one night their were four girls haveing a sleep over
they hurd a screem that came from the house down
the street they went to see what was going on the
woman said that their is a rapeist out their he is
suppost to be 3 blocks from were we are right now
so the four girls ran back up the hill went in the house
locked the doors bulted the windows down they wated they got better they wernt as scared as they were intil they hurd someone outside
the house so the four girls hid in a closit but the thing is the guy was really their he found a broken bult on the window he poped it open and creeped inside really quiet he went over
to the closit door and then opened it the girls ran
in different directions 3 of the girl went down stares to hide
the 4th girl ran in the bathroom over the down stares the guy
went and flung open the bathroom door and the girl screemed the other girls listened the girl tryed to run out but the guy cought her put her on the floor he raped her then he took a knife and skined her alive her friend that were down stares was listing to what was happening to there friend but they couldin't do anything too help her
after it all was done and over the 3 girls went up stares and saw the word carved in the wall of her last few words she wanted to say befor she went away she said... why diden't you help me i needed your help and you didin't help i screemed for your help but know one came too help me so i got skined alive and now im dead thanks alot you all.'' the girls looked up too get the teers out of there eyes then they saw the knife that had skined her alive she had skin hanging from it the girls started to cry. but then they found the guy that they have been tracking for years and they put him in jail for his hole life. the end..... burning_eyes
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hi how are you everyone i am bre and i have been on gaia for about a year or so so yeah bye.