The Magical Straw of DOOM!
by Me
by Me
Once upon a time, there was a Magical Straw of DOOM! It had the amazing ability to kill zombies because it's magical!!! blaugh
One day, The Magical Straw of DOOM! was wandering around aimlessly out of pure boredom. There weren't any zombies because it was daytime! That was when The Magical Straw of DOOM!'s natural enemy was out wandering around: human beings. Carefully avoiding it's, The Magical Straw of DOOM! waited it out until dark.
Once night fell (ouch), the zombies started to rise, and The Magical Straw of DOOM! got ready to attack.
"Bring it on, zombies!" it yelled (don't ask how).
"Braaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnsssssssssss," the zombies replied.
With a battle cry that could wake the dead (if they weren't already awake), The Magical Straw of DOOM! attacked!
The zombies cried out in pain as their rotten blood and body parts went flying. Thus, they were killed AGAIN!!!
"Hahaha, I win again, zombie scum!" The Magical Straw of DOOM! laughed.
"But we didn't do anything!" cried a dying zombie.
"SHUT UP!" The Magical Straw of Doom yelled, stabbing the zombie in the eye.
"AAARGH!" it yelled.
"Hah!" The Magical Straw of DOOM! laughed.
"OMG, YOU KILLED THE VAMPIRES!!!!!" somebody screamed.
"Those weren't vampires, miss. Those were zombies," The Magical Straw of DOOM! declared.
It was then that The Magical Straw of DOOM! launched itself at The Insane Non-Sparkly Vampire-Obsessed Vampire Chick who caught The Magical Straw of DOOM! before it could kill her.
"DIE STRAW!!!" The Insane Non-Sparkly Vampire-Obsessed Vampire Chick screamed. She put The Magical Straw of DOOM! in her mouth and began to chew.
"NOOOOOOOO!" The Magical Straw of DOOM! screamed, finally dying.
Then, The Insane Non-Sparkly Vampire-Obsessed Vampire Chick fell in love with a werewolf and they lived happily ever after!
Moral: Don't write stories when you're bored beyond your wit's end sweatdrop stare -__-;;