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The Technosexual.
- because computers are sexy.
Mega Survey(#9)
I hope I haven't done this one before.

1.-What time are you starting this?
-Way too late.

Mobius Razgriz, or Trevor

Raz, "T-rizzle"(I don't know how)

4.-Date of birth?


Don't think about it, I would assume like 5'9"

7.-Eye color?

8.-Where were you born?
Here, just like 25 miles away, I don't remember.

9.-Number of candles on your last birthday cake?

Dogs, cats, rabbits, frog, fish, canary

11.-Hair color?
Brown as well.

Nope, thankfully.

13.-Town you live in?
I live in myself.

14.-Favorite foods?
Soup, chicken wings (regardless of the mess), a good salad.

15.-Ever been to Africa?
Nope, and don't intend to, unless by some wacky chain of events I sign into the army and end up over there.

16.-Been toilet papering?
What might that be?

17.-Love someone so much it made you cry?
Yes. Can't figure out how, but I believe it was fairly indirect.

18.-Been in a car accident?
Sure, plenty of times.

19.-Croutons or bacon bits?
Never had bacon bits, but I dislike croutons. So ya, bacon.

20.-Favorite day of the week?
Monday. Except for this week.

21.-Favorite resturant?
Don't have one.

22.-Favorite flower?
Remembered what it was called, tulip.

23.-Favorite sport to watch?
Football if any.

24.-Favorite drink?
Root beer if any.

25.-Favorite ice cream flavor?
I have better and more pointlessly complex things to sit around contemplating, I will just go with mint chip.

26.-Warner Bros. or Disney?
Warner Bros.

27.-Favorite fast food restuarant?
Sure, Wendy's

28.-Carpet color in your bedroom?
Rug color= dark blue with small white markings

29.-Whom did you get your last email from?
Looking... Playstation network mailing list.

30.-Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
I would prefer not to, but I guess EB games.

31.-What do you do most often when you are bored?
Online crap, surveys it would seem.

32.-Most annoying thing to say to me?
I don't get annoyed with anything, at least not that I think... I get enthusiastic when surveys ask me if I drink, dislike that phrase.

Whenever i feel like it, proven by tonight. My parents pretend it is 11, I usually set it for 12 myself.

34.-Favorite TV show?
At the moment whatever is on comedy channel.

35.-Last person you went out to dinner with?:
Does my parents count?

36.-Been out of country?
Sure, to Canada.

37.-Believe in magick?
No, even when it is spelled with a K.

38.-Ford or Chevy?
I think both suck. Get a nice German car.

39.-What are you listening to right now?
The faint humming of my computer, keyboard clicking, trickling of the aquarium filter. Not going to block my senses with music at this time of night, need to be self-conscience.

40.-Have you ever failed a grade?
Nope, or I'd have to kill myself, like now.

41.-If you have, what grade did you fail?

42.-Do you have a crush on someone?
I would like to believe that I don't anymore, think it is fading.

43.-Do you have a bf/gf?
Unlikely I ever will.

44.-If so, what is their name?

45.-How long have you been together?
0 years 0 months 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds

46.-What are you wearing right now?
My pajamas, and fleece blanket cloak.

47.-Would you have sex before marriage?
If I (or her,[maybe even him, but highly unlikely])plan on getting married I wouldn't.

48.-Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?
I never quite could understand how that is possible. No.

49.-Are you a virgin?
Yes, what do you think?

50.-Do you smoke?
No thank your god.

51.-Do you drink?
Hahahaha i knew that would come up sooner or later. Yes, I drink the fluids necessary to substain life.

52.-Are you ghetto?
No. Trying to picture it; Wow that's freaky.

53.-Are you a player?
Even more freaky.

54.-What are your favorite colors?
It has to be blue, it just has to be. I thought I liked red. I kinda like green, but most humans are attracted to green and blue.

55.-What is your favorite animal?
Don't waste my time thinking of it, but now that I have it appears quite obvious, my dog.

56.-Do you have any birthmarks?
Yes, although my parents would disagree.

57.-Who do you talk to most on the phone?
Talk? I think Sadowy, but he does the talking.

58.-Have you ever been slapped?
Sure, by my parents, or older sisters at some point in my life.

59.-Do you get online a lot?
Only all day long.

60.-Are you shy or outgoing?
I believe I'm shy. Ya, I'm shy.

61.-Do you shower?

62.-Do you hate school?
Lolz used to.

63.-Do you have a social life?
Depends on what you define a social life. For me, I do. Kind of. For others I'm a reclusive geek.

64.-How easily do you trust people?
I know to a great extent the way people around me act and interact. Those who have trustable actions and character I can easily trust. It's not a matter of how wasily I can trust a person, I either can or can't. And I know who those are.

65.-Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?
I don't think I do, and it wouldn't be a secret if anyone but me knew.

66.-Would you ever sky dive?
Highly unlikely. Once possibly.

67.-Do you like to dance?
Never like, occasionally do patheticaly when nobody sees.

68.-Have you ever been out of state?
I would figure that by this point in life everyone has, yes.

69.-Do you like to travel?
Not perticularly, throws off my daily schedule, can't think right when I want to, which at specific points in the day fundamentally zombifies me.

70.-Have you ever been expelled from school?
Thank your god no.

71.-Have you ever been suspended from school?
Equally as greatfull that i haven't

72.-Do you want to get out of your hometown?
Not at all, that would be horribly inconvenient and a waste of 3 years of real relationship building.

73.-Are you spoiled?
No, not one bit. Thankfully.

74.Are you a brat?
No, I don't think so. If I am that would suck. Horribly.

75.-Have you ever been dumped?
Never gave anyone the chance to dump be, never asked on a date.

76.-Do you like snapple?
Random much? Sure.

77.-Do you drink a lot of water?
No, not much of anything in fact. I wouldn't doubt that I haven't been properly hydrated in months, years perhaps.

78.-What toothpaste do you use?
Whichever doesn't have a messy cap.

79.-Do you have a cell phone?

80.-Do you have a curfew?
Nope, 9 sounds like the standard, but I've never been out later then they cared.

81.-Who do you look up to?
I can't say there is a tangible person I look up to. My main role model is a kind and forgiving person behind the image of my deceased adoptive grandfather. Closest thing to real inspiration is my perfect friends and classmates.

82.-Are you a role model?
I hope not. I haven't yet completed a worthy personality, and there's no reason to look up to me at any point in time.

83.-Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?
Both, on everything.

84.-What name brand do you wear the most?
Columbia, Adidas 2nd.

85.-What kind of jewelry do you wear?
Columbia watch, assassins creed necklace, Bic rubber band.

86.-What do you want pierced?
Nothing, thank you.

87.-Do you like takin pictures?
I believe it is spelled taking, and yes. Just not the same thing 20 times.

88.-Do you like gettin your picture taken?
*getting*Well, not usually. Guess it depends on my mood, company. Haven't cared much as of lately.

89.-Do you have a tan?
I have the remainder of a carro tan from when I was a baby, if I never got one I would look sickly pale right now.

90.-Do you get annoyed easily?
Not at all.

91.-Have you ever started a rumor?
Nope. Well not intentionally, there could have been an incident were I misheard information and passed that around. If that can be considered a rumor. Doubt it was ever about anyone.

92.-Do you have your own phone or phone line?

93.-Do you have your own pool?
Yes, don't recall using it in a year or two.

94.-Do you prefer boxers or briefs?

95.-Do you have any siblings?
3 sisters, 2 older out of collage one younger.

96.-Have you ever been played?
In which way? I think once on LOTR BFM 2, damn stacked cavalry.

97.-Have you ever played anyone?
I would hate to, and doubt I ever will.

98.-Do you get along with your parents?
Yes, for the most part. A couple differences in opinions, but no real conflict.

99.-How do you vent your anger?
Eh. Lately it has been through writing and typing, or ripping at that scab on my left hand. But that's all stress, not anger. Never have any anger to vent, except fot with myself.

100.-Have you ever ran away?
I ran away from a kid while playing tag, nothing serious though.

101.-Have you ever been fired from a job?
Never had a job to be fired from.

102.-Do you even have a job?

103.-Do you daydream a lot?
I wouldn't quite call it daydreaming, because of the word's connection to school. I would call it meditating, contemplating, discovery of why things are.

104.-Do you run your mouth?
About what? My closest thing to ranting is about Nintendo's failness. Long live Sony!

105.-What do you want a tattoo of?
Nothing. If ever anything, it would probably be similar to my posting signature once I find one I really like.

106.-What do you have a tattoo of?

107.-What does your ex bf/gf look like?
Um, nonexistant.

108.-What does your most recent crush look like?
Looks decent, not that it really matters.

109.-Whats her/his name?
Why would I tell you?

110.-Are you rude?
Not at all, I prevent that in many ways. That last answer did sound quite rude though...
111.-What was the last compliment you recieved?
It was " you're good at math" form Momo, which I went on to thoroughly and specifically basically deny.

112.-What is your heritage?
Heratige of what? For ancestory, basically all German. Well I guess I was born in America, making me American. There weren't always human in Europe, everyone came from around Africa, India, Indonesia.

113.-What is your lucky number?
I do not believe I own one.

114.-What does your hair look like right now?
Hm. I don't know how to describe it, it's flat, boring, a little long.

115.-Could you ever be a vegetarian?
Doubtfull. Salted meats and other things are cravings I occasionally get.
116.-Describe your looks?
Um, skinny, dehydrated, pale, I donno defined, pathetic.

117.-Would you ever date someone younger than you?
I guess, by like 2 years at the most. Right now not even that, like within one year.

118.-Would you ever date someone older than you?
Not too much older, a year at the most. It just feels odd.

119.-When was the last time you were drunk?
Never. In this form in this dimension.

120.-How many rings until you answer the phone?
Usually all, which is around 3.

121.-Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Nope. Why would I? that would be disgusting.

122.-If yes, when was the last time?

123.-When was the last time you went on a date?
I've answered never to that too many times.

124.-Do you look more like your mother or father?
I would prefer niether one over the other.

125.-Do you cry a lot?
Twice a year perhaps? Guys cry too, maybe less frequently.

126.-Do you ever cry to get your way?
Never, that would be kinda bratty.

127.-What phrase do you use most when on the phone?
Not on the phone often enough to even notice.

128.-Are you the romantic type?
I wouldn't think so, not gag insane romance. I think i can be romantic on my own undetectable way.

129.-Have you ever been chased by cops?
Wow I just found that question funny for some strange odd readon. No.

130.-What do you like most about your body?
What would there be to like? I can damage it bust it rip it open and it heals. That is a fun attribute.

131.-What do you like least about your body?
I'm too damned skinny, is like 5 pounds too much to ask for?

132.-When did you have your first crush?
I premature false crush in like 5th grade, after that I can't remember.

133.-When was the last time you threw up?
I wouldn't recall, had to have been at least 3 years ago. I can combat nausia with different breathing and thought techniques.

134.-In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
Think I have had a crush with every hair color even red. Typical pysical appearence doesn't apply to me.

135.-Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?
No, hell no, why on earth would a guy do that?

136.-What about cleavage?
Cleavage preferance? I would say if you look like a normal girl.

137.-Is your best friend a virgin?
Wouldn't say I have a best friend. Closest friend is, almost positively. At least, I don't see how he couldn't be.

138.-What theme does your room have?
There is no theme at all. I have a wooden desk, dresser, white trimming, blue shelving, aquarium stand, and different shades of brown everywere else.

139.-What size show do you wear?
Don't know, to lazy to look. Ok I will look. A U.S. 10.

140.-What is your screen name on AIM?
I think it's mobiusrazgriz@aim.com, I never use it.

141.-How are you feeling right now?
Getting kinda tired, naturally considering the time.

142.-When was the last time you were at a party?
Would Danny and that band at his house today be considered one?

143.-Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?
Sure there has.

144.-What is one of your bad qualilties?
I worry too much, although due to the reasons I probably should. I don't ever ask questions, not a single request. I rarely offer anything, but will be glad to provide when asked. I dislike myself. I believe friends should be more convenient than obligatory. The list goes on.

145.-What is one of your good qualilties?
I have a creative and inventive mind, I can solve pretty much any puzzle, game, or word problem when given fair time to think. I am recourceful and handy.

146.-Would you marry for money?
Why the hell would you call it a marriage? doesn't that neglect the meaning?

147.-What do you drive?
A bike.

148.-Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?
I'm an independent

I can form my own opinions.

What? bad question.

151.-When was the last time you cried in school?
Um, I think at the beginning of the school year I did a little in the guidence office because of freakin Bio with crazy auntie Toy.

152.-What kind of music do you like?
Japanese Rock, veriety songs from movies and videogames, select country songs.

153.-Would you ever bungee jump?
Sure, if I had to.

154.-What is your worst fear?
Me becoming a puppet to my emotions, moving, failing a class, excommunication by newfound friends.

155.-Would you ever join the army?
Sure, it is a very honorable and fine deed.

156.-Do you like cows?
Random? No, not at all.

157.-If you were to die today, what would you do?
Probably play WoW, go to school, tell the one I love that I love her and that she is capable of recieving affection, submit a few decent and meaningfull writings, die at peace without worrying anyone by letting them know my end was approaching.

158.-If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be?
Thank you.

159.-Do you like to party?
Not perticularly, it interupts with my thought processes.

160.-Hearts or broken hearts?

161.-Moons or stars?

162.-Coke or pepsi?
Shut the hell up, there is no difference.

163.-Favorite scent?

164.-Favorite band?
FLOW if any.

165.-Would you ever dye your hair red?
I would see no purpose in it, I guess i could but why would I? Unlikely.

166.-How many languages can you speak?
English and Geek.

167.-What time are you finishing this?
over 2 hours later then when I started, which was already insanely late.

I think I'm sick of surveys for a while now.
If you got to this point, congratulations, you survived 167 pointless questions of wasted time. thank you for bothering.

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