Good bye Gaia. It was nice being here for like....only three years. D: Dayum. (I totally would've joined earlier but in 2003 computer access=horrible) Anyways, I'll be leaving you my lover. =[ I apologize it's just I need to take a step back from Gaia because truthfully I've been rather bitchy towards Gaia (Ex. The journal entry that I deleted...). -Ahem- I apologize for my ungratefulness (if that's a word). I'll tell you though, I learned about Gaia through Neopets. D: I was twelve and I was realizing that I was getting too old for taking care of pets. Dx Pahaha. This girl had posted a topic saying that she was selling her Faerie Doll (OMG. I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID THAT) and I went on there to lurk (like I always do) and she said that she was leaving to a place called Gaia Online. Curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself typng that into google and found myself inhis beautiful site (but a lot different looking). First thing that caught my eye was the fact that you go cute anime looking avatars (since that was basically the basis of Gaia and also were the forums) so I joined and Neopets drowned in the toilet. -flushflushflush- I didn't regret it either. I liked Gaia. It was awesome with it's manga and mini comics and I loved reading what happened. I came to this site when Ian wasn't at the shop so when I heard about putting Ian back in shops I went to the manga to read up on Gaia history. It made me feel like I was part of this crazy world known as Gaia, something that several sites do not do.
Gaia was a second home for me. I remember getting in trouble for going onto this site for too long and also yelling at my sister to join. From my sister I asked my cousins to join and before I knew it, all the cousin's on my mom's side of the family had joined Gaia Online. C: It was wonderful. I remember when I went all googly eyed for the Winter Rose. My friend on my old account (which was hacked) helped me save up 15k for it. (Yes, it wasn't 80k back then =D) It was great, the old arenas and voting people with a ten and going to towns with friends. BAhahaa~! THE FOUNTAIN GLITCH. I know it wasn't that long ago but I remember when everyone was like, "WHAT'S THE GLITCH? HOW DO YOU DO IT?" I was one of those people. D: And nobody told you. But, yeah, it was great. I REMEMBER STAYING UP REALLY LATE BECAUSE WE WERE TRYING TO GET 100k PEOPLE ON THE SITE AT THE SAME TIME. OMG. THAT WAS FUN/end capslock. Back then.
When they first gave us 25 GCash each, I was glad I had mules. I spent my cash in a day, then they came out with the Cash Shop. What did I do? Go to Maplestory. I found out that they had a Cash Shop too. I was angry because you couldn't change your damn face, hair, haircolor, eye color without money. By that time thoughts of Gaia faded and I gave in. I spent a lot of money on Maplestory. Damn that was stupid and then I came back to Gaia only to find out my account was hacked...again. But, I've been here long enough to see what Gaia was and how it changed. Personally, it's sad. I remember actually buy MC's and not these Cash Shop items. Sure, it's to pay the bills, but I wish Gaia wasn't focused on money money money. Maybe something we will enjoy. I heard there's gonna be a Summer Event. Is that my ray of hope? I am tired of going on the site and seeing awesome Cash Shop items and crappy MC's. I mean, the Koi and the Wolf thing? Really? How come the MC's have become to "another thing you can buy with cash, but hey~! Why spend your money on that? Spend your money on an Evolving Item~!" MC's really don't seem worth it. They have turned ugly and, tell you the truth, crappy. Why do the EI's have to be awesome looking? Why can't the MC's look as freaking detailed and original as the EI's? What I'm really asking is why can't things be more focused on the community of Gaia? Why is everything based on money? The Masquerade is something I would love to buy! Yet, I realized that the things in it can easily be released in Skin Tyte or in an extension of Salon Durem. Not anEI.
Gaia used to be like my giant family to me. What happened to my family? It's sights have faltered. Money has gone in the way. Why couldn't they update stuff more often? Why can't more mangas come out like the used to? Why can't there be more mini comics that came out? The last time a mini comic came out was in EASTER. The last housing update was TWO YEARS AGO. The last Evolving Item Report was yesterday. Another EI update will be next Friday.
Do you understand what I am saying? Anything that includes money from us users has a set scheduel. Sure, some EI's are delayed (Diapered Egg) but, look at the Housing update. The Mini Comic update. Manga update was for Prom. I know that it's for keeping the site up. I really understand. I'm not asking Gaoa to take away the Cash Shop, I'm asking them to realize that they do not have robots as members. As a member of Gaia, I hope and pray that something that has nothing to do with money is updated or added or whatever. I just want them to remember that there are still members out they who can't spend their money on every EI or MC or Cash Shop item that they want. I know, I need to get a job. I can't I'm fifteen (WTF NO JOBS @ 15 WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THAT). My parents have kicked out the people at the rent house so we have to pay for two houses now. BESIDES THAT (I wandered off sweatdrop ), members who cannot buy stuff have to quest. Questing isn't fun nor is playing booty grab for hours. But, please put into consideration that we want to have fun. We want to have awesome events. Personally, I do not want to be stuck around on forums lurking because I have nothing better to do and I feel like a dork when I say something. Really, I have a panic attack and my grammar is constantly checked and so is my spelling. I make sure I type everything correctly and that everything makes sense. This takes a while, so I don't bother really doing anything. Also, going to towns sucks because scriptors make me say stupid things, rally sucks because all these wanna be gangsters go on there with usernames like, _Swagg4lyfe_ and that shnap. D: No. I want to enjoy the site again. I want to know that there will be another manga update soon or that there would be another mini comic this week. I want to know something that I can really enjoy will be coming out soon. Is that so hard to accomplish?
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[Kuroshitsuji <3]
Questing Any Enchanted Book Gen. -wink wink nudge nudge-
[Kuroshitsuji <3]
Questing Any Enchanted Book Gen. -wink wink nudge nudge-