Date of Birth: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Serpentine
Sexuality: Bicurious

Personality: Shebek is very stern, and takes everything way too seriously. He is often caught up in his work. His facial expression is constantly agitated, but in actuality, Shebek is a very soft person. He is fiercely loyal and protective of those he's close to, and assumes a leader role very easily. But he likes to get the job done quickly and well, so he doesn't joke around. His biggest problems are expressing himself and taking care of his body. While he does work out, he doesn't eat as much as he should, and suffers insomnia. This makes him a tad cranky on occasion. He may seem like a jackass, but he's a really good guy just below the surface.
Background: Shebek was raised far away from humans. High in the forested mountains of the East, he and his people, the serpentine, lived secluded from the outside world. The serpentine were people who became snakes. Er, snakes who became people. No one really knows for sure. But it is an expansive kingdom. The lord of their kingdom, Renku, was Shebek's father. Shebek was his only son out of many daughters and many wives. For giving him a son, Shebek's mother, Esmeralda, was made Lady of their realm. However, she was treacherous, and betrayed the kings confidence by sleeping with one of his warriors. Shebek was 10 years old. But the kings wrath was not limited only to his mother, convinced that his son as well, with his lecherous mothers blood, would betray him as well. With his mother executed, Shebek was spirited away from the kingdom by the kings brother, his uncle. His uncle hid Shebek, then returned to reason with his brother. The king agreed not to kill Shebek, but the lad was banished permanently from his kingdom, and his right to the throne was forfeit. His uncle sent him to live with the humans then.
"But Uncle, I don't know anything about the humans!" The little boy often cried. But his uncle would only smile
"Then you shall learn!"
His uncle found him an apartment, and since then Shebek has lived among humans, hiding his serpent attributes, and blending in very well overall, in spite of his shady personality.
Gear:He only has a single, dagger like blade, which he can secrete with his own 'venom'.
Special Abilities: Serpantine, as I said, are snake people. He is several times faster than an average human, and generally stronger, but not as much so. There are still humans who are stronger than him. Just in general. His sight is poor, but his sense of smell is amazing. Also, he has an 'acidic saliva' explained below.
Languages: He speaks English, Japanese, and a little bit of Chinese. He wasn't sure which humans he's be living with.
Other: Shebek posses no true 'venom' but does have a sort of acidic excretion through his saliva, which produces an intense burning sensation when in contact with the skin.