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Myne Life. =D
Myne Life. Or, what I'm willing to share with you people... ha.
OK, let's try this again. ((Edited twice now! I'm going to count how many times I add new stuff.))((Ruh-roe! Nomero tres!)) ((Fo' times now!)) ((Five... It's 5 pages on the word doc now. Haha.)) ((Six! Gosh... who knew that one choir could be such a thing to write about...))
You may know about my hatred of all things mixed choir. If you don't, continue reading. If you do... still read this, because I can assure you that you'll learn more on why.
Mixed choir is the choir that they throw all the freshman and the really sucky people in. I'm in it because I definitely wasn't going to sign up for the treble choir (all girls) and I wasn't good enough for the audition choirs. There are a lot of reasons that I hate it... so many...
In choir, we have officers that are supposed to help Hanson (director) with all the technicalities and stuff to set up for the concerts and help run the class smoother. Mixed choir's officers are as follows:
President: Cody Heck
Vice President: Sarah, my sister
Treasurer: Maia Berg
And then there's the secretaries... which I don't know.

1. You would think a choir, no matter how crappy, should have a president that knows a thing or three about music. Apparently not for mixed choir. Our president, Cody Heck, literally knows nothing about music. He doesn’t listen to the pianist when she plays the pitches and sings whatever the heck (No pun intended... OK... it was pretty much intended. =]) he wants. And when you try and correct him, he either completely ignores you, or he argues with you. It’s annoying. The worst part is, he thinks he knows what he’s doing, and he thinks he’s the best male singer in the school. Which isn’t even close to the truth. If he was the best male singer in the school, he would not be in the worst choir in the school. One day I overheard him talking to some ho about how the choir is his and not even Hanson’s (director). No. He shouldn’t ever be in a position of power. Even in mixed choir. He also said that my sister (Vice President) should stop trying to “take over the choir” and just butt out. The only thing is, he is the one that is trying to take over and be the God of the choir, not her. She hates mixed choir as much as I do! Even though she has every right to be the president of the choir, she doesn’t care. And to make things worse (Yeah, it can happen.) he is just a plain jerk. He has no real friends and he doesn’t deserve them. If he ever give you the ‘honor’ of being his friend, he still treats you like trash, if he doesn’t like you, it’s even worse. God forbid him hating you.

2. Now, like I said before, mixed choir is the least experienced of the choirs. You can understand a little bit of immaturity and you should expect them to not know stuff. But this is insane. You would think that they would have a little bit of restraint, and be able to retain information without it being repeated a thousand times, or Hanson being pissed off and yelling for them to be able to practice well (well meaning, the best they can do). And it’s even worse for me, since I’ve been in band since 4th grade, and I know a bunch of musicey stuff. So, I don’t learn anything by the doing theory every day, because I’ve already been through it. So I need to learn more about singing, not just music in general. That’s kind of a personal thing, but, whatever, it’s MY hate rant.

3. Even though we have eighty minute class periods, since we do a concert per quarter, you would expect at least a few of them to go home and practice the music. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. Oh wait. It is practically just me! When we practice in class and no one knows a certain part, at least half of them yell out maybe people should practice at home, when it is completely obvious that they themselves don’t practice more than fifteen minutes a week, and even that is generous.

4. You read about Cody up there, but Cody isn’t the only individual I have issues with. There are a few, for many different reasons. One of the worst ones is Rose. Or Ashley. Or Willow. Whatever the heck her name is she makes me mad almost daily. She is one of those people who says we need to go home and practice, but makes it almost completely obvious that she doesn’t herself. She is also a hypocrite. In my opinion, being a hypocrite is one of the worst attribute that a person can possibly have. If you want to be my friend, don’t be a hypocrite. She talks constantly and in the five seconds she isn’t talking to her BFF, she is turned around, telling other people to be quiet. Also, as if that isn’t enough, she doesn’t listen either. After going over a part in the song, at least five times, and then Hanson practices another section, then they do it together, she absolutely positively always has have the pianist play the part for her at least twice before she can sing it “right”. She also talks like she knows things, and always has to have her opinion known. No matter what the subject, no matter if she is called on or not, and no matter if anyone actually cares. Which no one does, and even if they do, the person that cares is probably more of an idiot than her.

5. Rose, Cody… there is a few more. Hang in there. A third person I’m having issues with is Hoopz. She is supposed to be one of the secretaries, but she completely abuses her position. She leaves the class all the time, along with one of her friends. Then when she is in class, she sits with her friends, instead of her section, and talks up the period. It’s so irritating. And if you try and tell her to go and sit with the section, she just rolls her eyes and continues doing whatever her stupid face wants.

6. That’s enough of the individuals. The ‘Harpies’ are group of girls in the alto section that do most of the talking in the group. They are also not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. So they are just plain annoying. But since I sit across the room from them, I don’t know much else. Here is what my friend Hayley had to say about these Harpies. She sits close to them and has to deal with their crap every day. I dunno how she does it.

"They talk, as well as trash talking everyone in the choir they don't like. They tell people to shut up and start talking themselves They think that their the greatest thing to ever grace the world, although it's just the opposite. They don't practice but demand everyone else do to cover up their mistakes. They take advantage of every hard working person. They play the 'caring' friend for the people who don't know them better. They stay in Hanson's good graces through smiling and the fact that they're foreign*... They're pretty much Cody's posse of fake, smiling fan girls. "

*A girl in our choir is from Germany

7. I also mentioned, while talking about Rose(… ugh…) that I hate hypocrisy. Another thing that pushes my buttons is disrespect. If you disrespect me… well… we won’t be friends, ha. But if you disrespect my director, or my friends, you got something coming to you. Mixed choir constantly talks, which gets absolutely nothing done and makes them worse as a group (Yeah. It can happen). And more than half of them don’t even care. They might as well be in ceramics (As Hanson always says). They would be more useful in there. More productive at least. And, to Mr. Hanson, this is very disrespectful. When they act like that, Hanson gets mad, and we get even less done. Even when he says all this directly, they still keep talking. Because they can’t wait to tell their BFF what Shaniqua did to her hur dis monin, and dat dey needs to get deys weave redone, guurl.

7a. Solo and Ensemble is a music competition you can participate in, whether you‘re in band, orchestra, or choir. There is regional, then past regional to state, and if you do good at state, you get a command performance and stuff. And you can be in a big group, small group or a solo and there’s different categories and stuff. Well, one of my friends (Colleen) sang her solo for mixed choir. And I mean, she did really good. I had heard he sing it a couple of times at that point, and it was probably the best she had done. But mixed choir apparently didn't think so. They were so critical down to the way she was standing. Literally. And it isn't as if anything they were saying was at all legit. It's mixed choir. They know nothing. Anyway, there is 70 kids in mixed choir, so I figure if she has the guts to sing in front of 70 kids then she should get a little break because she was going to be a little nervous. And it isn't like they could've done any better then she did. Not even close. At the end of class, I just told her not to listen to them because they're mixed choir and they don't know anything. My other friend said they were just jealous of her because she has a really good voice. But it makes me mad that they had absolutely no respect whatsoever. Every one of the people who were rude should have to sing in front of 70 people and then let us criticize them down to the smallest thing, less then 2 hours before they were going to sing in front of a judge. Then let them talk. If they can do that, then I will completely eat my words and not say one thing on the subject again. But, half of the people who talked were horrible singers anyways, and even if they were half decent, they're to chicken to sing in front of their own mother, much less 70 people.

8. Lastly, and more recent. Mixed choir is doing a High School Musical song, ‘What Time is it?’ Obviously for this song, you have to have some energy, and at least act like you are enjoying yourself while singing it, even if you despise the song with every inch of your being. I guess this is not what mixed choir thinks (Because we all care about what mixed choir thinks!). All the sopranos are basically refusing to cooperate with Hanson, and their reasoning? “We don’t have the melody, so we all hate this song.” Which is totally bogus. Just because for one of the four songs we are doing we don’t get to sing the easy part, you completely shut down and refuse to work? That is NOT how it works. You give your all on every song. Whether it be Mary had a little Lamb, or Hallelujah Chorus. That is what makes a good singer.

9. Lol, it's been five minutes since I first posted this, and my sister already found another thing for me to put in here.
Ms. Delione. Or however you spell her name... She is the student teacher for the choir... and... no one likes her. She looks like a monkey for one. Lol, that really doesn't have anything to do with it. But she treats us like were little kids. It's so annoying... And she can't even sing! She sounds like Kermit the frog!! (No offence Kermit)

10...ish ((Edit)). Now, you read above about Rose, and what mixed choir was saying about my friend and her solo. Before this happened, another girl from Concert choir, and she's a junior, a little more experienced then my friend (Freshman). So Her voice was probably one of the best they'd ever heard. All mixed choir had to say was "Your voice is amazing!" Or, "You did amazing!" And there was probably two people who said Colleen did good. Just shows how stupid they are. Now onto the Rose (Ewy). The other concert choir girl sang a song in a different language. I don't remember what language. But after she was done singing, of course Rose felt like people cared about her opinion and raised her idiot hand. She said "May I acquire what the words mean?" No Rose, you can't. Because you don't know the difference between inquire and acquire. She said other stuff too... like "OMGZ YO VOICE IS SO AMAZING BLA, BLa, Bla, bla..."

11...ish. (All these ish-es most likely fit into the subjects up there, but I don't feel like searching, and then making YOU search for the added stuff. So, your welcome.) With the concert coming up, you would expect people to be starting to try and practice more, and start to realize that, you know... we're going to be singing these songs in front of 400 PEOPLE. But as you all know, there is always that one freakin’ exception. Mixed choir! The classes have all remained the same, and no one is showing an ounce of dedication. The only part of the music anyone cares about is the solos, and half of the people who were bugging Hanson about them didn't even try out! The solos can be cut if no one is paying attention to the choral part. That is entirely up to Hanson. More specifically Rose. Yeah again. She didn't try out for one solo. But two weeks ago she started bugging Hanson to do the try-outs. IRRITATION.

12...ish. OK, so when Hanson had pneumonia and was gone for practically all last quarter, we had to be student led. You can guess how that turned out. But closer to the end of the quarter, a director from the UAF (University Alaska Fairbanks) cam to help us out and fix the things we couldn't She also directed us in the concert. Dr. Janelle Celaire is an amazing person. She has a doctorate in music which basically means she went to college for 10 YEARS to learn all about music. She pretty much knows everything. But, of course, stupid mixed choir. They were so awful to her... She came out in her free time on Mondays and Friday, no pay, to help us out. Of course since mixed choir thinks they know everything they always had to put their 2 cents in (Assuming they have 2 cents worth of knowledge in there... haha, rub your two little brain cells together!). AND CODY. One time, when we were on stage doing a dress rehearsal for the concert, he was trying to get her attention "Hey, hey you! Director!" Yeah. AWFUL.

13...ish (Possibly the last paragraph!! Bittersweet…) Well, we just had our last concert of the year. Ha, yesterday. And to start off with, I had to do the attendance. This wouldn’t be such a big deal, but you know what I’m going to say. That’s right: Mixed choir. I announced to everyone in the band room (Mixed choir’s designated area where they stay for the concert) that I was taking attendance and to come and tell me that they are here so I can mark them off. Thirty-five people look up at me and say “I’m here!” Yes. Thank you all. Lemme just write that down. Hello!! I can’t do that! Idiots. They may have thought it was funny. But it’s irritating. Then, when we were lining up for the dress rehearsal the lines got all messed up and Hanson got all angry. Plus, we cut into the other choirs’ time to have their dress rehearsals. All because stupid mixed choir. Afterwards, when we passed by Jazz choir, I apologized for mixed choir. I don’t even like them! And I’m apologizing for them! Why? AHHHH!!! Then we did the concert and shtuff, apparently people were talking on stage but I didn’t hear anything. When we got back to the band room, everyone got all yelly and they all tried to act like they knew what they were talking about and said dumb things. Whatever. They stink…

13 cont. We always talk about the concert the day after. So today in class pretty much everyone had to put in. So. Much. TALKING. When Hanson was done talking to us and everyone (literally) had said something, he asked people to help do some cleaning up. There was only a few jobs, but no one wanted to do them. That was just irritating because mixed choir has been vandalizing the practice rooms all year. Leaving litter in them, messing with the walls, and other stuff.

14...ish. More Ms. Delione! Oh how she irritates me! I was standing in choir, I was sort of zoned out for some reason, just staring at the piano, and Ms. Delione tells me to stop talking. Now, my first thought is ‘How?’ I was in a whole other dimension! I wasn’t even thinking. Much less talking. So I told her “I’m not talking…” And then she said “You are now, so stop.” Me- “I wasn’t talking until YOU said something to me.” Her- “The answer is to just stop talking.” (By this time it was pretty quiet in the choir… haha) Me- “I wasn’t talking.” (I was irritated by this point) Her- “Stop arguing.” Me- “Whatever” And for the rest of the day I didn’t have any energy and I didn’t even look at her. Lol. She stinks at directing too. When she tries to direct the dynamics (Getting louder or softer, basically.) she tries to keep the beat at the same time, so it’s kind of confusing. It just looks like she’s flailing her arms around. And then when people try to tell her what she is doing wrong, she blames it on the choir. She said “You guys should already know all of the dynamics by now.” But then again, when the choir tries to do the dynamics how it THINKS it should do them, she claims the choir doesn’t know what it’s doing, and to pay attention to what she is directing. Hello!! Can’t do both at the same time! So it gets all icky and monkey lady blames the choir. Dumb head.

Well, the end. There definitely will be more to come. We have four weeks left of school. This is also just my opinion, so I'm going to be asking people for other things. =D

((Almost done!! There may be a little more after the concert about what went on, but maybe not. The first concert I spent most of my time in the room where mixed choir is supposed to stay but it got less and less and so I don't know if I will be there to witness the drama that will be going on in there like always. But stay posted for updates!!))

((So I'm pretty much done. The concert is through with and there is only the final left. But, who knows? It is mixed choir.. they seem to be the exception to all things. Ugh.))


User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Apr 13, 2009 @ 06:18am

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 14, 2009 @ 06:31am
Haha, you missed-spelled "close" in number 6.
Thought you might want to know that . . .
I hate Cody and Maia,
they can suck a c**k and die.
When I first read about "Rose"
I thought you ment Rose Hixson.
I was going to be pissed if you did because Rose is amazing.
Glad I'm not in any choir class.

-I- Zombies -I-
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 04:02am
No, I like Rose Hixon too. She's cool.

Choir is fun. I think...
Just mixed choir is bad.

Well.. I don't actually know. Since I've only ever been in mixed choir and middle school choir. But Sarah knows.

Lol, yeah... I misspelled so many things. But for the most part I was just trying to get my thoughts out. But I've been making corrections and fixing things like that. XD

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