This is a space dedicated to those great people who donated in help of obtaining my dream avvy, and to whom I shall be forever grateful. :3
Anonymous Benefactor - Nitemare Collar (3kg ftw. Zankiu~)
iAm Sethh - Grizzly Hoodie (Donated after the anon. who sent the first one asked back for it because it was an accident. &3 Zankiu sooooo much!)
bb_beachbabe - Oh My Gumball (I loves you, you cute girl, you. <3)
Anonymous Benefactor - Nitemare Collar (3kg ftw. Zankiu~)
iAm Sethh - Grizzly Hoodie (Donated after the anon. who sent the first one asked back for it because it was an accident. &3 Zankiu sooooo much!)
bb_beachbabe - Oh My Gumball (I loves you, you cute girl, you. <3)