So, for the first time in at least three or so years, there is an item on Gaia I actually would really like, that I cannot afford easily buy selling a shitty item or two.
That item is the Gaia-Tan.
Currently, it is hanging around 1.5million gold. It may drop a bit more, but with Gee Bois leaving, I don't think they'll ever become significantly cheaper than they are now.
I am serious about this, and (this is rarer than it sounds), I am formally requesting donations/help. I usually help out my friends, so if you have spare gold, I would appreciate it? D: If you can't afford it, a nice "Ganbare, Shuri-chan!" would be encouraging &3
These people are sexy and awesome
Katt-chan: Holy s**t 50k. ilu. I should probably buy you lunch sometime &3
Chii-chan: 1k! Thank yew! &3
Belle-chan: 20k! You so nice &3
Mori-chan: 5k! Good job minion &3
MalFuktion-kun: A June Letter! Thank you sir!
Hirundine-kun: 25k! I only had to b***h a little bit, too! &3
Malathyne-chan: 6k! This means a lot to me <3
That item is the Gaia-Tan.
Currently, it is hanging around 1.5million gold. It may drop a bit more, but with Gee Bois leaving, I don't think they'll ever become significantly cheaper than they are now.
I am serious about this, and (this is rarer than it sounds), I am formally requesting donations/help. I usually help out my friends, so if you have spare gold, I would appreciate it? D: If you can't afford it, a nice "Ganbare, Shuri-chan!" would be encouraging &3
These people are sexy and awesome
Katt-chan: Holy s**t 50k. ilu. I should probably buy you lunch sometime &3
Chii-chan: 1k! Thank yew! &3
Belle-chan: 20k! You so nice &3
Mori-chan: 5k! Good job minion &3
MalFuktion-kun: A June Letter! Thank you sir!
Hirundine-kun: 25k! I only had to b***h a little bit, too! &3
Malathyne-chan: 6k! This means a lot to me <3
"Buttsex is a lot like spinach. If you're forced to have it as a child, you won't enjoy it as an adult."

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