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Sebastian's Logbook
A world of things that dreams do bring.
Bakuryu Index
Here is the list of all the Bakuryu Sebastian has currently discovered, made, or posesses. The first entry below is the description key. Note: These are not in alphabetic order. Rather, they are in the order, top to bottom, Sebastian has discovered them. And remember; this is for roll-play knowledge only and specifics may only be known by a character if he/she has encountered that bakuryu before -- In Character.

World Bakuryu
White runes on blue/green marbled bead. Crush to activate: Teleports user but causes greater euphoria the farther traveled. [Made by painting rune circle on an atlas map in blood. Map becomes bead.]

Barrier Bakuryu
Glossy white runes on glass blue bead. Hold/Reflex activated: Projects wall of force to block moderate physical damage.

Blast Bakuryu
Red runes on dark red bead. Strike hard to activate: Explodes with shockwave, loud bang, and blinding light. [Mix sulfer w/ blood component.]

Dynamo Bakuryu
Black runes on Bright yellow bead. Hold to activate: Bead absorbs electricity then the holder can emit the charge as lightning. Effect lasts as long as bead is held or until wattage is exceeded. [Creator must be struck by lightning during the ritual.]

Blade Bakuryu
Dark grey runes on gunmetal bead. Hold to activate: Bead becomes dagger or simmilar edged weapon (user's choice) until bead is released. [Bladed weapon held during ritual but not expended.]

Key Bakuryu
Brass runes on Bronze. Press to lock to activate: Bead morphs into one-use skeleton key to open the targeted lock. Only opens simple and average locks; not exotic or electronic.

Pawn Bakuryu
Pulsing red runes on greyish fleshtone bead. Speak its name to activate: Bead flairs like gunpowder as it grows in size and morphs into an androgenous, vaguely human shape measuring 12" tall. Creature is telepathically bound to its creator. [Piece of creator's flayed flesh is whispered a name during the ritual; the activation name. Flesh becomes bead.]

Mirage Bakuryu
Smokey runes on mirrored bead. Press/Will activated: Glamors person or small object to look like other person or object for a short time. [Sand filled polyhedron used/ becomes bead. Higher number of sides increases potency of effect.]

Puppeteer Bakuryu
Red runes on purple bead. Touch target's head with bead to activate: Bead sinks half way into target's skull and allows user to control the target's body like a marionett until the bead is removed or destroied. User must concentrate on the target for full control. [Hand tendons from a puppeteer become bead. This Bakuryu is considered evil!]

Helix Bakuryu
Blue and red runes on black bead. Crush to activate: Bead instantly becomes an exact duplicate of user in every way. If the user or bead is slain, or one hour passes, the bead returns to dust. [Only one of these bakuryu may be created at a time.]

Icarus Bakuryu
Bright red runes on waxy beige bead. Possess/Die to activate: Automatically resurects user if bead is on their person when they die. Excruciating and causes short term memory loss. [Requires 1 oz of crafter's blood from before they died, 1 oz from while dead, and 1 oz from after awakened by mundane means. Ritual not garanteed to work, but still expends components.]

Smoke Bakuryu
Silver runes on a grey bead. Strike hard to activate: Bead explodes into thick but breathable smoke that fills a 20 foot space in seconds. All forms of vision are impared within the gas accept for infravision.

Seer Bakuryu
Purple runes on white bead. Hold/Concentrate to activate: User falls into trance and sees visions of past, present, or future depending on what the user was focusing on when activated. [Small telescope used but not expended. Other components unknown.]

Deathspeak Bakuryu
Muted green runes on black bead. Swallow to activate: User may converse with cadavers of creatures that share a spoken language with the user. Information known by cadaver only reaches to the moment they died. [Uvula of plague victim becomes bead. Diseases removed during ritual.]

Roc Bakuryu
Grey runes on white bead. Hold/Concentrate to activate: User sprouts quasi-real wings that enable them to fly fast and high for up to an hour or until dismissed.[Roc feather.]

Aro Bakuryu
White runes on teal bead. Touch to target to activate: Target becomes comatose for a short time. While in this state, the target has no sense of time or pain.

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