Full Name: Itami Tanoshimi (Pain's Pleasure)
Nicknames: Itami-Kun
Famous Shinobi Name:
Age: 13
Birth Date: September 19th
Gender: Male
Sex Orientation: Straight
Race: Human
Village: Amegakure
Rank: Gennin
Shinobi Profession: Student
Major Shinobi Information:
Bloodline: Chakra Enko (Chakra Connection)
Members of this clan have a wierd connection to their chakra and can manipulate it really easily even if it is outside their body. However along with this fact they can form their chakra into a solid shape which is most likely a small diamond like shape. Most clan members melt this diamond down and place it into the creation of a weapon which they can easily manipulate. Members of this clan have often been called puppet masters however that is compleatly untrue. Some masters of this clan have been said to manipulate thousands of weapons at once and much more.
Current Bloodline Stage: Basic
Summoning Type: Swords (Currently 10)
Chakra Color: Dark Indigo
Chakra Element: Fuuton & Unknown
Weapon of choice: Swords
Special Abilities: Chakra Manipulation
Unique Info:
- Itami himself is quite masochistic and loves pain in any and all forms meaning in a battle it does not phase him at all. He is often considered a freak.
- Itami also usually fights shirtless to avoid any destruction of clothing when using his swords.
Technique List:
Original Techniques:
- Katana Arashi (Sword Storm)
Using his clan's ability Itami has placed chakra shards in multiple swords which he can thus manipulate at will.
-chalkra ichitsuke (chalkra placement)
Using his clans ablitiy, itami can quickly place his controll over an item by touching it. the down side to this is that the wepon has a blue tint and itamt losses controll of an other wepon he has controll of.
- Hegne no Jutsu (Transformation Jutsu)
- Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique)
- Bushin no Jutsu (Clone Jutsu)
- Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)
- Kai (Release)
- Katana Arashi (Sword Storm)
- Fuuton: Reppushou (Gale Wind Palm)
Personal Shinobi Information
Height: 5"7
Weight: 138 lbs
Personality: Itami is quite a cocky headstrong individual who believes in his abilities more than anything. He can be quite arrogent at times.
Personal Skill: Swordplay
Favorite Food: Popsicles
Favorite Drink: Water
Least Favorite Food: Chilli
Background History: Growing up as a normal member of his clan Itami had developed quite a knack for swordplay. Using this and his clans ability he has gained the ability to almost become a sword puppeteer. Through the years of training he has also become quite cocky and developed a love for masochism which many regard him as a freak for.
Family: Unknown
Theme song: Pain - Three Days Grace
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