Hellooo, My name is: Momi Naka

Look how old am I!: 17

This is my B-Day: September 3

What is my sexulaity!?: Staright

The doctors and everyone else know im a: Male

Im like this: Happy and sorta a sex addict.

My Likes:The ladies, video games, people and animals.

My Dislikes:Hypocrites and show-offs.

What really catches my eye: Busty girls who love video games.

Let me tell you a little story about myself: Well.... I am a cool kid who no one messes with. I love girls and have had 3 ex-s who still love me. I am a video game nerd, ask me any game help, Ill beat it. I love animals, there are so viciouis and cute! Im also a people person. Busty girls catch my eye because their f***ing hot! I love girls.

My appearance: I stand a good 6'1 and 145 pounds. White long hair that reach down to my back. Dresses in Green and Black. Tan skin tone. Im lean and good-looking. Blue eyes. Always wears a sharktooth necklace. You can sometimes see me wearing a fedora and riding a skate board.

Mostly likely to look like: User Image