not quite my rp entry yet
Yeah, That RP i said I'm gonna do..still working on the plotline so I'll just say a bit about whats going on in life. Well my friends and I are working on a movie and posting it on youtube a gaia movie to be exact called ''Gaia Fantasy'' For once I will give Glenn or (Mr Screwy xD) Props for the name so there ya go Glenn enjoy that while it lasts. Anyways the main characters are me, jeremy (Ifartcarrots) Glenn and Ex3l. Yeah we've already done, previews, bloopers, and the trailer and more if you wanna check it out go to ninetailedfox96's channel on youtube. Anyway, at the moment me and my friends who live in VA are on spring break and I'm happy about it =) So, all I really do is watch tv ,play video games and go on the computer. Thats about it. Oh, also I wanna thank Justin (II-Mr_Panda-II) and Ex3l for having my back when things go wrong and I cant forget my awesome gf choco ily babe <3