The last couple of days have been great. smile Last night I went to the Twilight thingy for the movie coming out. I got a lot of things there. A shirt, necklace, keychain, and something else that I can't remember, haha. I went with some friends and it was pretty cool. Today I got the movie; the two disc one. I also got a betta fishy. He is my baby. I decided to name him Ayame. smile He has white on him so I figured that this would be the prefect name for him. That's about all I can think of for now...Oh wait. I went to see this movie call the Knowing. The plot was amazing and they had a great idea. It was interesting, but the ending, oh the ending. This ending has to be by far the worst ending to a movie that I've ever seen at least. It's like the makers were thinking- "Hey we have a great movie so far, but just for the hell of it let's ruin it with the ending." It's still a good movie...It just pissed me off that they did that. I think I'm done. Lol. smile
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Your Alice Cullen. heart biggrin blaugh