I'm just gonna start copy and pasting some stuff from my lj when I don't forget to, incase anyone on Gaia is too lazy to friend me on lj & still wants to read about my life for whatever random reason.

15,797 / 50,000

today I actually connected with my biology teacher for the first time. I asked her if she heard about the Kansas situation, and she said she hadn't heard about them finally coming to a descision on it, but she did know that they were trying to teach ID in their science classes. I told her about the 6-4 descision and blahblah and I felt more connected, as I said before, to her.

anyway. I ******** hate Michaelo. Every year the HS band gets doughnuts after band festival. This year, they were a little delayed, they said we'd get them after Dragon Spec. Yesterday was when we were supposed to get them. We were turning in music beforehand... and apprarently we didn't have enough people turn in their music. -____- Michaelo gets pissy and says that we don't deserve the doughnuts, and he'll give them to the middle school bands. Mrs Murdock told a few of us after he stormed off that we'd get them today--- but noooo. I found out that he actually /did/ give the doughnuts to the middle school! WTF. And they were Krispy Kreme, too. ;--; last year Michaelo threatened the HS with this, too. Because he always acts like he's PMSing and gets set off about stupid s**t. Sarah told me that last year, he didn't count the music turned in (this year he did). >_> and he doesn't even re-use the damn stuff! They're just ******** copies. He said that he never does the same show twice, so WTF. He needs some anger management medicine. Seriously.

gonna go watch CatCF now. No school tomorrow, so I'll hopefully pump out NaNo s**t then.