All Nighter
Ha. It's 4:45am eastern standard time. (by the time Im done it'll be past then). I havn't slept at all! I'm not even tired! I should pull an all nighter. I'm in the mood for hot chocolate. If I was like in my 20's/30's I'd crave coffee (maybe even tea). Damn. No hot chocolate. It'd make too much noise anyway. The next best thing... pudding (Ok not really, but I haven't had it in a while)! That figures. Glass bowl *clank*, frigde *eeerrrrn*, another glass bowl *clank*, stir with spoon *clink*, whipped cream *shlllllsssshhhhlllllsssshh*. What? You can't have pudding without chocolate whipped cream! Mmmm puddi- PLEH! AH! LUMPS! Ick. Pudding lumps. All well! Why isn't there anything on tv at 4:00-5:00 in the morning?! I just watched freaken "Ariel" on her early morning show for 3-year-olds on Disney Channel. WHY PLAY IT IF NO ONE WHO'S AGE IT'S FOR CAN WATCH IT?! *Sigh* Good it's over. I bet another episode is on after it though. ...Oh... no it's "Lilo and Stich". I danced to the theme song for a school talent show when I was in... what was it... first grade! I wore a light brown grass skirt! Listen to me! How far off topic have I gone? Lol! Oh! Look at the time! 5:05am! just about 2 more hours until it's light out. Well I should go now!