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Archaelos: Legend of Power (An RP Idea)
Archaelos: The Legend

Long ago there lived a man unlike any other. A man who wielded a peculiar blade and was feared by all, particularly those that met him on the battlefield. He slaughtered hundreds and was considered a hero by his countrymen and a terror by those who worked outside the law. However, this is not the tale of the man, but rather the sword, Archaelos.

Archaelos was a sword like none other, much like the man who wielded it. Its blade gleamed darkly in the sun and was all but invisible in the night due to its pitch black blade. The large blade boasted a single highly-sharpened edge providing all the necessary destructive power one could need, rumors claimed that no other material was safe from its wrath and gave way under its touch. The hilt and guard of Archaelos sparkled purest silver and was decorated with graceful swirling black patterns that extended along the blade in silver, giving the weapon a magical look.

Indeed, some believed the sword to possess magic powers. Rumors suggested many ideas from immortality and eternal youth to invisibility and mind-reading. One witness claimed that the sword protected its wielder from all bodily harm in battle while another insisted it boasted inhumanly quick healing abilities. Others report enhanced speed, dexterity, and strength for the warrior. However, none of those claims have ever been confirmed and remain shrouded in mystery because Archaelos no longer exists whole in this world.

The great warrior stood against an entire army of invaders from the frozen wastelands of the east and challenged each man to a single, no holds barred, duel one right after the other. The invaders accepted because they believed only a fool offers to fight an entire army alone with naught but a decorative sword and were assured of an easy victory. The warrior, confidant in his sword fighting abilities and Archaelos, knew he could not be defeated. One after the other the brave warrior defeated each foreign soldier until only the enemy general was left. The battle was astounding and, in the end, ended with the general's victory. He had managed to do the impossible, shatter Archaelos.

The blade broke into seven pieces, but left the hilt intact. However, the brave warrior had accomplished his final goal and the invaders were forced to turn away, for, without an army behind them, there would be no way for the invaders to take over Leios, our country. As reward for defeating the Leiosian champion, the victorious general took the shattered pieces of the blade with him and scattered them across the Seven Seas leaving behind the hilt for the warrior as a constant reminder of his failure and the cost he was forced to pay. Unable to live among his fellows with such shame, the once proud warrior took with him the hilt of Archaelos and fled from Leios. No one knows where he went or what happened to the pieces of grand Archaelos. The only clue left behind was a word scratched into the wall of the warrior's abandoned home, "Thrista". Nothing else remains, even the warrior's name has faded into obscurity. To this day, many have searched for the pieces of Archaelos and none have succeeded.


Sema: Our Adventure

The warrior has long since left the Realm of Mortals, Tirrah to those of us who live here. Now it is our turn. The Sema, or pirates, of the world have all begun their own searches for Archaelos. Each of them come from different parts of the world and some of the captains have found a piece of the hilt, although they don't realize what they hold except that it's valuable. On the way to their goal, these Sema will encounter others like themselves, determined peasants, talented soldiers, and even a few high-class nobles all looking for the same thing, Archaelos, the Blade of Power. Board your ships and unfurl your sails. This is no ordinary adventure. Many dangers await you, both on land and on sea, and even possibly on your own ship. Watch your back and gain the ultimate prize!

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Goven: Our Laws

Even our world has laws created and enforced by the Goven, the rulers of this land. Follow them to the letter and you will not be punished. Followers of the rules shall be recognized for their good deeds.

1. This RP is literate. Do not use text speak or shorthand of any kind. The only non-English allowed are the words I've created specifically for the RP. You also must post more then just a few lines. I expect description, proper spelling and punctuation, etc.
2. Keep this RP at a PG-13 level.
3. Foul language is preferred not to be used at all, but I will allow it in very small amounts. Again, PG-13.
4. Romance is allowed, but it must remain PG-13. Cybering does not count as romance and is forbidden in the RP itself or in conjunction with it in PMs. Breaking this rule earns you an instant ban.
5. You must be long-term RPers and post regularly. I will not tolerate slackers or people who hold up the RP because they cannot keep up with the pace. If you can't manage, don't join.
6. Be courteous to your fellow RPers. I will not tolerate flaming, constant OOC, or blatant disregard for others. You will RP with everyone or not at all. Everyone is to be included unless I decide otherwise.
7. I reserve the right to add/delete/modify these rules as I see fit and at any time. You will be notified in the RP if anything changes.

Goven: The Consequences

This RP uses the whitelist/blacklist system for rulebreaking. RPers who do well and follow the rules on a constant basis will be added to the whitelist and are an example for the rest of you to follow. If an RPer breaks one of the rules they are added to the blacklist. Two blacklistings earns you a ban from the RP unless the rule broken requires an immediate ban. Once banned, you cannot come back. Period.


Tirrah: Our World

This is a map of the world of Tirrah. All the important places are marked, including the different countries from which each character is from and the seas on which they travel.

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Tirrah: The People

Here is a list of the five countries and their people, including characteristics, economy, climate, etc.

Leios- Leios lies just north of the equator in the western hemisphere and experiences both extremes of a cold winter and a hot summer. Mostly producing corn and soybeans, this country boasts a powerful army. However, despite its recent successes, Leios is young when compared to the other countries. Only the Goven and military here keep it alive. They have also embraced the Sema and are one of the few countries in which these people can relax and be safe. They are also the only semblance of a navy this country possesses. In return for sanctuary, the Sema act as the Leiosian navy in times of war. As a result, most Sema come from Leios. Leiosians are made up of mixtures from the other races. Generally, they range from light to slightly tanned skin and have all different hair and eye colors. They are also average in height.

Arnas- Arnas lies just north of Leios. The weather here is generally cold, a never-ending winter. Because the climate makes growing anything nearly impossible, these people end up being mostly breeders and trappers to earn their living. They have a formidable army, strong enough to take on any of the other countries head-to-head. They also have a decent-sized navy which is constantly harassed by the Sema. Arnasians are generally pale with light hair and blue or green eyes. They have a slightly shorter the average height and thick stature.

Iona- Iona lies in the eastern hemisphere directly on the equator and extending far into the southern hemisphere. The island nation boasts a mountainous terrain that is useless for everything except hiding and the raising of certain plants and animals as food. The greatest resource here are the people. Ionans train hard from infancy to become the best in each of their various fields. As a result, they are the finest craftsmen in the world, many weapons, jewelry, and other goods are made here, but the cost for this quality of work is high for consumers. Ionans are generally shorter than average and lean with dark hair and eyes and pale skin.

Sumsa- Sumsa inhabits most of the northern/eastern hemisphere and is a virtual wasteland cursed to endure the freezing cold of winter for eternity. It never gets above 30 degrees even in the summer months. This resulted in the Sumsans becoming a warring people who live to fight and consider death in battle to be an honor higher than all others. Their Goven barely even exists and holds no power except in name. As a result, this is another place in which Sema can find refuge when running from the laws of another country.Many Sema also had their starts in Sumsa. No one dares invade Sumsa because of their insanely large population, the largest in the world. Sumsans are generally short and muscular with leathery skin, dark hair, and dark eyes.

Goli- Goli inhabits the southern hemisphere. Their tropical climate and island status allow them to grow many types of food from plants to animals and defend their nation with the strongest navy of the five countries. Covered mostly in rain forests and one desert, Goli is nearly impossible to invade using an army and is only passable by either the natives or regular visitors to the island. Golians are taller than average and thin with dancers' bodies. They have dark or red hair and many different eye colors that complement their tanned to dark skin nicely.

Sema: The Adventurers

Here's where the accepted characters for the RP will go as well as the profile blank for creating them. Fill out the profile completely and don't repeat colors. Everyone starts out with a captain and a ship. If you would like to play additional characters (no more than three total) then you must make them members of your crew, no one else's. (You do not have to fill out the ship portion of the profile when creating crew characters. I only need that once.) All other crew members or other characters that you may meet on land are NPCs played by the person who first brought them into the story. Send all profiles to me under the subject "Archaelos Character".

Character Profile

[align=center][size=18][b]Username:[/b] [color=youchoose](Your username)[/color][/size]
[imgright](Character's picture here. Only anime please)[/imgright]
[b]Name:[/b] [color=youchoose](Character's name)[/color]
[b]Age:[/b] [color=youchoose](Character's age, between 18-30)[/color]
[b]Gender:[/b] [color=youchoose](Male or female)[/color]
[b]Nationality:[/b] [color=youchoose](Choose one of the five countries above)[/color]
[b]Ship:[/b] [color=youchoose](Name of the ship you serve on)[/color]
[b]Rank:[/b] [color=youchoose](Your rank on your ship)[/color]
[b]Weapons:[/b] [color=youchoose](List of weapons your character generally uses)[/color]
[b]Sexuality:[/b] [color=youchoose](Straight, gay, or bi)[/color]
[b]Personality:[/b] [color=youchoose](A short, few sentence, description of your character's usual disposition)[/color]
[b]Biography:[/b] [color=youchoose](A brief description of your character's history and what made them a Sema in the first place.)[/color]

Ship Profile

[b]Name:[/b] [color=same as character](Ship's name)[/color]
[b]Appearance:[/b] [color=same as acharacter](A few sentences describing the ship's general appearance. i.e. color, number of sails, etc.)[/color]
[b]Size:[/b] [color=same as character](Length, width, height in feet)[/color]
[b]Armament:[/b] [color=same as character](Weapons your ship possesses. Keep it reasonable and POTC like)[/color]
[b]Speed:[/b] [color=same as character](Your ship's fastest speed in mph)[/color]
[b]Cargo:[/b] [color=same as character](How much your ship can store in ammunition, food, etc. as well as crew and captain quarters)[/color]
[b]Colors:[/b] [color=same as character](What does your ship's jolly roger look like? a.k.a. the flag)[/color]


Goven: The Nobles

This is where the people who do well in the RP get to go. They are an example for all to follow.


Goven: The Scoundrels

This is where the people who cause trouble in the RP go. Remember, two strikes and you're out.



Tirrah: World News

This is where all the announcements, updates, and any other information that you need to know will be posted. Bannings are also announced here. Check back here often.

User Comments: [12] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 09, 2009 @ 10:57pm
I'm interested. Tell me when you're accepting profiles.

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 10, 2009 @ 12:57am
I'm not putting it up yet. First, I have to get people interested and committed to joining the RP first.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 05:30pm
It's a nice idea but, I think you have way too many RP ideas going on all at once to be trying to make another one. Not to mention that we already have other RPs still running and we're also thinking about starting up a few that were put on hold ages ago.

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 07:50pm
If I've posted an RP idea in my journal, that pretty much means I've finished with it and am waiting for people to show interest. Yes, I have a lot of them, but there's nothing else for me to do except keep trying to make an RP that someone in our group will find interesting enough to at least read it over. So far, that hasn't happened yet. I just keep getting told that there are too many RPs going and they want to start more of their own. Well, what about me, hm? When do I get my RPs that I've been working on for months, huh? Yeah, yeah. I already know the answer, so don't bother telling me. The answer is "never". I get it. Thanks for at least reading my idea though.

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commentCommented on: Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 08:58pm
Not all of us have RPs, you know. Allie doesn't have one and neither does Katie. Her's died a long time ago and Robert's is on the verge of dying. Kaitlyn doesn't have one either and pretty much the only people who have RPs at this point are me, Julie, and Katelyn. (And the ones that are currently running are the ones that Katie, myself, or both of us are running behind the scenes.) I don't see why you are getting so frustrated when only three people in our entire group have currently running RPs.

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 11, 2009 @ 09:28pm
Allie and Kaitlyn don't create RPs, they join them. So I'm not referring to them. And Katie had an RP that people joined, but I wasn't referring to her either. I've joined everyone else's RPs, but mine haven't even been considered by any of the people whose RPs I've joined. It's not fair, as my friends they should at least look my ideas over as I've done with theirs. Not to mention, I started RPs before we had more than just the Yu Yu RP to worry about and no one joined them either. So, it's not just that everyone is too busy, because at the time, you weren't. That's one of the reasons I'm angry. Besides, if people are already in a lot of RPs, they need to not even consider starting up the ones they've postponed or other RPs will suffer as a result. I don't want to talk about it anyway because it'll just making me more upset than I already am.

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commentCommented on: Thu Feb 12, 2009 @ 12:00am
I've been looking at the ideas and I've been talking to you about it. However, some of the RPs that you have made I don't have any idea about. Maximum Ride and Shaman King are not series that I would look into. As for the others, they require extensive research and, by the sound of how the RP is in the description, they are rather complex and would require a lot of attention to the point of them being another Aether or another Yu Yu RP. Another thing is that most of the RP ideas you came up with were sequels to other ideas. (AKA Yu Yu) We hadn't even started getting Yu Yu rolling when that idea came out and I already said that Yu Yu needed to end before even considering making another one. Yes. You were making RPs before anyone else but it was ideas that were based off of someone else's.

Also, would you really want us to start another RP when half of the people RPing haven't been posting in the other areas? Everyone would just end up banned from the RP for lack of posting in the end.

commentCommented on: Thu Feb 12, 2009 @ 09:38pm
I think the biggest reason for not joining your RPs is timing Trina-chan. Whenever you make an RP, I have too much going on. I can't be in 20 different RPs. Molly is in more than I am even. Perhaps we(the group) aren't joining because we have characters going in other RPs or stuff going on with college or high school, ect.
Also, I don't think half the things you said were very fair at all. You can't just say that we aren't being good friends because we don't like your RPs. We do read over the ideas, but simply because we fail to say I LOVE IT, I'LL JOIN!, doesn't mean that we didn't read it over. Please don't try throwing the friend card up to make us feel guilty. I don't like it. Also, please stop saying things like I would put this up, but you won't like it and I'll cry and such. Again, not quite the way to get good results.

I'm not being unfair for not joining your RPs, but it's not my responsibility as a friend, nor something that I can fit into my schedule right now so sorry, but I can't join. But please stop it with those status things where you just say how sad you are because no one joins or likes your ideas and stuff. Some, we do like, and some we don't. Tis the way that life is. Good idea, bad idea and that sort of thing. But sometimes, we just don't have time to make a new person and try to keep up with another RP.

dolphins are my life
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dolphins are my life
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commentCommented on: Thu Feb 12, 2009 @ 10:11pm
ooooh! Idea! Ok, so this summer, when everyone is out of school, we could all get together for something and talk about an RP. Trina-chan. Bring your ideas, everyone can talk and agree and disagree on things. It would go faster, and ensure that everyone liked the ideas. Then you could have your RP with everyone...or nearly everyone. It would take off and be well built by the time school started again.

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 11:44pm
Ok, Katrina, I luff the sound of this rp!I would totally join if it got made! And Molly, you don't have to sound so... cynical about this. Sure my rps are dying, I know that. I have always known that. Oh and Katrina? The only reason my rps get made, is because I post them, then tell people about them. Sure that leads to a LOT of disappointment, but occasionally, like in the case of Tale of Two Souls, they sort of get off the ground. All I need there is a quicker posting rate and it is GOLDEN!!! But, many others, like Batman Remix die, or like Metamorphosis, never get going. (Btw, in an act of shameless self promotion, Check out Metamorphosis everybody!) And some of our RPs that are thriving, only have one post every five weeks seemingly, like the Yu Yu Rp, or Painting the Roses Red. Heck, even Accidental Bloodbath is slow. The only reason PRR or YuYu are so far in posts is because of Molly and Katie's post-a-thons. Which in the case of PRR is the reason I posted less. It is daunting having to skip a day of getting online and then finding out there are three pages you have to read. Anyways... I totally forgot the point of this... *Goes back and reads what he has typed so far* Oh yeah! Katrina, all you have to do is make this RP and I will join in a heartbeat!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 11:47pm
I'm not asking everyone to join. I just want a response in the journal entry saying if you liked it or not. Something to tell me that you actually took the time to read something that I worked really hard on. It seems that the only way I can get anyone to respond is by getting upset and showing it in a passive-aggressive way in my status and such. Yes, I knew exactly what I was doing. You may not have liked it, but it made you read my idea and post a response. Didn't it? As far as the Max Ride RP is concerned, I got that off the ground without your guys' help. I need to know why people don't join the RPs I actually created, which would be two so far. That's why I keep asking for responses to the journal entries. It's not that hard, is it? I post when people ask me too.

And I'm sorry I have to shoot this idea down, but I already told Molly about this a while ago. When everyone else is up here for summer break, I'll be in school and working at the same time. I don't know how much time I'll have to get together. Besides, just like online, I don't feel like I'm listened to much in person either. Even if I did manage to make time to deliver my RP ideas, I don't think it would go over well. Sorry.

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 11:51pm
Thanks for the support, Robert. So far, that makes two people who would like to join if I created the RP. Well, three if you count myself. When I manage to get it up, I'll let you know, but I just joined one of Kassie's RPs as well. So it might be a while and it might not. Before I post it in the forums, though, I want to get the map and sword drawn, scanned, and posted. The sword looks awesome in my head!

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