I HAD A ******** UP DAY mad
first it was all good but then..
i went to meh friends place and like woo wanna do somthin? O,e im bored as hell...
then we went out that was "fun" .... then after that i went to my other friend ate cake and played cards until i get my laptop bcs my sister used it. then i ate cake and played...
after that i went playing home in comp and watched tv... after that i went with my 2 best friends walked to get some... "rabarbers" or wutever they are called in english to make cake .... then picked alot of em went back then i fawkin lost meh phone 4 hours later my siister called me and sayed " why dont u pick up ur phone" then i sayed fawk i lost it i think blahblahblah several minutes later my mom talked me and got ******** mad at me ....... gahhhhh FAWK I HATE MYSELF >.< stare