another one i had. I was a German during the rule of Hitler and he teached a class. He sent a Girl (that i was going to ask out) to do something stupid during the war. A crap of boys and girls went on a boat and they returned in rafts days later alive but, i didn't see her then i got pissed off and yelled at him and tore my Nazi symbol off my sleeve and ripped it in half and i said to him "I am part American and u can't do anything about it!" then i shouted to the whole class "MY NAME IS JAMES YOHN OF THE NEW REBELLION IF U THINK MY REASONING OF THIS REBELLION IS WRONG THEN YOU WILL SUFFER BY HIM! IF YOU THINK MY REASONING FOR THE REBELLION IS RIGHT THEN JOIN ME!" then he called 5 guards in to take me away but i kicked their asses. Then i escaped and ran towards an opposing force against Germany and told them where Hitler was. Then when i got to the Russians, there she was! The girl i was in love with she was safe with them. So i told them where Hitler was and everything and everything was normal after that