I will have to thank carbonated genocide for the wonderful art. I love you hun!
Thank you PhAnTaSmAgOrIC bAcOn for the cute couple art: Jacob and Renesmee ^^
So cute! Love you xRawrxCookiex!
Another adorbale drawing by....Istel!
Another one from Life_Is_A_Game_38374!
A really cute art from SaladxBar!
Really adorable art from Fisage! And I love the genderbend ;D
KAWAII! By -angelsteer-
Oooh! Nice! By Anjel Smrti
Cute flob by Code Aimi!
Thanks Little Cookie God!
Aww, its cute ^_^! By zeldafreak17
Thank you Luscara! I LOVE IT!
Aww! Thanks [freddie]!
Thank you Luuweez! Love it WIFEY!
Aww! Thanks [freddie]!
Thank you Luuweez! Love it WIFEY!