broken...yet not destroyed..
she tries to make me hide...she tries to make me cry..when will she let me in? when will she let me love?..she doesnt know what she done...the actions she done, has cost everyone dearly..especially allies have turned into pointed and heart has crumbled and cracked...yet the iron bars still hold within me..iron bars that still hold the crumbling building..still seeing faith to obtain that hold my hands between her loving arms and be with natures jewel and to see that be near and hold her be with her...forever...for i will hold her hand and destroy her obstacles..she thinks they harm me or what she does, yet it only makes me STRONGER! like a muscle, growing and and pulsing, making thy heart brighter and more sturdier..i am unique within her mind...please let me in that throne again...i love you..and thats what thrives in my heart and mind..what my heart beats every time, i love you..and i want to be with you even the worst of times, for i will calm the storm with my stern gaze, and courageous eyes..and my willing mind, i shall prevail and win all fights in the name of you...i love you and i always will be make you happy and clear within the clouds of darkness, so i may be your light and angel..i love you, no matter how much you think whats good, i know whats love you, oh angel O goddess in my heart and eyes..