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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Luminous Arc
Oh how you suck.
i swear.
well, not so badly. I mean, i can get into it, but eh.
Let's talk about it, shall we? be warned: major spoilers. =P

Plot: its actually a new plot, that one. Pretty much, Alph and his friends grew up tuaght that God and Curch = good, Witches and monsters = bad. This, twists onto their heads to where God and monsters = bad, Church = stupid, and Witches = good.
the whole jist of it is that God is "not of this planet" AKA ALIEN!!! i wish they would call him that in the game and stop calling him God after they find out he's evil! heck, even the Witches call him God, and they dont even worship him! Dx
anyway Zeehal (the God's name) is an alien hellbent on eating the world, so 1k years ago, when he first arrives, the Planet creates witches and dragons to put him to sleep, which they do.
now, he's coming back because a great and bald idiot by the name of Kingston is afriad of death and wants to control Zeehal's powers.
Zeehal apparently created the monsters and the humans.
it also turns out that the main chara and his bro are Dragons as well! lol.

the ending of the game was HIGHLY unimpressive. THey try sooo hard to make you belive that one of the main charas is ded, but they fail epically at it....-x-

Characters: Imma just talk main charas. 15 or 16 or so of them are playable as well, so there's gonna be a bit of strategy talk.

Alph: main chara. he's..um, stubborn, enthusiastic, too caring? something along those lines. he's likable enough at any rate, and is very typical hero kind of guy.
in all the main story events, he HAS to be on the field, which kind of sucks...kind of. he starts super weak and highly fragile, but later, he can take a few hits and can manage to deal decent damage. he later becomes your #4 of the "top 4 strong charas in the game."

Theo: Alph's younger bro who loooooooooooooooooooves eggs. I mean it. xD;;
he's cute, and his voice sounds squeaky + cold. xP;
values his brother looots too, lol.
he's your typical archer, in a sense. i enjoyed having him eat away all the kills because it just kind of works that way when he's on the field. he gets one heck of an attack later on, but he's no where near the "strong" category.

Cecille: she's a very strong-headed healer. she's also ur primary healer most of the game. evne when she goes Witch, she's still uber strong healer, and her Restore technique is the best, as it revives the cahracters full HP/MP.
main problem? she's usually too slow to heal you. srsly. you're better off using items than counting on her at the beginning of the game.

Leon: When he left for a small time, i mourned. He is ur best chara THE WHOLE GAME. strongest and can take tons of hits, not to mention that he learns an ability to OHKO almost everyone and everything. Heck, he would have even been able to OHKO the final boss if he was able to get to him...xDD
i had him OHKO everyont else on that field tho, lol. on the list of the "top 4 strong charas in the game", he's #1.
Him and Cecille have a bit of a cute Romance going on, which Nikolai always interrupts. and it makes me lol often. xD;;;

Nikolai: um...if it werent for his voice accting, he might have been the hottest guy in the game. Heck, in my opinion, he's the second hottest guy in the game! x3
his art when he does the Flash Drive is soooooooooooooooooo wily? hot? sly? OMG OwO;;
..yeah. xD;;
Nikolai loves witches. he knows almost eveyrthing about them, right down to their "measures," if you get my meaning. Sad for him though that all the witches seem to hate him....except Cecille, who withstands him. barely. xD;
the bad side to Nikolai is taht he's SUPER slow. i mean, he has high attack power, decent defense ("AHHHH! What was that for! Dx" wink , and nice support spells, but he has no move and even lower speed. D:

...HE WEARS A CRAVAT!!! or cravat-like thing~ > w<;;

Saki: she's your classic cold-hearted ninja girl who later grows a heart. she relies way too much on her intel and likes to try and KO Nikolai, which is swell. xP;
her story is kind of sad (but then again, almost all the cahras have a sad story). the Church pretty much kills ALL of her clan except her because she was a baby, then adopt her to ues her skills. eh.

Heath: all of the charas mentioned above are Heath's students. He's like a father and brother figure rolled into one. everyone looks up to him, respects him, etc. He's also a VERY convincing actor! I was suprised~
On the list of "Top 4 strong charas in the game", he's #2. so put him on the field often!!

Kai: Heath's best friend. And he's my #1 fave hot guy! x3
bushido man who's really quiet and tremendously honorable/honest and has the CUTEST blush~
on the "top 4 strongest cahras in the game," he's #3, only because he cant really take a hit...but he's the fastest of the 4, so is all good. 8D
but really, he's alot like a defenseless Leon--his attack is super strong and he gets a move that CAN (but not usually) OHKO ppl. he's much faster than Leon though, soo.... yeah.

He's also a chara who has a sad story (a REALLY sad one!). pretty much, near the beginning of the game, you learn that a witch wiped out the Eurus knights with a single flash, when in actuality it was the church who did because of an experiment and deemed the soldiers expendable. so he's out for blood, in a sense.
also, he would have left our party ages ago if it werent for Mel, who cried every time he was about to. xP;

Mel: Mel is the water/torrent witch,. so she controls water/ice. cute little girl who uses grandma-type of language ("bee's knees, rapscallions, etc" wink . she wears a mushroom hat and her weapon is a lilypad. xP;;;
she's gets the best healing spell in the game, Salvation, but the bad thing about it is that it removes bad AND good buffs. so. xD;;
she's also your slowest chara hands down, which is sad, because she's a good healer and attacker.

Lucia: Lucia was great at first...but then somwhere she went wrong. D: her saving graces are the fact that she has decent speed, decent defense, and Heal Bomb, which is an excellent healing spell. I also love her hat.
she's the light/dawn witch, which is explanatory enough. she's hardheaded and can emo out really well, lol. She's Alph's future love interest as well.

Vanessa: fire/immolation witch. she's very tempramental, and VERY strong. yet compared to the top 4, she's kind of weak. xD;;;
i actually didnt use her much, even though she played a big role in the game. maybe beacuse she was acting the rogue witch the whole time. xDD
i like her scythe, btw. 8D

Vivi: "Here I gooooooooooooooooo~"
she's the sky/wind witch. she loves to sleep and is super lazy. you can tell because she floats on a magic carpet everywhere. xDD
she's the fastest in the game and has great range, but SUPER weak attack power. her magic is decent though, which makes her spells pretty powerful. the biggest problem is that a decent number of the enemies are wind-based, so...xD;;;

Mavi: earth/nature witch. she's stubborn, violent, and hates humans yet will not disrespect her leader. she's also quiet loyal and has a fierce spirit.
she has very strong attack, decent magic, low defence, kind of low speed, a bad selection of spells, and is thus not one of my "top 4 strong charas in the game" list.

Claire: LADY Claire is the leader of all Witches. She's the thunder witch, which is again self explanitory. she's very indecisive, and tends to start crying often, lol. near the end of the game though, she learns to how to put her foot down and rawr at people...the first was Nikolai to which she did that to. xD
she has super high magic and decent defense, but she's pretty slow, so D:
she has a Healing spell as well, which pretty much was all she used. xD;;

Pollon-Pollon: or just Pollon. He...is not human. nor monster. he's a manatee..thing. um.
he's got a funny personality and talks in his own language, which is fun when you try to talk it becasue i keep telling him that he has short legs. xD;;
he has no accuracy whatsoever, so you dont want him on the field.

Master Sage Payan-Payan: or Master Sage Pa-pa, as the witches call him. xD;;
he's your average knowledgeble old coot, but without the funnies.

Alice and Theresa: along with Pollon, the two are Payan's apprentices. these two are very competitive unless they're making cake. they're also very kiddy and tend to cry. xD;

Zeehal:the main badguy. the ALIEN. he pretty much wants to eat the world. =x

Priel: she's Zeehal's #1 fan! I HATE HER. She's too much blond and like, bimbo, not to mention extremely annoying.
she REALLY thought that she wasnt going to get eaten like everyone else LIKE HER was. stupid.

Grand Cardinal Johannes: the 13 year old kid who's pretty much the head of the Church. he can "communicate" with God. In my opnion, he knew exactly what he was doing when he sacrificed himself to bring Zeehal back to the world.

Cardinal Kingston: your classic villian who's afraid of death. he wanted to revive Zeehal and take control of him so he can have immortality. we kill him, thankfully.

anyway, he's the one guy i have a conspiracy theory for! so pay attention~
i think that he offed the last Grand Cardinal in order to put Johannes up there. Johannes seems to have a strong personality, but it wouldnt be difficult to plant the idea of reviving Zeehal into his head. So, by manipulating the whole church, he was able to do this. Incidentally, he's REALLY good at manipulating people.

Provost Hugo: HE'S SUCH A WHINER. and he's also the only badguy i felt bad for. I dont know what sort of hold Kingston had on him, but it was a pretty strong one to make him do what he what he was doing.
Also, he's the head of the Ground Council Table thing..not sure of the name. and apparently a super genius. The poor guy only wanted to retire though...

Andre: Sir ANDRE and his MANLY biceps! [/sarcasm] EVEN THEO WAS MANLIER THAN HIM! and Theo is a cute kid!
srsly, this guy is nothing more than a backstabbing bully and i hate him. Glad he's gone. >x

Battle System: other than the lack of Character development and the sucky ending, this was the worst thing of the game. heck, if i were rating it alone, it'd get a 5/10 for how bad it was. seriously, there was alot of glitches and stuff that i HATED and they SERIOUSLY need to be fixed! >x
I could go on and on about how bad it is, but i wont because I'm going to get myself steamed if i do. =x

Features: there are some seriously NICE things about this game. one is the Life of Kopin. After evey story-related battle, Vanessa's Fire Kopin sits down and tells us something that happened to him. They are so very randomg and they usually make lol.
Intermissions are another nice thing. After each battle, you choose to tlak with a character to. THis is pretty much the way you build relationships between Alph and the Characters. is nice because you can get items out of it. xD

Another thing is those few sidequests. THey seriously need more of them, but they are so good. my fave is the Power Rangers parody one because Heath and Pollon act like such kids xD ("The Lion, The Witch, and the War God!" x3; ). Another fave is the one with Leon, Theo, and eggs. xD Yet another one is Mel and her super-hero love. It also shows that she somehow has Kai and Pollon whipped (i'm thinking cuteness, but that's just me. xDD ).

Music: Ok. It's ironic that some of the battle music sounds like circus music. heck, the final boss music wasnt even SCARY. just annoying. There are two songs that I really like: one is the Intermission music, which is sad-ish, and the other is the shop music. I like them because they get stuck in my head sooooooooooooo easily. xP;

so all in all, a 7/10 is more than what the game deserves. later peeps!

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commentCommented on: Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 05:17am
The second one is better.
I'm playing Suikoden now!
It's such a DEEP game!

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 05:02pm
i REALLY hope you're right...

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Sun Apr 12, 2009 @ 07:02pm
XDDD It's not as bad as you say it is!

Especially not the battle system.

I mean, sure, it's not OMG NEW AND EXCITING, but it's not complete garbage, either.

At the VERY least it's better than the stupid FF one.

And you have to admit, having Nikolai on the field makes battles downright amusing.

Oh, now I wanna run through all the characters!

In no particular order:

Vanessa isn't actually weak. True, being a combination of physical + magic means she gets lower stats in both, but she has two final weapons that can make her kick butt in whichever you prefer. She also gets charm, which is an AMAZING status, and an attack buff which is especially good if Nikolai's not around.

Vivi on the other hand is supposed to be weak, but she's an awesome mage later. And being the fastest in the game WITH ranged attacks gives her an option no one can pull off quite as well... Redline sniping! If you ace Leon's intermissions, you get an item that gives the equiper +100 attack but -100 defense. You could always give it to one of your main physicals...if you don't mind them dying a lot. But give it to Vivi and she immediately becomes one of your best attackers for a good chunk of the game. Being ranged, you can just stick her across a river or something and ta-da, the -100 defense doesn't even matter.

Mavi, I don't like her either, but she gets some of the best stuff for pvp if you care about that at all. XD;;;

Mel is the best healer hands down before you get witch Cecille. However, slowness sucks and you can't fix that until late game...when you get witch Cecille anyway. Bleh. If only she had four move...

Lucia sucks. She tries to combine physical with healing and fails at both. Her only saving grace is that she starts with four move.

Theo sucks. He's decent early game but later his attack stat just doesn't do it... And unlike Vivi, he doesn't really have anything else to save him.

Pollon sucks. No tech = no hitting.

Claire is the strongest offensive mage, she gets healing, and lightning is just awesome. Unfortunately, the low move hurts her usablity. Luckily though, you get her late enough that you can fix her move almost (I think) immediately. However, that does take up one or both accessory slots, so buffing Vivi's magic instead will probably make a better mage in the long run.

Kai is...good but nothing particularly special. He's a good, strong physical unit with a nice special attack that's essentially a weaker version of what Leon dishes out. He's not very durable, but he's still a great unit if you need more physical force in your little army.

Heath is probably one of my favorite units because he can take care of himself. Amazing self buff and extra reach (even though it's a little weaker than a normal hit) make him an excellent unit that rarely has to depend on others.

Alph is the one you're forced to use for every major battle, but that's okay because he's great. True, he starts off weak, but he winds up with amazing ranged specials (near the end of the game there were times I forgot he even had a sword) and the two best defensive skills in the game. Rym Shield and Rym Wall grant IMMUNITY to magical or physical attacks for...I believe it was three turns? Even better: you can cast both on one person to temporarily have complete protection! You just can't get better than that...unless you had a spell that casts them both at once for infinite duration. However, three turns is pretty darn good, and whether it's to save your butt or to give you an advantage over a particularly tough enemy, these skills are must-haves.

Leon. Is. Awesome. Extremely high attack stat coupled with some of the most damaging specials in the game make him a downright killing machine. It's not unusual for him to be OHKOing stuff, especially in the late game. He even comes with his own attack buff, so he's never stuck doing nothing when he can't reach an enemy! His only downside is that he needs to be right next to someone to do significant damage, but hey, no one's perfect.

Cecille is your best healer. THE best. Early on she might not seem too special, but once she goes witch on you? SHA-BAM INSTA AWESOME. If I recall correctly, she even gets a level boost when she transforms, so you don't even have to use her if she's slowing you down early on. Her very first spell after that is a strong area heal, which just kicks butt. She also gets Culling, which allows her to OHKO lower level enemies with no effort. Yes, it's an OHKO move that ACTUALLY WORKS MOST OF THE TIME. Amazing, huh? As if this weren't enough, she can also revive units, she has a bit of good offensive magic, she can stab stuff with her new weapon if needed, AND SHE HAS FOUR MOVE. FOUR. Sorry, Mel, but you lose.

Saki...lol I nearly forgot about her. She's decent early on, but unfortunately, her attack stat winds up too low to be useful. However, doing her intermissions nets you some VERY rare Sandals, which can be used to make some extremely good equips later (+1 move, anyone?). So do her intermissions, then ditch her. Ninjas are awesome, yes, but not in this game.

Annnd, last but certainly not least...

Nikolai, my personal favorite! He not only has the best/worst voice in the game, but the cravat = win. As for his actual battle abilities, he's quite unique. At first he seems like another sniper, until you get a look at his skills... He's really the buff and status king! Area attack and speed buffs are wonderful, wonderful things to have. He also combines a normal attack with all of his status shots, so it can't hurt to use them, yeah? Though some statuses aren't very good, sleep is definitely one of the better ones. When you're simply overwhelmed by enemies, put one to sleep and leave him alone for a bit. He also adds sleep into all of his flash drives, so even surviving enemies are (temporarily) put of commission. He also gets a surprisingly decent attack stat, so include him in one of his attack buffs and you've got yourself a good physical ranger. His only drawbacks are that he's got low range compared to your other ranged units and that he comes with only three move... Ugh. However, you don't have to worry about him lagging in levels because using buffs (which is what he'll probably spend most of his time doing) nets you quite a lot of exp per use. He doesn't fit into all teams easily, but if you're willing to put up with his faults he can be a true asset in any battle.

...Okay, I'm done now. Sorry for the longness.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 12:49am
you sure you dont want to make this a journal entry?
I disagree with Theo and Kai, becasue I personally like them. xP;;;

and yes, Nikolai nerdiness is pretty cool. xD;;;

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 12:57am
How can you disagree with Kai? I said he's great! XDDDDD

He's just not SPECIAL, you know. He hits stuff. They die. Overshadowed by Leon, but still great.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 01:02am
well, you said that he wasnt special...
he is to me. xDD

and EVERYONE is overshadowed by Leon! xD

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 02:31am
XDDDD Sorry.

Well, not quite. It's just that Kai is overshadowed by Leon because they try to fill the same role and Leon does it better.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 02:32am
Maybe. but having my top 4 on the field makes life a lot easier, lol.

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 05:16am
Yeah, I know, it's not like I DON'T use Kai. XD;;;

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 05:20am
> w>;;

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 05:49am
Lol. Who else do I use...

Nikolai, Vivi, Vanessa, Cecille, Heath, Kai, Leon, Alph.

That's my top eight. :'D

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 05:53am
Kai, Alph, Leon, Heath, Claire, Cecille, Mel, and Lucia are my lot--4 attackers, 4 healers. that way, i never have to worry. -w-

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 09:46pm

No wonder you hate the battle system! XDDDD

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 09:58pm
what? why? D:

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 12:07am
You don't have anyone who can area buff, and you're NOT supposed to have a healer for every attacker. If you focus more on actually killing stuff, Cecille is the only healer you need.

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 02:18am
yeah yeah yeah
it doesnt work that way for me. i keep getting ppl killed like that.
i found that the only way i could survive ANYTHING is to have it like that.
i hate the fact that the enemies can be 70 lvls lower than me and STILL move twice in a turn.

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Aerial Aura
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commentCommented on: Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 06:23am
Really? Weird. I ditched Lucia immediately, didn't use Claire, so that leaves like, two healers before witch Cecille. After witch Cecille she was my only healer. XD;;;

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 03:11pm
lol. I dunno. Lucia was useful at first. then she left and came back.
then she was useless.
Claire is pretty good, but she was SLOW. which sucked. D: heck, even her attacks were super strong, BUT THEY COULDNT REACH BECAUSE SHE COULDNT MOVE. D<

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