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Whiskey Lullaby- Story
Okay so, the other day I was raiding fanfiction for a decent "Tottal Drama Island" fanfiction. The best animated reality show ever. And I found one. It was based off the Song "Whiskey Lullaby" by Brad Paisly. It's on of the only decent country songs ever. And I was truck with inspiration. I wrote a similar story just Kingdom Hearts style. I decided to put up what I have on her before I put it up anf the web. Tell me what you think!

Whiskey Lullaby
A story of love, denial, and romance.
Don't forget.

Both myself and Larxene walked into the room. It had changed so much. I looked around to see Vexen crying into Marluxia's shoulder, Xemnas and Siax standing hand in hand against the back wall. They were both standing proud and trying not to cry. My own lover Zexion was sitting at a table near the front of the room with his head down, most likely crying his eyes out. Lex was sitting at the table next to him, doing the same. I looked over to Larxene who was staring at Xigbar. Her lip was quivering and he was nodding to her in comfort. Luxord and Xaldin were sitting silently at a table, their heads both down. They were both holding onto a small bottle of whiskey, finger intertwined. Hell, we even had Namine, Sora, Kairi, and Riku here too. And This was it. What was left of out little family. The little family that went to Taco Bell every Friday night, and then had a picnic under a small willow tree at the park the next day. The little family that was mostly gay. The little family where in this room, we all fell in love, and lost people we love.

I suddenly felt Larxene take my hand. I looked up to her, tears in her eyes. She nodded her head to the front of the room where we had two small mics set up and and amp for my guitar. I smiled and nodded. We walked over and I plugged in my guitar and Larxene took the mic. She opened and closed her mouth several times, but nothing came out. She looked at me, her eyes were over flowing with tears, but she was still trying to smile. Her hand dropped front the mic and fell down, clutching the black sparkle dress Axel and Roxas picked out for her so many years ago. I smiled back at her and took my own mic.

"I know we all know why we're here." I said sadly, still trying to sound supportive. "This song is dedicated to two of the most important people in out world. Axel Rose and Roxas Hart."

I still can't believe they're gone myself. I was so weird. We all went to high school together. But then fell apart when we all went to different colleges. Exept for me ,Zexion, Axel and Roxas. We all stayed together and headed up to New York. Thats when it happened.


"Hey Zexy! Can you help me with this box please?!" I called out to Zexion as we stepped into out dorm.

I was so happy Me and Zexion had managed to share a dorm, with Axel and roxas right next door. I heard Zexion rushed into the room and come to my side. I waved my head to the box in front of me and he walked around to the other side. We lifted the box up and into my closet's shelf.

"Is there anything else you need Demyx? I gotta go hel Axel with this thing he needs to get to his cousin in Philli." Zexion said as he waved a thumb over to the door.

"Nah," I stated with a smile. "Thats it for now. Thanks Zexy." I planted a small kiss on his cheek and walked over to my guitar which was laying on my bed. O looked over to see he was already gone.

I was about to grab my guitar when I heard a smash from next door. I jumped off of my bed and legged it over. Only to find the Axel had dropped a couple of glass cups on the floor. Zexion was looking at him with her arms crossed, and Axel had his hand behind his head and he was laughing nervously.

"What the hell did you do this time Axel? It's not another one you your 'friends' trying to break in again is it?" I then heard from behind me I shot around to see Roxas with a box in his hands.

"Roxy! Baby!" Axel said as he waltzed over to Roxas. "I told you! I'm through with that stuff......! For now." An evil smirk spread accross his face.

Axel had always been like this. He never did have the best reputation, grades, or sense. As for Roxas, total opposite. And that's how Axel had managed to stay in line lately. I found that as shocker every time they held hands in public. But they would always work out in the end.

"Jeeze Axel, I swear can;t you do anything right?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up Dem." Axel then said in a angry tone. "Take you Emo boyfriend and head out 'kay?" His tone suddenly changed to happy. "Me and Roxy will see you two later."

We said our 'see you laters' and me and Zexion headed back to out dorm. And it stayed that way.....For a while. Then, just out of the blue, Axel got a phone call. It was a Sunday night and we were eating pizza at Axel and Roxas's. Zexion wasn't there though. He had gone back down to Arizona to help out with some family stuff for the weekend. It was just me Axel and Roxas. The phone began to ring and Axel got up to answer.

"Hello?" He said, a bright grin on his face. The voice on the other line spoke and his face fell.

Roxas and myself watched in silence as Axel began to yell into the phone, in french might I add. He slammed the phone down and rushed out of the room. We followed in behind him to his room and we found him stuffing a duffel bag filled full of clothes and other supplies. Including Axel's Nine Millimeter Automatic, stuffed into the back pocket of his skinny jeans.

"Axel!" Roxas then yelled. "Where do you thing you're going?!" He walked over to Axel and slapped his hand away from his bag. Axel looked at him, his eyes slits. But they softened after a several second stare. Axel took Roxas into his arms and kissed him gently. He pulled away and held Roxas close for another moment.

"I have to go back to Arizona for a while. Okay Roxy?" He them mumbled into Roxas's ear, still holding him. "Reno is in trouble and I have to go and help him. But I promise..." He then pulled away. "I'll be back. I don't know when, but I will." He kissed Roxas one more time, quickly whispering 'I love you' and walked out of the room.

Roxas and I stared blankly as the door shut. It was silent for several minutes until I looked around to Roxas. I walked over to him and placed an arm around his shoulder. I looked down at him and smiled.

"He said he'll be back. He promised." I then said, squeezing Roxas. He nodded in responce.

"Yeah, he'll be back soon." Roxas let out a contented sigh and pushed me away. "He'll be back."

But Axel never came home. Not for a long time.

Roxas still managed to get on with life though. We often thought Axel might have dies if it weren't for the post cards we got every few months. He was gone almost a whole year and a half. And all we ever got was. Hey. I'll be home soon. Miss you all. Love ya! -Axel. But we never knew what to believe. Roxas took if hard after the end of the first year. He actually thought Axel was over him. That he never wanted to see him again, and he moved on. But Axel was still the only one he ever loved. He met some older guy that worked down the street from the campus. His name was Cloud. I swear he could have been Roxas's twin. They kept it going for about six months. Then the next half of the year was up, and Axel came home. But what he saw in the end didn't help at all.

"No!" I heard Axel scream. "I can't believe it! I thought you'd wait for me!" I didn't dare get out of my bed.

"Axel!" Roxas shouted back. "No! I thought you'd left me! You had LEFT ME!" The screaming went on and on.

I heard the door to Roxas's dorm slam and someone run down the hallway out and out of the building. I heard it a second time, but it was lighter sounding this time. Roxas was chasing after Axel. But he never was able to catch up to him anyway.

It all fell apart from there. Roxas dumped Cloud and everything got worse. Roxas fell into a depression. He thought about suicide, his grades dropped, the whole she-bang. And there was nothing I could do. One night I was talking to Zexion about the whole matter.

"I'm so scared Zexy, what if he kills himself?" I question, attepting to get an answer from Zexion.

He looked at me with a blank face. "Why don't we call the other. We can all go out and find Axel together." He said in an empty tone, but my happiness probably made up for his. I jumped out of bed and threw myself on Zexion, knocking both him and the chair he was sitting on over.

'' Oh Zexion! It's no wonder I love you so much!" I said kissing his forehead.

I stood back up, helping Zexion along with me. I grabbed my cell phone of the desk Zexion was sitting at, and dialed the first number I saw.

"Marly here!" I heard the voice say on the other line.

"Marluxia?" I asked in an almost whisper. The other line was quite for a minute.

"What's wrong?" He then asked, his tone serious.

The entire story fell from my mouth. I almost started crying.

"We need to find him Marly..." I said as my voice began to break. "Can you and Vexen come down soon? I-I'm gonna try and get a hold of everyone else to come and help to. Roxas needs them..." I said, rubbing a tear from my eye.

"We'll be there Monday. I'll bring Larxene and Xigbar to okay? I'll see you then Dem." The other line then went quite and I shut my phone.

I looked over to Zexion. He had gone back to his work. He always does that when he's trying to hide his real feelings. I let a small smile spread across my face as I opened my phone again and finished the rest of my calls.


Every hotel. Every bar. Every strip club. Any and Everywhere Axel might have been, he was no where. None of us had been able to find him. We had almost finished searching the entirety of New York. And now we were stuck in Queens, for the third time that day.

"I don't think he's here guys. C'mon..." I heard Luxord call, his tone tired. "Let call it a night." He moaned and leaned against the soda machine of the hotel we were checking. I heard Lexaus grunt in agreement. The rest of them nodded and mumbled in unison in agreement as well.

I sighed and nodded. We all went back to the campus as me Zexion and Roxas went to our dorms, and the other stayed at some hotels near by. Roxas trudged to his room and Zexion and I walked into out own.

"I think I should stay with Roxas tonight." I said to Zexion as he began to brush his teeth. "Would you mind?"

Zexion shook his head and began to brush harder. I swear...Maybe I should start calling him emo, just like Axel did. I shook my own head and gathered some clothes and other over night supplied and went over to Roxas's.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight...Okay Roxy?" I said in a comforting tone. As soon as I walked in I found Roxas huddled in the corner of his bed, clutching a pillow and crying his eyes out. I rushed over to him and pulled him into my chest. "Shh shh... Don't cry baby...Don't cry..." I held him closer and began to stroke his hair. Poor Roxas.

There was a sudden knock at the door. I let Roxas go and walked over tot he door, hoping one of the others mind I have remember something, but I almost passed out when I saw who was at the door.

"Demyx Sanrio?" The officer said. " I'm officer Platoon. I've come to inform you and Roxas that your friend Axel is dead. We found him at a hotel about a two hour drive from here."

My eyes went wide when I heard Roxas scream. I had finally realized what the officer had said.


When we arrived at the crime scene I broke. I had to have Zexion hold me up. Just like everyone else in the room did. Except Roxas. I pushed Zexion away and stumbbled over to Roxas, who was on his knee's next to the blood stained bed. It was almost hard to tell whether it was Axel hair or the blood coming out of his head. I fell down to Roxas's side and threw my arms around him. He never stopped crying. He couldn't. That made me cry even harder. I haerd everyone else's sobs around me. I even heard Lex burst into tears and Zexion walk over to comfort him, since I was with Roxas. But, in the end, Roxas had no one.


We buried Axel at his favorite spot. The Willow tree where we would have our weekend picnics. Thats where he and Roxas had their first kiss. I can still remember that too, but I didn't want to. Because then, Axel was still alive. I looked over to see Roxas standing in front of Axel's grave, a small Iris in his hand, Axel's favorite flower. I pushed myself to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with red, puffy blue eyes. I tired to smile, because that's what he needed.

"Do you think he knows how sorry I am?" Roxas the asked. I was struck by the question, but managed to come up with answer.

"Of course he does. Like Axel always said. 'The answer's not always in the whiskey.' " I gripped his shoulder tighter.

There was a sudden honking behind us. We shot around to see that the cars had arrived to take us home.


"I think I should just move in with him Zexy..." I mumbled into my pillow. "He's gonna need someone around all the time. Didn't you see how he reacted when he thought Axel dumped him? Imagine how it's gonna be now...Now that he's... Now that Axel's..." My eyes began to water.

I then felt Zexion wrap his arms around me and lift me up from the bed into his arms. He held me close in his lap. I looked up to see that he had begun to cry as well. "I think you should." He then said. "Roxas needs the closet thing to Axel. And I think that's you."

And thats all I haves for now!

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 05:30pm

crying It was sooo sad. Great, but sad crying It did need some spelly check but other wise it was an awsome story. U should continue it.

Real Alice13
Community Member

Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 06:07pm

It was a gd story. It was sad bt gd. U should finish the story

User Comments: [2]
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