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D-bugg's jurnal!
yes this is my journal and i will put things randomly in here!

(This story is for my sister, and for Cell, her first car whom we both luv heart and This is my drawing of Cell. yes i do use Barricade as the first decepticon they see because, uh... i like him? i dun know do i? oh and for Drangonfly? she looks like This.)

Summary: Alice is a normal girl who lives a normal life, until one day her Toyota celica turns into a huge robot! Then she and her sister are suddenly thrown into the wildest ride of their lives.

in the middle of the night, the lights of the beaten up celica suddenly blink on. as information and several pictures of people pop up on the windshield, a mechanical voice reads it out silently. "Alice, 18 years of age, currently unemployed, one sibling, courageous... Great!" then as suddenly as the lights turned on, they went out. "maybe in the morning..." the voice mumbled.

In the morning Alice woke up early, got dressed, put her shoulder length hair up in a pony tail, and went downstairs. She had promised her little sister that she would make pancakes for her. As she got the ingredients out, her mom came downstairs. "good morning mom!" She smiled as her mom made a cup of tea for herself. "I'm planing on taking Lizzy with me on the camping trip this weekend ." She said as she turned the heat on the stove up.

Her mom nodded and finished her tea quickly because she was going to be late for work. "We can talk about it later tonight, make sure your dad knows and you keep an eye on her."

Alice put down her spatula. "mom we have to leave tonight, remember?" She mixed the Pancake mix a bit and waited for her mom's answer.

"It is already Friday? Wow. okay leave a note when you leave, keep an eye on Elizabeth, and be careful driving you cruddy car on those dirt roads." Her mom placed her empty mug in the sink and ran out the door. "and remind your dad! He probably didn't remember. Im going to be late." Without even a hug, Alice was alone in the kitchen.

"His name is Cell." she hated that her mom called her car an it, and not by his name. The jet black 1994 Toyota celica was parked in the driveway, he had been through a lot recently, an old lady scrapped his side up, some jerk had left claw like scratches all along his left side, and he had so many dents in his doors and hood, his windows and mirrors had cracks in them, but he was a tough little car. about ten minutes later, Elizabeth wandered down the stairs of their two story building dragging her suitcase.

"Good morning." she said rubbing her eyes. She was 6 years younger than Alice. Her dark blond hair just barely went past her ears and her glasses were on crooked. Alice flipped the first pancake off the pan and on to a plate. She ran over, now wide awake at the site of breakfast.Alice laughed as she inhaled the pancake and held her plate up, wanting another.

"Lizzy, if you eat your food so fast you'll get hiccups." Lizzy laughed at the sound of her nick name. "here, another pancake, you need to eat, your just skin and bones." Lizzy rolled her eyes and set to devouring the pancake the second it was dropped onto her plate. "are you ready to go camping with Cell and me?

Lizzy stopped devouring the Pancake to stare at her sister. "we are going camping?!" She jumped up and down, then she finished her pancake. Then she ran upstairs to pack. Leaving Alice to clean up the mess she made.

Alica had already brought her suitcase down, she sat on the couch after cleaning the kitchen up and waited for Lizzy to come back downstairs, one suitcase packed to it's limits. Then their dad came down the stairs ready for work. "Good morning dad." the siblings said at the same time, and then laughed. Their dad shook his head and sat on one of the oother couches, pulling his shoes on.

"you didn't make breakfast for me?" he asked after smelling the air in the kitchen. Alice shook her head and went to the fridge. Her dad's eyes followed her as she walked into the kitchen.

"i didn't forget you dad, i made you a plate, you just have to reheat them." she placed the plate on the table in the kitchen. He stood up, gave Alice and Lizzy a hug, grabbed his plate of pancakes.

" i will eat these for lunch, thank you. and be careful on your camping trip, keep an eye on your sister." He smiled at Alice's confused face. " i didn't forget, and the fact that Lizzy is packed too implies that she is coming with you." he turned and left for work. Alice and Lizzy laughed the moment he was gone.

"nothing gets past him does it?" Lizzy asked as she finished laughing. Alice shook her head and went to work on pulling the luggage into the back of Cell, since his trunk didn't open anymore.Elizabeth took care of the cat and dog, made sure they where fed and happy. "see you guys in a few days" She locked the front door and ran outside where her sister stood sanding in front of cell, holding the door open. the garage door closed behind Lizzy and just as she got in, a loud whine came from Cell. it almost sounded like a human. she looked at her sister who had the keys in her free hand. "does he normally do that?" She asked, and her sister shook her head no.

The front seats folded down and the seat in the back made a jerking motion, sending the suitcases flying out at the sibling's feet. then another whine, and the car exploded, well it didn't explode, it just looked like it exploded. Lizzy ran to her sister as feet formed out of the back wheels and other parts, then the car stood up,the sound of metal scraping across metal filled the air in the deserted neighborhood.. Within seconds there was a robot, almost as tall as the house it stood in front of. a robotic smiled flashed on its face as it stretched and then looked at Alice and her sister. " as the last pieces of it fell into place, the robot sighed. "man, transforming is so hard to do with these damaged parts."

"uh... am I still dreaming?" Lizzy asked herself, then she pinched her arm. "nope not dreaming... whoa!" suddenly Lizzy was jerked towards the front door of their house. Alice was pulling her, and on the verge of screaming. The robot that was once cell watched them run.

"Alice! Lizzy! wait i don't mean any..." the door slammed as he walked over to it. "harm. i see where this is going." he mumbled and sat on the ground, waiting for them to come back outside.

"Lizzy, call the police!" Alice yelled as she locked the door and closed the blinds on the window. Lizzy was leaning against a wall, relatively calm. "you aren't going to? fine i will!" Alice said as she ran into the living room. Lizzy walked over to the window and peeked out, the robot sat there quietly, looking at her. he grinned a large smile at her, she looked towards the living room, where Alice was yelling about a robot in her front yard. Lizzy smiled and opened the door just enough for her to slip out.

"Cell? that you?" she asked curiously as she took a step closer. The robot looked down at her. he had lifted his visor to reveal blue eyes. He nodded and she took another step. "what happened?" she asked quietly.

"he smiled. "i revealed myself to you." She laughed at his choice of words. "i will tell you more, if Alice would come out here and talk to me." he looked at the door. "ah, here she comes." Lizzy turned to see her sister through the window she gasped and ran up stairs. "i thought she was going to come..." The robot sighed and shook his head. Lizzy looked at his scratches. they looked like battle scars now.

"what are you?" she asked him, it took him a second to register that she spoke, and that she was patting one of his scars curiously. he smiled.

"im an robot, well duh, but what i mean is I'm a robot from Cybertron. where a war happened between the good guys, or Autobots, and the bad guys, or Decepticons." Lizzy took a step back fearing that he was a bad guy, since he had so many scars. "but don't worry, im a good guy though." he said pointing at a small insignia on his chest. weird, she had never noticed that before. Lizzy looked up at the roof behind him, her sister had opened her window and was on the roof, with a iron bat. she was right behind his head.

SLAM! a loud bang echoed and Cell was leaning forward holding his head. "ooowww! That freaking hurt!" he yelled. Lizzy looked up at her sister who was inspecting the bat, a large dent in it. then she turned her attention back to the Robot.

"Stay. Away. From. My. Sister!" she yelled. Lizzy ran over to Cell. Alice freaked out. "Lizzy! stay away from it! it could kill you!" Lizzy ignored her sister and looked at the back of cell's heard, a small dent on the back of the head was apparent. Cell turned to face Alice and gently picked her up, she slammed the bat against his hand. he flinched with every hit, she had one heck of a swing.

"will you stop?" he asked her as he attempted to take the bat from her, she swung it at his hand and he almost dropped her. "Okay! i'll put you down!" he placed her on the ground. She ran over to her sister and stood between him and her.

"Lizzy will you get back in the house?" she asked angrily. her sister shook her head and slipped in front of her and stole the bat out of her hands, she may have been younger but she got it with ease, obviously Alice wasn't expecting that. "Lizzy! give it back!"

"No, stop hitting Cell! he has enough dents already! He is your car!" Cell smiled and silently thanked her, then he turned away from the fighting siblings. His hands where aching. "he isn't going to hut us!" She threw the bat over her shoulder, it landed next to Cell with a small Clank, and he jumped. "sorry." she said over her shoulder.

Alice shook her head. "that THING can't be Cell. He is a small Toyota cellica, that has difficulty turning and going up hills! Not a giant robot who can kill us!" She glared at him and he slid his visor down over his eyes. "now come on! the police are coming and going to get rid of it, get inside." she started to pull her little sister back towards the front door again, but Lizzy shook her off and stepped back towards Cell.

"no! they can't! he is good I promise!" Cell suddenly stood up, shaking the ground and sending the siblings to the sidewalk. "Barricade, my old pall." he smirked and walked out into the street, Lizzy and Alice looked around the corner of the house to see a single police car. "C'mon, no one but us, Barricade. how 'bout you drop the disguise?" Cell laughed. Suddenly the police car exploded like Cell did, but much quieter. and it didn't stop. it kept going, tackling Cell to the street.

Watching the fight, Lizzy and Alice started talking to each other. "so, uh which one of them is good?" Alice asked her sister.

"Cell... definitely, he is cooler." Lizzy answered as The smaller of the robots, cell, slid out of Barricade's grip and was now behind him. A flat, circulal object popped out of Cells arm. "wait is that..." Lizzy trailed off as blades popped out of the disk.

"the steering wheel?!" Alice finished her sentence. " it has blade in it?" she freaked out. Lizzy smiled, "what?" Alice asked.

"If he was bad, he would have destroyed your hands by now." she laughed, adding another thing to the list of reasons that he was good. He threw the steering wheel in the air and backed away from barricade, his already huge smile just got wider.

"what are you smiling about you worthless Autobot?" Barricade demanded, he was furious now. He fired a missile at Cell, but Cell, being one of the lighter autobots, dodged it and grinned even more as the steering wheel flew past him towards Barricade. it hit him right in the center of the face, and even ripped some of his faceplate off.He stumbled back and ripped the steering wheel out of his face, along with more of his armor there. "you wil.. pay... for.. tha..." his voice cut in and out, Cell wasn't done yet, he strolled up to barricade, avoiding the shots being fired at him, and snatched the steering wheel out of his hand. Then he punched Barricade in the chest plate, sending him backwards again. " i will... be.... back..." barricade said just before he transformed into a wreck of a police car, and drove off.

As Cell put his steering wheel back in his shoulder Lizzy ran up, being followed closely by Alice. "You are so cool Cell!" Lizzy said as she jumped up and down by his feet.He leaned down to their level. "i told ya i was good." he said to Alice. he sat on the ground and looked for any new battle wounds. "now..." he said after he found none. " will you help me?" He asked the girls.

Slowly getting used to him,Alice asked. "what could a huge robot, that just took down another robot that was bigger than him, need help with?" she looked at her sister "that requires two human girls?"

Cell looked down, well i could go on my own but, a car drivin itself will look suspicious, and if your car suddenly went missin before you could go campin wouldn't be fair for you two."he pointed at the sisters."so would go with me? i need to find Optimus Prime, leader of the autobots. i have information about the decepticons that he needs, and my comm is broken." he asked them kindly. Lizzy was about to say 'yes' but Alice beat her to it. "as long as we are back by Tuesday, i have no problem." Lizzy jumped up and down happily saying something about road trip. and Cell grinned the biggest grin ever.

Alice sighed. "okay already, cell, cna you turn back into my Celica? i need to put the suitcases on the back." He nodded and with a groan, he transformed back into a car, his doors opened and the front seats leaned forward so that the suitcases could go in the back. "why doesn't your trunk open?" Alice asked him after the suitcases where slid into the back and they where on the road, Lizzy sat in the passenger seat, listening to her green ipod.

"because when a jet decepticon, Starscream, attacked me, he dented in my trunk while i was in car mode." his voice came from the radio."now it is such a hassle to open, i hope ratchet can fix that." he sighed and narrowly avoided another car, freaking out Alice and yanking one of Lizzy's earphones off.

"don't drive so recklessly!" Alice yelled at him, slightly hitting the dashboard.she heard Cell chuckle. "where are we going anyways?" She asked as she gripped the steering wheel for dear life, he was driving like a maniac just to bother her.A grown came from his wheel as he turned. he had to slow down, his axles weren't in the best shape anymore.

"well mission city is a good start." said the radio. Lizzy sat up straight and yanked her earphones out. "Mission city?!.... ow..." she was so exited now. "mission city was where that giant fight happened, the government tried to cover that up!" she grinned at her surprised sister, as the radio spoke in agreement.

"yeah, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Jazz, bumblebee and ionrhide all fought there when the decepticons first attacked.How did you know that a giant fight happened?" Alice and the radio seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"wow you two.... you think that those dents in the ground where caused by a car crash, and that building didn't get destroyed by a storm." she said relaxed. "had to have been something big if the government wanted to cover it up anyways." she looked out the window. "it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out..."

"okay, well why mission city?" Alice asked Cell, letting go of the steering wheel, remembering the blades.

"mission city was one of the last times i saw prime. if anythin, they would be searching the place for any all spark shards that they missed." Cell laughed at her as she pulled her hands off the wheel. "I'm not going to cut you Alice, not after how well you have treated me." his voice was kind, and trustworthy. with caution she wrapped her hands back around the steering wheel.

They had gone a little more than halfway when they stopped for the night. Alice had curled up in her sleeping bag in the back seat, fast asleep. Lizzy sat in the passenger seat, her sleeping bag wrapped around her. "so, you have been an autobot since before sis got you?" she asked him curiously. She was not tired, how could she be? her sisters car was a giant robot, she watched it take down a bad robot, what was it that Cell had called him? a decepticon? and to top it all off, she was right, there had been a big fight in Mission city!

"yes, but i wasn't always such a mess, i was the sleekest Celica ever! then i got in a fight with a rather nasty decepticon, with claws.... it didn't end too well. as you can tell by the huge scratch on my right side." the radio explained to her. " i had it painted over by Ratchet, but that old lady scratched the paint off! and it looks worse!" it got hotter in the small celica. Lizzy had to open a door. "oh sorry..." the temperature went back down. "it just angers me that someone would do that. when i see ratchet next, im going to make him clean it up again and make it look cool again."

Lizzy laughed. "why don't you just get it fixed? why make yourself look like a piece of junk?" she asked. he laughed and the whole car shook. "hey! you want to wake up miss grumpy?" Lizzy hissed, the car immediately stopped shaking. "what was so funny?" she asked him angrily.

"these scratches may make me look like a piece of junk to you, but to me they show that I'm a worthy fighter, who was seen his fair share of fights, and that I'm not weak!" He said dramatically. Lizzy laughed and poked the dashboard.

"they also show that you get into fights all of the time, and barely win." She yawned and the seat leaned back some, to make it feel more like a bed. "good night..." she mumbled before slowly drifting off into a deep sleep. The lights in the car turned off as Cell powered down for the night.

In the morning Alice awoke to Cell driving without anyone in the driver's seat. "Cell! what if people see you?!" she yelled angrily. he swerved at the sudden yelling. Lizzy was shaken awake, and complained about having a good dream.

"Relax Alice, look at the road, it is so early, no one is out here." he said as she climbed into the front seat. "and, if anyone is out here. My windows are tinted, they can't see who is driving anyways."

"you have a point, but don't do it again... Wake me up if you are going to start driving early" Alice said as she stretched her arms and yawned. "that way, if we get pulled over or something, our car wont look like it is driving itself." Beside her, the grumpy Lizzy climbed over the seat and plopped down on the back seat, she didn't want to wake up yet. "so what time do you think we will be getting there?" she asked him some time later when they where on a long straight road, surrounded by trees on the left and right.

"well if we got halfway there in one day, we should be there tonight or tomorrow." he replied, he seemed to be driving really slow compared to usual. Something was wrong. "be prepared for a stop." he said as her seat belt tightened and Lizzy was shaken awake again. "this might get a little bumpy, I can't let innocent people get hurt." he said as he turned off the street onto a dirt road, and headed into the trees. then he reached an opening wide enough for him to transform and far enough away from the street so that people couldn't see him. the seat belts unbuckled and the doors opened, "grab everythin and go!" he said with a groan as some of his part began to move. Lizzy and Alice literally got out of the car a split second before he transformed.

"what is going on?" Alice asked him after he transformed and stood staring at the trees. he didn't answer her, but pushed her and Lizzy towards the trees more. then a small cannon formed on his wrist, sending a few rusted pieces of his armor falling to the ground, and he clenched his fist and prepared for an attack.

"Another one... this is a fight i have been waiting for." He fired his cannon into the air and waited for a sign, anything to give him an idea of where his enemy was. After a few seconds of waiting the missile exploded in the distance, and a mechanical yell erupted from where it hit. a few loud steps and another robot that was larger than Cell crunched through the trees into the clearing. "so, Bonecrusher, Megatron decide to bring you back online?" Cell said calmly, like he was talking to a friend.

"yes he did, and look, he even made my claw sharper" Bonecrusher's claw on his back raised up and glinted in the sun, the edges sharper than ever before. "now i can finish my job, cutting you apart!" He yelled and ran at Cell, firing some missiles at him. Cell laughed and dodged the missiles easily. As Bonecrusher ran past him, the claw dragged along his chest and forced Cell to his knees.

"your not going to get me" Cell yelled and barely dodged the claw as it came back to cut his head off. "This time I will put you offline and I'm not running away." Cell slid his leg at the back of Bonecrusher's forcing him to the ground too. for a few seconds the struggled to stand up. Then they resumed their fight. Cell attacked first by using his steering wheel blade as a saw on His opponent's chest. "if I'm getting a new scratch, so are you!" He was attacked in the shoulder by the claw, his aim was off by an inch and narrowly missed Cell's head, again. "what is with you and decapitatin people anyways?" Cell said as he punched him in the face with his steering wheel in his hand, the blades barely cut into the armor before he was pushed away.

Alice and Lizzy watched as the two fought each other. "so two fights in two days." Lizzy said with a hint of laughter in her voice. " how much you want to bet that he will get in another one tomorrow? her sister glared at her."what?"

"in these fights Cell may be winning, but he gets hurt, and if he takes much more he will die!" she pointed at the scratches that had appeared after the last fight. "and if he dies, we will be stuck out here." she said angrily.

Somehow, while they where talking, Cell had knocked Bonecrusher to the ground and was standing on top of him, a cannon on his shoulder aimed at the Decepticon. "bye." Cell laughed and fired the canon at his opponents face, he waited to see the optics red light fade and got off. he walked over to Alice an Lizzy with a grin. "so, shall we go?" he asked them

They nodded and quickly snatched their luggage off the ground. The faster they got away from the dead decepticon, the better. Cell transformed slowly, the injures he had just gotten made it harder to transform. When he was fully transformed, there was a large scratch across the hood of the car and some of the windshield was broken. "well.... those i can do without..." he said in a low voice. Alice and Lizzy climbed in and they took off. None of them noticed Bonecrusher's eyes had lit up and flickered a few times. by the time the autobot and the humans had left, the optics where shinning bright.

For the rest of the day, things where pretty calm, but Cell's reckless driving had gotten them pulled over and given a ticket. Twice. It was late in the afternoon when they reached a city not to far from their destination. They had barely gotten out of the city limits when Cell unexpectedly stopped again, and forced Alice and Lizzy to fall to the ground. This was the fastest Cell had ever transformed. He was smiling another one of his huge smiles again as he braced himself for impact. A futuristic jet flew straight for him. a second before impact it transformed.

It laughed and knocked him to the ground. "Cell! i found you!" is was a girl's voice. the femmie hugged cell for a few more seconds and then finally got off of him, offering her hand out to help him up. "sorry!" she looked him up and down, her crimson optics glowing brighter than his blue ones. "What happened to you?" before Cell could answer, Alice had spoken up.

"wait, isn't she a bad guy, a Decepticon or something?" she asked pointing at the purple insignia on what looked like a necklace around the newcomers neck. "and her eyes they are the same color as the decepticons!" she pointed at the femmie's optics. The two robots laughed at Alice. "what?" the robots both sat down on the ground cross legged, so the humans wouldn't have to crane their neck so much.

"This is a good friend of mine, Dragonfly, she WAS a decepticon." Cell pointed at her optics and insignia. "but a serious memory glitch wiped her memory clean. Prime decided that she should be an autobot, and convinced her to join us." He smiled. "now she can be like Arrow, a spy."

"so basicly you took advantage of a decepticon who didn't even know that she was a decepticon? and who is Arrow?" Lizzy asked. Dragonfly laughed.

"well technically they saved me, another decepticon was going to put me offline because it would be two hard to train me from scratch again." She explained. "Arrow is a decepticon who chose to be an autobot. you should meet her! she is extremely nice to you little humans." She turned to Cell. "oh Cell. Prime wants to know where you are... when you sent that message about finding new information about the decepticons, he tried to contact you." She looked at Cell's newest injures."did your comm get busted again?"

Cell nodded sadly. "a certain HUMAN hit me with a bat..." He glared at Alice, who frowned and mumbled something about protecting her sister. Then he spun his head around so that Dragonfly could see the dent in his comm. "you can fly back to Prime and tell us to meet him outside of mission city. that way i can tell him myself. if i tell you right now, a Decepticon could attack you. two of them have attacked me already. one was bonecrusher, the other was Barriade." at the sound of bonecrusher's name, Dragonfly frowned.

"i thought he was Offline?" she asked him, he shook his head.

"he is now, but Megatron had brought him back online. He attacked me this morning. I put him back Offline. I finally got my revenge for what he did to me." cell's hand traced the scratch on his side. then he shook his head. "go, find Prime and tell him to meet me tomorrow. the information couldn't be told to him by comm link. they can intercept it."

With a nod, Dragonfly jumped off the ground and hovered in the air for a second in robot mode. "Ratchet and i are coming too! Don't do anything reckless, get some rest too." she transformed and flew off. Cell Waved and brought his attention to the girls who sat on their suitcases, yawning.

"C'mon let's get some sleep. Tomorrow things will be quite a day, you will get to met Optimus Prime." He laughed and transformed. leaving the doors open for them to climb in. Within a hour, the two sibligs where asleep. Unknown to them, BoneCrusher had seen and heard everything the Autobot and glitched Decepticon had said.

(okay IM NOT GIVING UP! i got a rather good group of ideas runnin through my head for my other story... i think... plus i have left that one on a cliffhanger-ish thing so it is this ones turn. Thanks for readin) (wow i feel like im talkin to myself....)

User Comments: [6] [add]
BlitzWings girl
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 10, 2009 @ 02:02am
lolz inhaled.....

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 10, 2009 @ 02:08am
lolz inhaled.....

BlitzWings girl
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 10, 2009 @ 02:16am
well i inhale Pancakes, i thought it would be funny ^.^

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 10, 2009 @ 02:45am
you put metal THREE times in the first new paragraph...... eek

BlitzWings girl
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 11, 2009 @ 07:11am
I love the story!! It is funny and got me hooked XD
I really want to see more of it, you got talent writing wink

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 31, 2009 @ 05:46am
Why is it that I keep geeking out every time I think of Transformers!

Vamja Pirate
Community Member
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