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The Technosexual.
- because computers are sexy.
Hell today sucks. Don't know why, just does. Probably disatisfied with my pitiful life again.

Started: 5:49pm, 1/10/09
1._What is your name?
-Mobius Razgriz is my designated online name. has a pretty good ring to it.
2._How old are you?
-15. and like 9 months.
3._When is your birthday?
-May 3, 1993
4._Are you looking forward to it?
-Eh, doesn't matter that much to me.
-Not to big on recieving anything free, or borrowing for that matter. Anyway, I'm almost positive that I'm getting some decent desk chair, since my mom thinks that videogames are satanic or something.
6._Are you happy?
-I don't know, I'm acting differently but I don't think I'm sad, angry, depressed, or anything else of that nature.
7._What makes you happiest?
-Hands down going to school, that is like the reason for living now.
8._Are you afraid of something?
-Afraid of my world becoming what it was in 7th grade, long term school cancellation, becoming addicted to WoW again.
9._Do you live alone, or with someone else?
-With someone else.
-My Mom, Dad, youngest sister, and that whom loves me most, my dog banner.=)
11._Do you have any pets?
-Hehe, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a canary, 2 frogs, 2 rabbits (magic number=2) and a bunch of fish.
12._What is your favorite cartoon?
-Does Bleach, Family Guy or even South park count?
13._Have you ever hit a deer?
-With what? Never.
14._Do you drink?
-Dislike that phrase. I drink water, milk, juice occasionally.
15._Do you prefer beer or liquor?
-Don't know if I prefer for either.
16._What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
-Donno, I think Egg Nog.
17._What kind of cell phone do you have?
-Verizon Voyager.
18._Do you like it?
-I don't use it for much, it's handy.
19._What is the funniest word you ever heard?
-I don't really find words funny. Splee is kind of entertaining, consider who I have heard say it.
20._Do you hate it when people call you "dear"?
-Not in perticular, I always do like a mental double-take.
21._To whom have you sent the most text messages?
-Andrew neale, Alonson Scriven, Andrew Sadowy (I can't quite figure out how like every one I was ever friends with had a name that starts with "A" wink , my sister, my mom.
22._What did you do for new year's eve?
-Played pool with family, sat around a TV, what I used to consider enjoyable.
23._we're there lots of pictures?
-On the internet.
24._What is your favorite movie?
-Get smart, or something Monty python. Best movie is Independence Day.
25._What is your favorite song?
-Right now it is "Thank You!!" By Home made kazoku.
26._What concerts do you want to see in 2008(9)?
-None. Thought splittingly loud music is not anything I enjoy.
27._Do you have any tattoos?
28._What is your favorite place to chill out?
-Global Studies, with Mr. Meyer if i still had him for a teacher.
29._What is your favorite song to play on guitar hero?
-I don't play guitar hero. Ever, really.
30._Do you work out?
-I wouldn't consider it working out, just muscle building reps while watching TV, on computer.
31._Do you wear any jewelry?
-My nice Columbia watch, Assassins Creed necklace.
32._What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years?
-Favorite? Most damn amusing was Friday before winter break, favorite was this Monday, back from the break.
33._what is your goal for the year?
-A lot. See my last entry.
34._What do you think about when you first wake up?
-A specific person that has a quite uncontrollable mental effect on me.
35._Do you shower daily?
-Of course.
37._Have you ever eaten sushi?
-Once, as a self dare.
38._Did you like it?
-Not one bit. The taste probably grows on you, but I don't care for the textures.
39._List three things you can't live without:
-Literally, Water, Food, and friends. Answering the way I am expected to, School, friends, imagination.
40._What is your best physical feature?
-That no matter what I consume I do not gain wieght, which is something many would kill for. I have no perticular fetish for it.
41._What is your middle name?
42._Do you get choked up during dramatic movies?
-Not perticularly.
43._What is your biggest pet peeve?
-My sister and how she either A. Cannot put a disc back in it's case, B. puts the disc in the wrong case, or C. Puts more than one disc in the same case.
44._have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate?
-Far as love? Unlikely, but possible. Far as friendship, I don't believe so.
45._Is there anything that you regret?
-My many lost oppertunities, like the sleepout and guitar club concert of recently. More long term is letting my mom b***h about my 7th grade science teacher, not being in robotics.
46._Do you want children?
-I don't have any opinion one way or the other. It would be a defining experience in my life.
47._How many?
-Two or three sounds like a fair number.
48._Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
-Never driven.
49._What is your favorite number?
-What's the difference besides for even and odd? Sure, 5 I guess.
50._What is your favorite sports team?
-I have no current interest in any sports, I play them not admire them.
51._What is your most over-used phrase?
-Nothing noticable at this point in time, tell me if there is one.
52._What do you not say enough?
-Greetings. I find most common greetings overused and unfelt, so I don't use them too frequently.
~You and your other half:~
53._Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her?
-Never had an ex, but am trying with my current subject.
54._Are you currently with someone?
-Yes mentally and emotionally, and it's getting old, sick of hating myself for it.
55._Do you love him/her?
-Completely, everything about her.
56._Who said "I love you" first?
-hypotheticly in the future I think it wouldn't be me.
-I couldn't imagine it happenng before I leave school, on the phone possibly.
58._Would you date your ex again?
-Don't have an ex to date, or have dated.
59._What is your longest relationship?
-Love relationship? Nonexistant. Friend relationship, 10-11 years.
60._What is your most significant relationship?
-That which I have with a friend who has always tolerated me.
61._What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do?
-I haven't thought of it because it was never applicable, perhaps making the others greatest possible wishes and dreams come true, even if that is just saying I love you.
62._Do you like pet names?
-I think they are somewhat rediculous and without a logical reason, but they do not effect me in any way.
63._Do you have any?
-From a lover? No. Well kind of, Santina whoever from science in 7th grade used to call me Trev Trev, but I doubt it was more then just teasing.
64._Is there anything that you won't tolerate in a relationship?
-Answered this question in a different survey, I am tolerant of basicly everything, there had to be motive or reason for whatever was done, therefore is forgivable.
65._Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage?
-Yes, I have seen too many couples to say no. Living together is nothing like what can be experienced through conventional love relationships.
66._Where did you meet your significant other?
-My "crush"? First a long time ago, elementary school I would assume.
67._Have you ever broken up?
-Never had someone to break up with.
68._Have you ever had your heart broken?
-Sure I have, but looking back it doesn't seem significant.
69._Have you ever broken someone's heart?
-I honestly hope I haven't, and If I have I feel sorry.
70._What is your significant other's birthday?
-("crush" wink I don't quite know, I have an idea but do not care to express it, it could be detrimental to any chance at a relationship.
71._What is your anniversary?
72._Does this person know you better than anyone else?
-If again referancing "crush" (getting sick of that word real quick) it is unlikely for the feeling is doubtfully mutual, so she wouldn't care about me in any way.
73._Is this person younger than you?
-Unlikely, older by months probably, due to my birthday being later in the age interval for our grade.
74._Where was your first date?
75._Would you marry this person?
-Possibly, if they want marriage. I personally find that those vows have pretty much lost thier meanings, Comedy shows have already started rewriting more accurate vows.
76._Are you happy with your sex life?
-Sex really isn't necessary, I do not see how it is so important it could drive someone to wreck thier life. Isn't being around the person you truely love enough to satisfy yourself? So yes.
77._who is "Your" band?
-Don't really take claims to any kind of band
78._What is "Your" song?
-Never thought of a song to describe myself, closest one is "Thank You!!" but I would gladly share it.
79._Do you think you'll be together for a long time?
-I wish, if a relationship ever exists. If anyone could possibly understand who I am and why then I do believe we would.
80._Do you lay in bed and cuddle a lot?
-Cuddle with whom or what? I like the feeling of being tied up in blankets.
81._Where was the last place you went together?
-School, maybe not together as much as apart in the same place.
82._Do you do a lot of surveys?
-I would say I do, they are a great way of occupying my time as I explore and discover who I am, my life and relationships.
83._did you like this one?
-It was enjoyable and insightful, but the fact that it ended at question 83 sort of kills it, to some extent.

Completed at 7:46, after dinner with family and a lengthy conversation with Sadowy.

Love is painful, awkward and confusing. It is and unshakeable feeling that plays your mind from the moment you wake. I have never delt with a bigger pain in the a**, but I would gladly experience it every day. In this developed stage of the damn feeling I fear that the life I have built around it will altogether collapse, I could not imagine what would be left of me without it.

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