Words cannot explain how much I hate thunder and eartquakes. Thunder makes me cry and earthquakes give like a panic attack....well that's what I think they are called. Umm well my heart beat just goes off the chart and I shake like crazy and then breathing @__@ lordy. So yeah...lastnight there was a small quake and well...I didnt' sleep one bit T_____T I was so paranoid thinking that a larger one would hit during my sleep....so no sleep for me. It was like three in the morning...I think and I heard dogs barking and barking so I thought they were after my kitties. stare So I rolled out of meh warm comfy bed grabbed a wooden rod and went out in the freezing cold X___X...in my not so covering pj's xp However, there weren't any dogs around, but I still heard them so there I goes walking into the street and around the corner and there I saw three dogs ganging up on a girl doggie. first I yelled and nothing so then there I go like an idiot swinging away at these evil dogs. There were three! And one was a dog who killed several of my cats in the past so I opened a big can of whoop a** on him. But...the other two started gatteing angry so I almost got owned sweatdrop I did not stop though. I swung away at the other two while the b*****d I was trying to kill more or less ran off. In the end they all ran off...even the one I was trying to save. x____x I didn't even get a woof thank you for fighting in the cold in meh PJ's for it! scream I must admit though....I felt pretty high and mighty after it was all over ^-^ I was proud proud proud. Just bring it you doggies. I'll kick all your asses 3nodding
anywho...got back into my room after a while and once again back to no sleep -____- exciting night/morning ninja
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=(^ ^)= =(0 0)= =(-.-)=; =(@ @)= =(X_X)= ^.^v yatta!
Aiko Tori Evee Himeno Sagara AKA Hatred Kitten
Aiko Tori Evee Himeno Sagara AKA Hatred Kitten
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