christ man my mom is so over prtective i mean she thinks jus tcause its 34 degreese that its goona kill somebody to drive some wear i mean i just got a new i-pod for christmas and all my uncle had on his i-tunes was old songs from like the 70's and rap and god knows i hate rap so we get some songs i like on i-tunes and when my mom said that morining we could come over my aunts hose-which is like only five minutes away-she said its to dangeros god im not a kid anymore she has to learn when u make a promise u have to keep it i just want her to know thats its not like she was when she was a kid i mean god she can just take a small risk i mean she says millions of people die a year from car accedents god i jus t wish could be me for a day i mean its hard for a teen in my conditions io mean im prez of my school so everyone expects me to be perfect and i cant be perfect i mean ive got alot of stress down now a days and shes acting like its my fault for the bad s**t happening in the world i meancant u just learn to live life threw my shoes and dont get me started on my dad he said if i got my easr periced he wpuld cut off my hair knowing i love my hair this way i eman what the hell.then he has the nerve to call baq the next day and appoligize i mean im glad he can appolagize but saying all that was really harsh man crying my life sucks