Do you people want the code for my background? Here it is!
If you want the code for my Zelda background to use as your background, here...I don't care if you use it, I'm just happy I got one! Cause I LOVE Zelda!
body{ background: #172B10 url( bottom left no-repeat}
#profile {background: #172B10 }
#profile .avatar {background: url( center no-repeat}
.section #profile,#details,#journal,#friends,#comments,#multimedia,#wishlist,#signature,#about { background: #172B10 }
.section #profile,#details,#journal,#friends,#comments,#multimedia,#wishlist,#signature,#about { color: #54B963 }
#extendedProfileBody #header h1 { background: url(; border: #54B963 }
#extendedProfileBody #header #avatar {display: TOP:10px; LEFT:200px;}
.section h2 { color: transparent; font-size: 0px; }
#profile h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; color: text-indent: -5000px; }
#details h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; border: 0px }
#journal h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#wishlist h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#friends h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#comments h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#multimedia h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#signature h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#about h2 { background: url( top left no-repeat; text-indent: -5000px; }
#comments dl dt.avatar img { background: url( top left no-repeat; } #comments dl dt.avatar2 img { background: url( top left no-repeat; }
#content{ background: url(; }
#comments .caption { background: #54B963;} #comments .caption { color: #172B10;}
#profile .caption { background: #54B963;} #profile .caption { color: #172B10}
#profile .caption {border: 1px solid #172B10;}
#comments .caption2 { background: #54B963;} #comments .caption2 { color: #172B10;}
#friends #friendGroup li{border-right:0px;}
#friends #friendGroup li img {background: url( top no-repeat;}
.section #profile,#details,#journal,#friends,#comments,#multimedia,#wishlist,#signature, #about, {border: #54B963;}
#profile, {border: #54B963;}
#comments .caption {border: 1px solid #54B963;}
.caption2 { border: 1px solid #54B963;}
.caption:before { content: url(); background: url() top right no-repeat; }
.caption:after { content: url(); background: url() bottom right no-repeat; }
.caption2:before { content: url(); background: url() top right no-repeat; }
.caption2:after { content: url(); background: url() bottom right no-repeat; }
.caption .message { background: url() top left no-repeat;
.caption2 .message { background: url() top right no-repeat; }
body {position: absolute; width: 760px; left: 50%; margin-left: -380px;}