Bio: Trista actaully love cute things, shes very kind and caring. Since she was a child she has always been able to see and talk to ghost. Shes also an empath, she can feel other people's emotions, including ghost even though they are dead. Trista is also descendent of Able, one of the two sons of Adam and Eve, she is known as a Daughter of Able. she has a few speical gifts, besides her 6th sense and her empathy, she can creat sheilds and barriers from the engery she gathers from emotions and she can use them as a weapon.

Name: Trista (Mother)
Race: Arch Angel
Age: 21
Side: Angels
Power/Ablity: Empathic, anything to do with Ice, calles upon light with her staff and can use it as a weapon (both the staff and the light), Theurgy (she can call upon spirits to help her).
Location: Earth
Bio: Trista is kind and gentle and very protective, some of the angels (including the older ones) call her Mother, but if threated or if someone she cares about deeply is threated she will fight back. She is an Empath and has many speacial talents, and some she doesnt even know of yet.

Name: Trista der Kummer
Age: 21
Position: Baker and cook
Skills: Baking and making sure everythin is in order and everyone is dong their jobs.
Bio: Trista has been going to school to be a baker one day and have her own shop one day. She doesnt have any family, her father left her and her mother when she was still very young, so she doesnt remember him. And her mother died in an accident when she was 18, and since then has always been on her own. She is very sweet and kind, loves to cook and bake, and making others happy.

Username: Seraphinite
Name: Trista
Age: 17
Bio: Trista is a lot older then she really looks, people always mistake her for a little kid. She actaully comes from a bright and cheerful home, her parents are both very loving and she is a pretty happy girl, she just likes a lot of the dark and gloomy things, but her parents believe that its just her way of being herself. She does sometimes to a little scared of some things, but she always has her bunny doll with her and she uses him as comfort.

UserName: Seraphinite
Name: Lady Corsair Trista
Age: 21
Side: Pirate
Rank: Captain
Bio: She is a beautiful and can be kind and loving and protective spanish woman, Lady Trista's father was a pirate and a fearsome one at that, and so was her grandfather before that. Though her father had wished for a son, that didnt stop him from teaching Trista the ways of pirate life, and she took too it very quickly. Her father was murdered by the Imperials one night, while he was ashore drinking and chasing after women like always, she had only been 16 at the time. Now years later, she was following in her fathers footsteps aboard her ship the "Siren's Song". She is a master swordswomen with her raiper and she can shoot a pistol just as good as any man. She acompanyed by her little dragon, Drake. She is also sometimes acompanyed by her younger sister, Karman, she is a beautiful firey young gypsy girl who has a wolf that is always with her and Drakes older sister, Kana.

UserName: Seraphinite
Name: Madam Karman
Age: 18
Side: Pirate/Gpysy
Rank: Crew (whenever she is with her sister)
Bio: Karman is a beautiful firey young spanish woman, she is a gypsy dancer and fortuneteller, she can read palms, taort cards, dice, and just about anything else. She is always accompaned by a sliver white wolf named Adolphus and a small green dragon named Kana. Sometimes Karman will set sail with her older sister Corsair Trista, captain of the their father's old ship, the Siren's Song. Their father, Rico Diablo, as he was known, was not proud of the fact that he had had a Gypsy daughter, he didnt know her mother was a gypsy when he had rescued her from Imperalist until after she was born. But Trista did not care, she took Karman on almost all of her adventagers.

Name: Riko
Alyis: Ray
Age: 21
Speciality: Knives and Sniping
9-5 Job: Child daycare assistant
Pay: 3k per kill
Loyal to: Niviy [Zavi]
Bio: When Ray about 6, she found out her father was a major drug lord and one day some people that wanted to take over his terrtory came in and killed her whole family, unable to save her brother and older sister, Ray's father stuck her and her younger sister, Niviy, away before they could find them. When the murders left she climbed out of their hiding and found her family dead, she dug through the blood and bodies for the gun her father had used to try and save his family and went after the killers herself. She killed all of them and from then on as been a top assassin, she may look young and innocent with her pale blonde hair and blue/violet eyes but she doesnt give up when she is sent out on a mission to kill someone. She lives with Niviy.
Weapon of Choice: U.S. Army M21, U.S. Army M24 SWS, USMC M40A1, and a USMC M40A3. Throwing knives, boot knives and a lot of other kind of knives too.

UserName: Seraphinite
Name: Amaya
Nickname: Aya
Skills: water and ice
Bio: Amaya is actaully quite very shy, but she is friendly too. She had returned to her village from school to visit her mother, who was very sickly, to find that her whole clan had been wiped out by a rivaling village. Aya is the last of the Kourimizu Clan, and she is the last of the MizuOdoriko, Water Dancer, a lost art from that has been running in her family for centeries. She now pretty much keeps to herself, she doesnt laugh that often, though there always seems to be a smile on her face, even if it is a sad one.