Good-bye old year hello new! |
I always hated the new year because I am one of those people that love old stuff. I love used games! I love old houses! I even love old people! But thinking over times that I had with friends and family. Just makes me hate a new year! My thoughts of them well be shatter by new ones of hate or love. I just hate it! Especially since I am going to a new school next year! But as the clock is ticking I need to thank people that helped me this year to get me by... Ona-san Stormi, people on gaia, Ona-san Amy, Aunt Trish, Uncle Harry, Oka-san, Papa-san, Illya-senpie, Teddy-kun, Ashley, Ony-san Travis, Bryan-kun, Ony-san Willie, Ona-san Ashley, Ona-san Chrissy, Ony-san Paul, Not born nephew no name, Wenesday, Mr. Panda, Uncle Harold, Catrine, J.W., Rachel, softball buddies, my anime, and all of the ones my small brain can't think of. We had good times we had bad times. I don't know why this is like a fuernal for me. I just can't say that I would like to start over new. But it is life! THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!
anime_fairy_freak · Sat Dec 31, 2005 @ 12:27am · 3 Comments |