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"If you ever stop to wounder if you've got insane mental problems, It's already too late for you." ( Sad, But true. )
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Raiden Youkai
Community Member
•°¤*The Roleplay Starters*¤°•
"There are quite a few starters I have in here. Some are long, some are short. If you ever wish to role play and respond, I have a few rules."

{ My Role play Character: Raiden Youkai }
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* I role play with both genders.
* Please be literate, and no one liners.
* I do not role play with anything related to an animal.
* I will not change anything in these starters. If you don't like the setting, don't respond.
* I may not reply all the time. I have a life to live and things to do, so please respect that.
*Your replies do not have to be this long. But please use at least three lines..
* You may use your own character. If you wish to use one in any of these that you want to reply to, please ask me first.
* My character is a seke. He can be either submissive or dominant. But he's usually submissive.
* WARNING: My character has an attitude. He's really stubborn. So if you can handle it, great! If you can't, well.. You've been warned.

Now for the starters!

User Image"There's that smell again.." The fresh scent of wine and blood smeared across the floor filled with liquid. The dark red color almost leavings stains as if it were to remain there for a couple of days, Or probably even years. And then there was a voice.. That voice in which called to him in his dreams. A tone filled with demand and questioning. It was not his master. Instead, it was someone of the higher rank. The one closest to the princess of demons, Desdemona Usha. No.. The voice in which called to him was Amaterasu Shiroi. A demon in command. What was to be said did not strike him as a surprise. It had been a constant thing.. A routine of punishment.

There were many demons. Most of them were 'full' demons. Some of them.. were half breeds. Some people got turned into demons, while others possessed greater powers than the rest. The ones who were of the half breeds were severely punished. Whether they were to decide or not, their breed did not meet their expectations. Unfortunately, Raiden Youkai was half vampire, and a half demon. Therefore, he was treated differently from the rest.

He should have been used to this. He should have been used to being beaten, punished, being forced to do the things he should not have to do. Such as killing the people he is closest to. From all the pain and suffering.. He could not put it all behind him. It was an ongoing memory that would not shake off.

As Raiden was fast asleep deep within the dark and empty forest, he listened closely to the words being spoken in his head. The voice he was ordered to obey.

"I realize that luck has not been on your side, my dear Raiden. It appears that you have not been following the orders that have been given to you."

Raiden remained silent as his bloody red gaze shifted away in thought. He knew he was going to be punished. But he didn't know what was to happen when he did. It began to make him feel curious, and uneasy.

Amaterasu continued. "Because of your disobedience, you will be assigned a Contractor. You will be unable to use your abilities until you have been commanded to use them. Therefore i will take away your powers until they are put to good use. I am sure you realized that this was going to happen. Yet because you continued.. You must be punished. You will stay with your new contractor until i say it is time. This may take a few months.. Until you have truly learned where your limits are. If you proceed, your contractor will perish, and you will lose your ability and your life."

The young male's his dilated in shock as he quickly looked back over to her as he shouted. "You can't--!" But before he could finish, Amaterasu said her farewells and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Raiden all alone. Locked in a dungeon that he could not escape.

He didn't care if somebody died, he hated humans anyway. He didn't care if he were to die either, because life was a horrible mess anyway. Yet still.. Raiden just couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted to do something, but he knew that if he did.. things would only get worst from here on out.

Moments later, Raiden awoken from his deep slumber to find himself resting on the ground in the middle of nowhere. He was back in his body.. And for some reason, he felt different. He felt powerless.

He quickly sat up, stunned about what had just happened. "Please.. Tell me it was just a dream..." He quietly thought to himself as he raised his hand and focused hard on it. He tried to focus all of his energy into his hand, and found that nothing worked. It really wasn't a dream.

"Goddammit!" He yelled in frustration as he pressed his hand up against his forehead while he leaned his head down. His short silver hair hung down a little past his red eyes, as his cross necklace hung down from his neck. He had somewhat pointy ears, and fangs like a vampire. He had a slender, yet toned figure with goggles upon his head. He definitely did not look human, and he knew that this would only lead to mischief.

Raiden Youkai pulled himself off from the ground as he took a step forward. He began to stumble, for he could not stand straight. His body was weak and it needed to rest. But being the stubborn boy he always was, he continued to try and move. He needed to get out of there.

"Sh-s**t.." He muttered. The forest was a dangerous place. It was already late at night, and everyone knew that was the time of day evil awakened.


There was something strange filling the air as the breeze brushed by the surroundings. The scent of blood that would not go away. Surely it would give the enemy an advantage. Moreover, it lead right to them.

It was a dark night out and nothing but the moonlight had made things at least a little bit more easier to see things. Not many people came out in the forest this late at night. Most of them believed that evil creatures lurked in the forest around this time. It was dangerous and hard to see.

Voices were soon heard as five men walked through the forest. They happened to be avoiding the trail for any people that may happen to pass by. They didn't want to get caught, especially with a hostage. All of them appeared to be human except for the one that was in the middle. Hands tied behind his back with a blindfold over his bloody red eyes. The male was slender and had a healthy looking skin tone. He had somewhat pointy ears with a few piercings on them. Both his claws and fangs were unusually sharp and he had on a cross necklace that hung down from his neck. This figure was rather stubborn and strong. It took four of them just to keep him in line. To keep him from getting away. They were still having problems.

The other men besides him were pretty tall and strong. They looked like the kind of men who were used to killing. Who were used to hunting. Not the kind of guys you would like to be around.

Raiden Youkai couldn't tell where they were leading him or what was around that area. But still.. He wanted to find a way past them. His teeth gritted in silent anger as he tried to jerk his hands away from the men and then shove them to the side. It almost worked. That is, until he felt something slam into his stomach and make him fall to the ground as he coughed up blood.

"Agh!" He shouted.

The men just smirked and chuckled. "If you don't cooperate, we may just have to kill you." The oldest one laughed. He then grabbed a hold of the younger male's silver hair as he yanked it up a little.

"B-b*****d.." Raiden growled quietly as he attempted to stand up, even in his bloody condition. It was obvious he was beaten quite a few times. There were wounds almost everywhere. But they were slowly healing up. The men had not yet noticed this yet. "You couldn't kill me even if you tried.. Scum."

As soon as that was said, he could feel a blade being pressed to his neck. The men were not told to kill him, but he was seriously getting on their nerves. And they would kill him either which way.

It was quiet outside. So it should be easy to hear if someone were to come. But they didn't notice a figure standing within the trees and continued to commit a crime.

It would have been much easier to fight back if Raiden Youkai wasn't tied up so tightly. His wrists were beginning to bleed as the rope was tied tightly around them. They were definitely gonna pay once he got out of this. They could have killed him right now but they didn't. So perhaps he still had a chance.

The blade pressed harder against his flesh almost to the point of drawing more blood, which was exactly what they wanted.

"Don't tempt me, boy. You've got a lot of nerve. I'll give you that. But your cockiness won't get you anywhere. I'll still have your head." The man let go of his silver strands as he continued to walk in the direction they were last heading in. Still unaware that someone was watching them.

Within a matter of seconds, he began to hear strange noises all around him. For some reason, the men were yelling and calling for help as if they had been attacked. Raiden could hear the men falling to the ground as if they were getting a random a** kicking. But that couldn't have been it.. Could it? After all it was late at night. So who else would have been out there so late?

And then he felt a hand being placed over his mouth as his body was being dragged somewhere. He gasped and tried to pull himself away but was unable to. He began to curse his bad luck and continued to struggle until he felt himself fall into the arms of a stranger.

He never believed it would end up this way. To have the person he cared for the most to betray him. To try and take away his life. He lost his entire clan.. And now he lost the woman he ever truly loved.

It was raining outside, and it seemed as if it would never stop. The sun was beginning to fade, while the darkness rose to the sky, casting shadows amongst the trees. The winter breeze swept by without a hint of snow. And loud footsteps were heard soon after. A teen aged girl was running quickly through the forest in attempt to escape the two other males behind her. Her long dark hair swayed in the wind and her movements were fast, yet fragile. It was hard to notice by the darkness, but she was wounded. Her breathing had gotten heavy, and she soon found herself falling to the ground, unable to move anymore. The bloody footprints gave her away as the two males soon approached her. They were too fast, and she was too injured.

"P-Please.. Stop! I.. I didn't mean..." Her words trailed off as she placed her hand against the wound to try and keep the blood in. Her body was trembling and she was obviously lying. She did mean it.. She wanted to tell everybody that Raiden Youkai was a vampire demon. She wanted everyone to hate him. She wanted him dead. She knew that it was supposed to be kept a secret. Some people believed her, yet some people didn't. But they couldn't risk the chance of getting caught. And she would not go away quietly.

Sayuri Izanami was her name. She was the lone wolf in School. She often kept to herself, and never fit in with the crowds. She was usually quiet, but very sweet. Though most of the time her rebellion side would take what chances of making friends away. She didn't give a damn though. She was used to being alone. She was always there for Raiden. She always seemed to understand. But one day, everything changed. In a way, she seemed different. She wanted to hurt people. She wanted to hurt the ones she loved. It was almost like she wanted people to hate her.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as her fingers curled into a fist as it was placed to the ground. She was fidgeting.. Was this really how it would end..? Was it all worth it?

Raiden Youkai approached her hesitantly as his short silver hair hung past his eyes. His bloody red gaze lowered as his cross necklace hung down from his neck. His goggles placed upon his head. He had a slender figure and healthy looking skin. His ears were somewhat pointy with a few piercings on them, and his claws and fangs were both sharp. He definitely did not appear to be human.

After all that had happened, he couldn't bring himself to kill her. Even though she had taken his heart and ripped it into a million pieces, he didn't want to harm her. He hated himself for it. How could he let her do that to him? Why did he let someone so close to him.. that it would just leave him broken? He never wanted to love again after that.

A small frown graced Azriel's lips as he watched the other male move in for the kill. He could easily tell that Raiden was hesitant. Azriel was the other male that Sayuri had been running from. His yellow golden eyes and his raven black hair. He was Raiden's Master. Not only that, but he was also one of the strongest of the demons. A guardian to the demon princess. He had the ability to kill someone with just using his mind. He had the ability to communicate with the dead, disappear, and to use dark powers. He was not one to mess with.

"What's wrong...?" Azriel finally replied as his head cocked to the side. "Kill her." Raiden and him were both used to killing people. Usually humans. But for some reason, Sayuri was different. Azriel knew how much it hurt Raiden to have to do this. However, he was the one who got himself involved. It was his responsibility to take care of it. But during the time Azriel and Raiden had shared together, he began to develop some feelings for the younger male. He wanted to protect him from this kind of pain. He couldn't just stand to see him like this.

Raiden Youkai just gave a small nod as he moved in for the kill. He could feel his throat tighten at the thought of her life ending. He could almost feel his heart breaking. And at that very moment--before he even got a chance to destroy her, he was shoved out of the way as he fell down to the dry hard ground with a grunt. It was surprising though, he definitely did not expect that from his own master. Although his master did have a very bad attitude.. It was bound to happen. His eyes dilated in shock as he looked up at Azriel who was about 6'2". What was he planning to do?

"M-Master..? I.."

He watched closely as the older demon raised his hand with the blade on it to strike the girl who had caused the boy so much pain. He was about ready to kill her. Raiden wanted to stop this.. He could feel his hands clench into a fist but felt a hand being placed over is eyes to shield out the sight of his ex girlfriend's death. Kurai was standing from behind Raiden as his eyes shifted down to him. He began to whisper into his ear to try and get him to calm down. He couldn't stand to see Raiden hurt either. Even though he was the one who usually did that to him for the fun of it.

Kurai had long dark hair in a ponytail, with yellow piercing eyes. He had on a dark blue yukata and a Katana sheathed away. Raiden Youkai didn't seem to care for him at all. But of course not. He was the type of guy who was too care-free and smug. He didn't tend to care about anything, at least that is what it had seemed like.

Raiden couldn't help it as tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't hold them back anymore as he began to cry. His body leaned back against the figure who had held him close. His eyes remained to be covered as the sound of slicing was soon heard afterwords. The scent of blood rising into the air as the screams finally came to an end. A never-ending cycle of pain.

That night it did not stop raining. And by that time, most of the blood had been washed away. They could not let her live even if they wanted her to. If humans were to find out that demons were real, or even vampires.. It would be demons versus humans. There would be so many deaths. So many problems. Humans would rage out of control. Azriel did not mention this before, but he had a feeling that somebody had been possessing Sayuri when she began to change. He could sense another demon's presence within her body.

Azriel's teeth gritted as he looked off to the side to where Raiden and Kurai had been sitting. They had already gone home. Not another human within sight range. Heaving a small sigh, he disappeared into the night to where the other male's had gone to. He wanted to make sure they were alright.

Azriel felt stupid that he would have these crazy emotions. But they were only for one person, so was it that big a problem? He was a demon after all. He wasn't supposed to have a good side.. Right? Because he was a full demon, he didn't mind the scent of blood. But Raiden felt differently about it.

When he stepped into the building and closed the door from behind him, he looked over to Kurai who was sitting down on a nearby couch with a mug of tea in his hand. The man seemed rather calm, but held a faint smirk across his features as he watched the man come into the room. "You look worried. That's different."

"Tch.." Azriel lifted his hand up as his tongue ran across the blood to take it in. Again--He was not a vampire. But he did love blood. He loved death, and he loved to hurt people. "Where is he?" The man growled with an evil glare. Kurai would have shaken it off, but he was kind of worried as well. "Upstairs." He said softly before taking another sip of his tea. And with that said, Azriel headed to the next floor.

He began to wounder if he should go up there. Why he would care. What he should do. What if it was obvious he cared when he came to check up on him? All of those thoughts went away as he kicked the door open to find Raiden resting in bed with the warm blankets pulled over his shoulders. The boy was laying on his side with his eyes closed. Though it was obvious he was not asleep just yet. A poor attempt to keep him away.

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Day four. It was hot and muggy. The perfect day to go out swimming or to catch a tan. While everybody was getting out in the heat and having a good time, Raiden Youkai was resting in the back yard with two younger males by his side. He never did like the heat. He actually hated it. Luckily it didn't burn him to ash. Not long ago he had to take a few pills if he were to stay out in the sun. He was half vampire after all.

Raiden looked spoiled laying out there in the shade. The two males were giving him some Watermelon and fanning him. When all of a sudden, a voice that always drove him insane was soon to be spoken.

"Stop acting so high and mighty and get your a** out in the sun. We are on spring break here. And you are under my supervision!" Abbadon growled as she soon folded her arms over her chest. She was walking over to Raiden who just rolled his eyes and leaned his head to the side.

His arm reached up to touch Aoi's slender arms as he gave a faint smirk. He knew it would drive his other teammate crazy. "Hey.. Aoi-chan.. Get me some water, will you?" He said as he began to pull his shirt up a little to show how hot he was getting. His body flexed a bit as the tip of his tongue ran along his own lower lip.

"Are you even listening to me?!?" She shouted and watched as the young male ran off. Now all there was left was Hikaru to deal with.

"Are you crazy..? I can't go out there.. I'll die if I stay in too much sunlight." Raiden replied as he raised his hand up to cover his mouth while he yawned softly. Silver hair brushing over his eyes as he stared up at the clear blue sky.

"Well good! A little b*****d like you deserves to die. Now get your a** out there..!"

Hikaru felt like stepping in and saying 'stop' as they continued to fight. But he knew how they got when somebody would step in like that. Especially when they weren't getting along.

Raiden knew that girls were always about their looks. Every girl he knew was like that anyway. They were always bitchy and cocky too. And he did not get along well with that.

"Hey.. Grow some tits." He chuckled as he plopped a cherry into his mouth. He was always like that. He would say things that would piss people off. Especially the people he would dislike.

"Why you...! I'll kill you!!" That's when she started rushing towards Raiden in attempt to strangle him.

He knew she wasn't going to stop, so he quickly jumped up and started running in the opposite direction. "Oh s**t..!"

Hikaru began to whine as he watched those two run around the area as Abbadon tried to whack him over the head. "You're gonna wake the neighbors up!" He cried out.

"Aagh.. Why did i get stuck with this mess?" Raiden Youkai had mumbled quietly as he was walking through the dark Forest. The place he was heading.. he had never been there before. He had no idea what had happened there, or what could happen. It was just another place in the world.

The male had short silver hair with goggles on top of his head. He had bloody red eyes and a light creamy skin. He didn't exactly look like a human.. His ears were somewhat pointy and pierced. And his claws were sharp, along with those fangs of his. He had demon wings on his back and a cross hanging down from his neck.

The male had been walking for quite some time now. He was beginning to get tired.. and hungry.

The sudden snapping sound seemed to startle him as his eyes quickly shifted down to the stick he had just stepped on. A sigh of relief passing through his parted lips to find that it was only him.

"s**t.. " He growled while kicking the stick off to the side and off the path that lead deeper into the surroundings. For some reason, he got a creepy feeling about that place and began to rub at his arms. It was cold out.. And he wasn't exactly wearing anything to keep warm. He didn't expect the temperatures to drop like this. But i guess he was wrong.

As he continued on his way, A little black kitten had been following him from behind. It didn't have a place to stay.. But it did look well taken care of. And it wasn't homeless either. It actually remained with Raiden wherever he went. The strange thing was that he didn't seem to mind.

The kitten mewled a few times until Raiden finally decided to pick it up from the ground and hold it in his arms. It was too tired to walk anymore. And like him.. It was cold. He began to wounder how far it would be until he finally got there.

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