God giveth and God taketh away..
God maketh and God teareth from thy dead cold hands.
God bleedeth over Satan altar in brandy times when made yore.
God maketh nothing when Gods blood stains the floor.
Eternity and lonely sate in empty halls at the turn of three thousand centuries.
The torture of Vampirion, flux, and flange and mange and hell survival.
God maketh thee. And SHALL tear thee away with the rock and the stone and the hill silver.
Run away for sate thine truth and cottagery.
Paying homage to nothing in the run that hides from every day.
The sun solice frowns on thee thy p***k on natures sole.
When was there truth!?
When will it be realized!?
For sate and unity teareth unity and sate apart for the one you love. Bite them not on the day that you realize that the lord pays no heed to your blessing.
Be true, let it be.
Listen once or twice only to me.
I am no stranger and I am barely sad sane. You scoff at my torment and pain.
I truly love her even now that I am no longer what I was. Love rabble and whiskey amoro.
I bite thee and find out thee and let thee go.
I love her enough to let her go even though the devil with foreplay is telling me to feed.
Take no heed to the king of lies.
Drink cyanide and let it creep inside.
Feel the blessing of forever and endeavor the sensuality of years to pass.
Fill another glass and drink to him or her.
Bless thee and thy homage and bury thee home in the morning. Rather than be in wanting of mourning.
Mourn not my brothers and sisters of yore. Let not Satan knock once at your chamber door.
If he does cut his blood upon the floor and the way of God who still desires your grace and blessing. SIN NOT. BE NOT OF EVIL.
We live for the upholding of a long lost fantasy.
Hold your heart in one hand and your goblet in the other.
Sip once from thy goblet and wait for the holy sacrifice.
The passion of your lover is worth more than death.
Give life to them. So they may deal out passion.
Or God will shed the of nostferatism;
Not even thee shall bless by the moon at night for fright of burning.
Sacrifice thyself for love oh brothers or love will never be yours.
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