Hard Cover Book
By Dominick Cortes
In any given perspective; Life is simply lived.
Whether they live like a zombie where each day is the same
Or live their lives to the fullest as everyone dreams of.
We all live a life which is recored into a book.
And so, everyone has a tale to tell
Either a ballad of enjoyable memories
Or a Shakespearian depression.
We all have a story to tell.
My story isn't the most compelling or unique
But what incases my story has its tale to yell.
The story of misery and abuse
Yet its perseverance and determination made it thrive.
It once was a soft back, easily sustainable to wounds
It cowered away and try to heal those wounds.
But, it failed to defend its pages
As anyone took their sweet time to defile it.
The tears were silent as they wrote on the pages
But, they left and clouds disappeared over its head.
The sense of them gone demanded a growth
A change in its life style.
And slowly, did it evolve
Developed rocks that broke through that concrete
Durable and having the able to be the last one standing
No longer frail or weak but strong and built
Even though it grew stronger,
The pages stayed scared and wounded
Oozing red ink after each page
A smile is never written into its pages.
So now ask me my story
And let me judge your eyes
For if compassion to read is seen, shall you read
If not, let you feel the rage of a hard cover book.
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Always thinking of the possibility of you and me...
Always thinking of the possibility of you and me...
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bobobo nation Community Member |
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ll Kyoya_Okamiyasha ll Community Member |
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Community Member
oh my jesus dom! i just loved every bit of it!
the book metaphore is just so perfect
KYA!~ i loved it!