"Say, Namine, why are you up here?" Kirua asked looking at her who was eating while she was drawing,"I like to eat up here there are no noises and stuff." she said coloring in her poorly drawing of Roxas,"....why? You said you wanted to meet friends, isn't that the reason why you wanted to meet Sora?" Namine remained quiet, Kirua blinked,"Okay." she said grabbing Namine, even though this was her first year in her school too bad for her,"Wah." Namine said quietly dropping her crayons and pencils,"Time for you to go and meet some new friends." Kirua, Namine is shy!" Well we will fix that won't we?"
"Well that was fun." Roxas said throwing away the stick from the ice cream bar. Riku rolled his eyes,"Look." Sora said pointing to Hikari outside hiding from something or someone,"Who do you think she is hiding from?" Sora asked clueless. Riku and Roxas looked at each other,"....." they did walking away,"Hey, wait!" Sora cried also trying to be sneaking at the same time. Hikari was near the gate looking for Tai and sighed happily,"Great." she said wiping her forehead,"He-!" Sora was cut off by the bell, Hikari rushed away trying to get to class,"Wow, you suck!" Roxas said,"Shut up." Sora muttered."There probably in English class, let's go." Riku said walking to the girl's next class,"I wonder if they know we were gone long?" Sora asked himself confused.
*****************************************************Hikari sighed tapping her pencil in English class bored as hell, no one was in her class which made her bored, all the teacher was doing was talking to some student who was acting up-heck the whole class was acting up at that, she was sitting right next to window, a cool breeze hitting her she put her head down and began to close her eyes drifting off to sleep, there was nothing to do, so why dream?
"Look, it's Hikari's class." Sora said looking at the sleeping girl,"She's sleeping." Of course." Roxas said."Hey." Riku said seeing a rock, he made a small sly grin,"Time for a wake up call." He said throwing it at her, making her jump with pain,"OW!" she screamed, rubbing her head,"What was that?" She said looking at the open window seeing nothing there, Riku who was snickering near the wall with the others, Hikari frowned at herself, she rose her hand and asked to go to the bathrroom, the teacher said it was alright and with that she left,"Let's do it again." Roxas said ," Okay." Riku said getting a pebble this time." Hey she's gone." He muttered."What the? Transported?" Sora asked stupid.
*****************************************************Hikari walked into the girls bathroom she did not have to go the bathroom but she knew that the boys were doing something stupid, she looked from out the window seeing the boys hiding confused, she smirked,"Idoits." she muttered she took a piece of paper towel and damped it she squeezed the water outside so the water could fall on them, but it actually fell on Roxas,"Wah!" He cried from the coldness of the water, Hikari hid snickering,"What are you doing?" Riku asked."Something wet just hit me!" He said."It's not raining." Sora said looking at the sky."I know!" Roxas yelled."Maybe a pipe just broke or something, now be quiet!" The contined to hid as Hikari conitined to do her little prank,"OH MY GOD!" Roxas kept yelling."Shut up!" Sora yelled."Your all dumb!" Hikari cried making the boys look up,"Oh, Hikari.." HIKARI?!" She began to laugh,"Your all so wierd." Why did you do that?" Roxas asked annoyed. She pouted,"Because you three are skipping school." No, were not were getting ready to go back." Sora said."Ok, then what was the point of skipping it, in the first place?" They shuggered their shoulders, she sighed,"You three better be at class..or else I'm going to get Kirua on you." she glared and with that she left."She wouldn't...would she?" Sora asked looking at Riku. He gulped."Yeah...she should."
Time skip~
Later after the boys had returned to their class the teacher did not care instead went on with the class later after school was over. Kirua got out of class and went to her locker to take and get her things out."Hey Kirua!" Riku said walking over to her acting all cool with his bag over his shoulder, she pouted and slammed her door,"Don't "Hey Kirua" me."(Chibi)."What do you mean?" Riku asked innocent, she got a big head,"YOU DITCHED SCHOOL!" Riku went into a smaller chibi,"N-no if we did...then we wouldn't be here..." I HEARD FROM HIKARI THAT YOU DID!" Riku looked at her and smiled awkward,"You see she just wants you to get mad at us!" He said. Kirua rolled her eyes(Normal)."Whatever." she remarked. Putting on her bag,"Let me do it." It's okay.." Kirua said."No I insist." He said taking it off her,"Um okay.."She said as the two walked out towards Hikari's locker where Sora and Kairi were at,"Are you ready?" Hold on!" The blond hair girl said annoyed."Don't get rude with me!" Then quiet!" SHUT UP!" Kirua yelled.(Chibi again)."NO YOU SHUT UP!" She screamed getting an even bigger head,"NO YOU!" Kirua yelled getting a bigger head this time, static in their eyes."Um, guys can we just go." Roxas said out of nowhere,"I want to go work on my tan."
*****************************************************Each one went to their homes to go into their usual clothes


The two walked out of their house to go meet their friends, this was the only time they could be away from Tai and Kai,"Wonder what were going to do tommrow." Kirua said."Yeah, since there is no school tommrow." Hikari added, the two sisters rode their boats to the island, no one was there,"Huh, there not here." Kirua said."Probably still changing, you know how Sora changes long." True." Kirua said holding her head down exhausted from them,"Let's go wait by the shorelines." Hikari said walking and sitting down letting the water hit her sandals she decided to take them off,"Ahh." she said feeling the warm water not by people but by the sun beaming on it, Kirua walked and instead just stood besides her with her arms crossed,"And they rush us." Kiura muttered annoyed,"Oh you guys finally made it." A feminie voice said, they turned to see Kairi walking out of the secret cave,"Oh you were here this whole time?" Kirua asked, she nodded, Hikari shot a glimpse of her at the corner of her eye,"Where's Namine?" Kairi snapped her fingers,"Don't worry about her she's with Roxas." Ohhhh." Kirua said,"The tiger." she cheesed. Hikari rolled her eyes and Kairi couldn't help but laugh,"No..it's not like that, they just haven't really being haning out with each other as much." A likely story." Kirua said."Oh here comes Riku and Sora now." Hikari intruppted."Hey Ladies."
******************************************************Riku and the goofy looking Sora walking towards them,"Where have you been?! We've been waiting for like 5 hours!" Kirua yelled annoyed. Riku stared."It's only been a couple of mintues." Really...it seemed like an hour to me.." Sora said staring into space. Kirua closed her eyes with fustration,"Anyway what are we going to do now, Roxas and Namine are excluded for now, because there off doing whatever." Ohhh I see, it's a love connection." Riku said smirking looking also at Sora and Kairi."What?" Sora asked getting out of his momments."Nothing." Hikari just stared with an angry face."Ok..can we just do something...I'm using this time now since Tai isn't coming." Why?" Because he had to go do something for his Dad alone with Kai." Oh." So...can we do something?" Hikari asked. Kirua rested put her hand on her hip and began to think"....hmmm wanna come to our house?" Kirua asked."What?" Hikari asked."We'll you know our island house." I know what you mean but...what?!"