rooms. She was running out of rooms to search when she entered the wing of bedrooms. Flora knocked on the door of Rook’s room.

“Who is it?” His voice came from behind the door.

“It’s me, Flora.” She heard his footsteps and felt her nerves coming back. Maybe I should just go. He obviously doesn’t want to see me.

He opened the door, unable to keep eye contact. “Is there something you need?”

She couldn’t speak. Even though she tried the words couldn’t escape her mouth.
He took a step back into his room. “If you don’t need anything then-”

“Wait!” Her voice was strained, but it came out louder than she had expected. “S-sorry.”

He turned back to her, waiting for her to speak. Flora’s face was red ask she asked suddenly, “Do-do you hate me?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“I feel like something changed between us,” she explained with watery eyes, “We used to be good friends, but now I feel like you’re avoiding me.”

“I’m not avoiding you.”

“Then why are you hiding in your room?” she accused feeling the tears return.

“I’m not hiding.” He looked her in the eyes for the first time. “I thought you wanted space.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I was shocked, but I didn’t want it to be like this.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

“Stop apologizing,” she pleaded, “Why do you always pull other’s problems onto yourself? Not everything is your fault. I know you don’t want to marry someone like me, but-”

“What are you saying?” Rook’s eyes bore into hers, “Is that what you were upset about? You thought I’d be unhappy marrying you?”

“Well, I’m not very suitable for a princess. I tried to practice but I’m still not-”

“That doesn’t matter to me,” Rook stopped her, “You’re a beautiful, kind, thoughtful girl. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t care for you? That I’d hate you, even?”

“Rook . . . I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize. We haven’t gotten the chance to know each other well enough. There’s still time.” Rook smiled at her kindly, looking at her with soft eyes. “The advisors may try to rush us, but I know we’ll get to know each other better.”

Flora nodded, too embarrassed to say anything.

“Will you walk with me?” Rook held out his hand to her. She placed her hand in his and he wrapped his fingers around her hand. They didn’t speak as they walked through the garden, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were together again. Everything was back to normal and there was still time.

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